H.ot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing

Hoàng PhúcSep 09, 2022 at 07:22

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Regarding the fact that he runs a p.rostitution line up to tens of thousands of dollars per night, although the identities of the actors, beauty queens, and models involved in the case have not been officially announced, many sources have leaked. The leak shows that it's not Thu Thuy or Thuy Tien, but h.ot g.irl Tran Thanh Tam is the one being called by fans right now.

Recently, the online community is constantly buzzing about the two names TT and TH, who are said to be famous Miss in Vietnam, related to the p.rostitution line of Le Hoang Long (31 years old, living in Hai Phong). ). Immediately, a series of names were brought into question. Among them is h.ot g.irl fried egg Tran Thanh Tam.

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 1

Although only in doubt, many netizens have gone to the hotgirl's personal page to leave thousands of sarcastic comments about her: "Speaking of an ancestor is very good for my career; Why do you cut so many wastes; Talent If you can't do anything, you can make offerings to the ancestors. If you get 60 bulbs, it's a bit bitter. At the age of Ti, you've gone to work selling flowers."

When attacked by the online community, Tran Thanh Tam was surprised: "What's the matter?".

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 2

Although working as a model, actor, and Tiktoker, Tran Thanh Tam's talent is not well received by many people. In particular, previous objectionable statements made Tran Thanh Tam's image even more ugly.

Before that, with the initials and the photo that was taken with, Thuy Tien was the name that many people mentioned in the above incident. Although many viewers voiced their defense and the management company confirmed the schedule of Miss Thuy Tien and would ask for legal intervention, the rumors have not shown any signs of stopping.

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 3

Recently, Ms. Pham Kim Dung - director of the management company Thuy Tien officially spoke up for the queen before the storm of public opinion. And notice that Thuy Tien's lawyer is preparing the necessary procedures to send to the agency and sue those who have fabricated statements.

Ms. Kim Dung said: "We will sue in court those who fabricate and slander speakers for the purpose of humiliating and insulting other people's honor. This is an immoral act and should be severely punished by the law." .

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 4

She continued to emphasize and petition the investigative agency to clearly disclose the identity of the person participating in the p.rostitution ring that social networks are spreading rumors about to avoid affecting unrelated people.

Pham Kim Dung emphasized: "We earnestly request that the investigative agency clearly disclose the identities of the people in the s.ex trafficking ring that social networks are gossiping about, rather than letting TT or TH, so as not to affect them. to other artists and runner-ups, especially Miss Thuy Tien".

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 5

In addition, Ms. Kim Dung affirmed that all the Miss Runners under her company are girls with good knowledge and moral character, useful to the community. Always working hard and dedicated, so ready to sue the individuals and organizations that offend him.

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 6

In addition to Thuy Tien, 3 beauties, Nong Thuy Hang, Thu Thuy and MC Thanh Thanh Huyen were also called because their names start with the letters TH and TT.

Although the truth is unknown, the beauties have suffered greatly because of the "unfounded" curiosity of the online community. Less than 24 hours since the incident broke out, the beauty queens and beauty Thanh Thanh Huyen also simultaneously spoke out in front of this scandal.

Specifically, in an article, an account asked where Thu Thuy went on August 25 - coinciding with the time when the p.rostitution line of Tu Ong "Le Hoang Long" was dismantled. Thu Thuy immediately responded to this negative comment. The queen wrote: "Everyone is so funny. I'm still busy cycling!".

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 7

The most expensive female MC at the moment, Thanh Thanh Huyen, is now also "sticked" because of the abbreviation TH But don't let the network department wonder more and go too far from the story. The beauty frankly spoke up with a story on her personal page.

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 8

She wrote: "I am leading every day and now also give the world travel a.ward, don't gossip."

Hot g.irl fried egg is suspected of being involved in a 15k USD travel line, "Miss tycoon" begs for 1 thing - Photo 9

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