Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father

Hoàng PhúcJan 04, 2023 at 16:50

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Huu Cong used to be an actor who received a lot of attention when participating in the hit sitcom series many years ago. However, in the midst of his artistic career, he chose to put it all aside to focus on business and family.

Huu Cong is a multi-talented guy who is loved by many friends. He is well known for his role as Doctor Hoang Nghiem in the sitcom "Funny Reporters".

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 1

Born into a typical farming family in Hung Yen, Huu Cong is the youngest in a family of 3 sisters. He has had an artistic talent since childhood, so he started participating in art at an early age organized by the school.

After graduating from high school, Huu Cong passed the exam and majored in acting - theater - cinema of Hanoi College of Arts. By the 2nd year, he started taking part-time jobs by taking on a few small roles. The m.oney he earns is enough to cover his studies.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 2

After participating in the sitcom "Funny Reporters". Huu Cong played the role of doctor Hoang Nghiem then he was more known to the audience.

In addition, he also participated in a few TV series such as: Uncle Ho with traditional martial arts or Hanoi Tet in the past and present... Huu Cong is quite agile in catching the trends of young people, so the source of his experience. His economy is quite stable. Besides, he also participates in many advertisements on online websites, his income is increasing day by day.

Marrying a wife, quit acting, focus on business and have a luxury house

Before marrying his current wife, Huu Cong had a period of love with hotgirl Linh Miu, but the couple went their separate ways.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 3

Talking about his former love, Huu Cong frankly: "I am the definitive type. Now that I have a wife, my wife is always number 1 in my heart. Linh Miu and I have not been in touch for a long time. My point is that if it's over, let it go, don't think about it anymore. Last wedding I invited Linh's mother and she also attended."

Meanwhile, Linh Miu also affirmed: "We have broken up for a long time, so I don't care who Cong loves to marry whom".

When Huu Cong got married, Linh Miu accused her ex-boyfriend of having physically affected her when she was still in love. In response to Linh Miu's statements, Huu Cong said that his ex-girlfriend used his way of lowering his honor to PR for his product.

Talking about his ex-girlfriend's influence, he did not deny that there was a struggle when the two argued, every time Linh asked to leave, he was the one holding back, leading to a f.ight. At that time, Linh scratched and he responded with 1-2 slaps for Linh Miu because she had repeatedly insulted his parents' honor. Besides, the actor also revealed that he found Linh Miu in the hotel with another man after arguing with him.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 4

The actor also hinted that there was another shocking truth that he said because it would end Linh Miu's career. "I'm very sad when I have to write down unwanted things, but I need to regain my honor after being smeared by Linh Miu in the newspaper. My wife also advised me not to quarrel because things will not work out. but I'm really upset and have to say it, I was about to say it after Linh Miu released the MV and accepted to turn me into a chess piece in Linh Miu's dirty PR trick. The one I'm most worried about is my wife because after settling down, we just want to focus on work and build a home, not getting caught up in such noise."

Meanwhile, Linh Miu's side responded with a long post on the fanpage just before the launch of the new MV Dai Kho, denying that it offended Huu Cong's parents. The actress confirmed that she was someone who had a lot of love for his parents and felt sorry for the two when she decided to break up with her ex-boyfriend.

Talking about entering the hotel with another man, Linh Miu explained that it was a time when she was drunk and was helped by her best friend to rest and had geolocation enabled for Huu Cong to find her. Not only that, the actress also accused her ex-boyfriend of being a fool in the matter of m.oney when holding an electric motorbike that she contributed m.oney to buy or intended to rob her fanpage for business.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 5

After the above noise, the two no longer mention each other in the media.

Currently, Huu Cong has retired from acting. He turned to online marketing and fashion business. In particular, Huu Cong was stunned when he bought a house in Hanoi with an area of up to 160m2, worth 7 billion VND. He revealed that this is the property that he and his wife have accumulated for a long time, because the actor himself arranged the layout and asked the architect to draw the 3D drawings.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 6

In addition to doing more and more favorable business, Huu Cong also surprised the audience with his current appearance. In 2021, he publicly talked about cosmetic interventions to have a satisfactory nose. After "reconstruction", he was commented to be more beautiful than when he was unmarried. However, because he has not been active in the entertainment industry for a long time, the actor also takes little care of his b.ody, so it is easy to see that he is quite "fertile" compared to the time he entered showbiz.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 7

Wife got pregnant 4 times to become a father

Having a beautiful wife, a luxurious house and a lovely l.ittle g.irl, she thought that life was only pink, but Huu Cong's marriage also encountered many difficulties. After a month of marriage, he heard that his wife was pregnant, which brought him emotional turmoil. But when the pregnancy was 4 months old, the doctor discovered the b.aby had problems, he and his wife had to despair to let the b.aby go. The second pregnancy, although no abnormality was detected, the b.aby did not stay with him and his wife.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 8

For the third time, Thuy Tien was pregnant with twins. The couple had to f.ight to keep their children, but after just 12 weeks, the babies couldn't help it either.

Experiencing successive events, even if they want to let go, next to them is still their family that gives them vitality and energy. Huu Cong was always by his side to take care of his wife, his wife's parents also took advantage of all the work at home to encourage and prevent Thuy Tien from falling into extremes.

At the 4th pregnancy, through a fertility treatment doctor, his wife learned that she had a pair of chromosomes that were misaligned, which was also the cause of the unstable fetal formation process. From here, his wife has to undergo treatment for 34 weeks, from the 3rd week of pregnancy to keep the b.aby, hoping for the b.aby to be born.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 9

The couple said that during the 5 months of pregnancy, each week they spent 5 million dong on medicine, not to mention the cost of examination, testing, and screening premium package. Up to 40 weeks pregnant, the b.aby was born by caesarean section. The b.oy was named Lam Phong by his parents. "Thief" the b.oy is healthy, obedient and grows up to be even more adorable.

After years of facing many events, Huu Cong and his wife are now enjoying the fullness of their beautiful son.

Huu Cong: Quit acting for business, broke up with Linh Miu to get married, his wife was pregnant 4 times to be a father - Photo 10

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