Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message 'asking for help', frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith

Mỹ HoaMar 01, 2025 at 13:15

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In recent days, the incident revolving around Ms. Thu Hoa - the mother of bab.y Corn, a pediatric patient with cancer being treated in Singapore, has attracted the attention of the public.

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 1

Bab.y Corn has been helped by donors for a long time, but now public opinion is loudly asking Ms. Thu Hoa and Pham Thoai to make statements, clarify the revenues and expenditures related to the amount of nearly 17 billion helped by sponsors. Bab.y Corn's mother has repeatedly shared that she is a single mother, in addition to taking care of her chil.d with cancer, there is also 1 bab.y in her hometown, she has to livestream sales to have income to maintain her life. In a recent statement, Thu Hoa said that after the divorce in 2021, her ex-husband's family still called to visit the bab.y, but she did not keep in touch with Corn's father.

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 2

In the face of these developments, producer Trinh Tu Trung attracted attention when he released a message that was once verified by an account with a green tick that the owner named Le Thi Thu Hoa - that is, bab.y Bob's mother, sent a message asking for help in early 2024. In the message at that time, Bab.y Bob's mother still mentioned her ex-husband, saying that the two were raising 2 children, not mentioning that they were being single mothers. Thu Hoa also said that on January 3, 2024, her husband borrowed 30 million VND for her chil.d to continue treatment. Many people think that this detail proves that Thu Hoa and bab.y Bob's father are still taking care of their chil.d together, not cutting off contact as she just shared recently.

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 3

In the midst of this inconsistent information, Trinh Tu Trung shared: "I'm not afraid to help people, I'm just afraid of helping people who aren't worth it, and of course that 'worth it or not' will be decided by myself. In the past few days, I have been following the events of bab.y Corn's mother, but also just to follow, until this morning reading the newspaper, bab.y Corn's mother said that she is a 'single mother who has divorce.d her husband since the end of 2021', it is completely different from the situation of her and her husband in the message she sent to me in January 2024. So what is the joke? Once discredited and ten thousand times distrusted."

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 4

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 5

Regarding the incident of Corn's mother and Pham Thoai, in mid-June 2024, the male tiktoker with millions of views announced for the first time that he would accompany Corn's mother and daughter during the bo.y's treatment. According to Pham Thoai's sharing, the cost of treatment is very high, so Mother Corn does everything she can do to sell goods outside, ship rented goods, borrow mone.y everywhere, and wander around begging for mone.y,... To help 2 mothers and children, Pham Thoai instructed Thu Hoa to livestream sales.

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 6

At the end of October 2024, Pham Thoai said that he had lent Thu Hoa 800 million VND to be urgently hospitalized because Bab.y Corn's situation suddenly became serious. On November 4, 2024, Pham Thoai called on the community to help Nuc's mother and daughter,... At that time, Pham Thoai and his family planned to take Nuc to China for treatment, the cost was estimated at 4 billion VND, plus incurring, traveling, eating falls into the range of 6-7 billion. Because he could not turn over a large amount of mone.y i.n a short time, Thoai asked for support. Pham Thoai's appeal received a response from the community. Not only netizens but many celebrities such as Hang Du Muc, Mailisa also know and send support, each person 100 million VND. On November 7, 2024, Thu Hoa and Pham Thoai took bab.y Corn to Singapore for treatment.

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 7

In the livestream with Pham Thoai with more than 600k eyes that took place on the evening of February 26, Ms. Thu Hoa filmed while still in the hospital in Singapore to take care of her son. She also confirmed that bab.y Corn is still being treated at the hospital and has been transplanted with CarT, and her health is improving. At the same time, she denied the negative rumors on social media recently.

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 8

Regarding porcelain teeth, she affirmed that she had been doin.g i.t since before bab.y Corn was sick in 2015 and 2023, the amount was paid in monthly installments. Regarding taking a business class plane when going to Singapore and using a good phone, Thu Hoa said that it was because everyone gave 2 mothers and children. Regarding the fact that her eldest son is studying at an international school in her hometown, Thu Hoa said that her tuition fee is only about 4-5 million/month, not 30 million/month as rumored and supported by her 2 sisters. Regarding marriage, she recounted that she divorce.d at the end of 2021, at that time her husband's family in My Tan still kept in touch normally, except for her ex-husband.

Mother Corn was leaked by 1 male star with a message asking for help, frustrated because of the joke, fans lost faith - Photo 9

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