Vụ kẹo rau Quang Linh - Thùy Tiên: Chuyên gia truyền thông vào cuộc, nói cực gắt

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On the afternoon of March 14, after the press meeting of Quang Linh Vlogs group, Hang Du Muc and CER Group representative about the advertisement with signs of false information "1 candy equals a plate of vegetables", Huan Hoa Hong posted a harsh status about Hang Du Muc and sympathized with Quang Linh.
Huan Hoa Hong wrote: "I don't want to push anyone into a corner. From my perspective, this is Quang Linh's incident. To me, he is very honest and gentle." After that, Huan Hoa Hong analyzed and criticized Hang Du Muc and thought that Hang Du Muc's apology did not necessarily mea.n he was regretful.
"The problem is that she is willing to sell poor quality food. Blowing them up with advertisements to deceive her own countrymen. Those who said I was worthless defended her when they saw me taking pictures with her ex-husband. Until now, I still do not blame anyone, because you have the right to like or dislike, but objectively speaking, if it were only with your support, Hang Du Muc could not have become what it is now," Huan Hoa Hong wrote.
To explain his argument, Huan Hoa Hong expressed regret that Hang Du Muc's ex-husband sold his house, car, and company to build his wife's image; but in the end, he received an unfortunate ending and suffered a lot of scanda.l and harsh criticism from the online community.
"It's normal for couples who don't love each other to divorc.e; but with a bad reputation, Ton Bang still can't justify himself in Vietnam. If he knew he would be talked about like that, he would never come to Vietnam, let alone sell goods. However, he still came here innocently and when he heard everyone talking about how he was scandalized, his smile disappeared. He was shocked because he didn't expect Hang Du Muc to go to the media to get sympathy and didn't know her true nature," Huan Hoa Hong continued the status.
Huan Hoa Hong continued harshly: "Hang Du Muc sells poor quality, unknown origin products regardless of profit and only apologizes when discovered, but in her mind it is a plan. So what do you expect from an apology? Continue to support her? She will continue to disappoint you."
On the same afternoon, Quang Linh Vlogs, Hang Du Muc and representatives of CER Group held a press conference to apologize and answer questions related to the advertisement of Kera vegetables "1 candy equals a whole plate of vegetables". Quang Linh Vlogs, Hang Du Muc and representatives of Cer Group bowed their heads to apologize to customers and the public after the exaggerated advertisement of the product.
Quang Linh also affirmed that KERA vegetable candy cannot replace green vegetables: "When we eat vegetables with KERA candy, it will supplement nutrition for the body, it cannot replace vegetables. I have never said that this product can replace vegetables on social networks."
Not only that, Quang Linh Vlogs attracted attention when he announced that he would temporarily stop livestreaming to sell products and return to Africa, in line with his previous role in Angola. "Before the incident of using the wrong term on livestream, I had already stopped livestreaming to sell products. As announced on the previous livestream, I will be taking a very long break," Quang Linh said.
Also at the event, Hang Du Muc burst into tears and bowed her head in apology. She said she would support refunds for customers who had purchased the product. "In the event that the customer has used the product and no longer has it, and wants to return it, we will still support refunds for the customer. Customers just need to open their purchase history on TikTok, provide the order code and we will refund.
In case the customer has purchased but not used the product, they only need to provide the order code, we will proceed to recall the product and refund," said Hang Du Muc.
Quang Linh chối đây đẩy 1 điều ở họp báo, công bố đã bán 100.000 hộp kẹo rau Phúc Sen10:39:14 15/03/2025Sản phẩm kẹo rau củ của CTY CER Group (Chị Em Rọt) gây tranh cãi khi được quảng bá với những phát ngôn như một viên kẹo bằng một bó rau hay ăn 2-3 viên là đủ chất xơ mỗi ngày .
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