Quang Le was stoned for leaving in the middle of a music night to commemorate Duc Tien, the reason for the controversy

Đình Như17:27:00 11/06/2024
Participating in the farewell performance of his colleague Duc Tien, Quang Le was suddenly criticized for his sad attitude. After that, some viewers defended this singer when they thought that this was a way of showing professionalism.Binh Phuong told a strange phenomenon at the funeral of Duc Tien's husband, sobbing for his daughter

Gia Nhi12:31:19 10/06/2024
Miss Binh Phuong - the wife of the late actor Duc Tien had choking shares after her husband's funeral took place. It has been 2 weeks since her husband left, Binh Phuong still does not stop grieving when recalling memories.Lamenting Duc Tien's daughter waving three last times, Binh Phuong cried for 12 hours

Uyển Đình09:12:17 01/06/2024
After the funeral Mass at Saint Barbara Church, his wife and children and a delegation of people who loved the late artist Duc Tien took his body to be buried at Westminster Memorial Park Cemetery on May 30.Duc Tien revealed a rare photo taken with Phi Nhung during his lifetime, revealing even more heartbreaking details

Châu Anh15:30:07 31/05/2024
The photo of Duc Tien taken with Phi Nhung was shared by a friend, making many people feel sorry. Both are talented artists who passed away when they were quite young, with many unfinished ambitions.Duc Tien cheerfully appeared on TV for the last time, his close friend revealed spiritual details

Bảo Nam09:49:31 26/05/2024
Recently, the program "House with Guests" aired with the participation of the late actor Duc Tien. It is known that this week's episode was filmed more than a week ago and is also one of the last shows of the ill-fated former supermodel.Duc Tien's funeral was 10 days late, a female singer took charge of everything for Binh Phuong

Gia Nhi16:11:44 23/05/2024
After the shock of actor Duc Tien's sudden death, fans are currently interested in information about the late actor's funeral. Accordingly, a female singer came forward and said she would take care of Duc Tien's funeral in the US and wanted it to be as neat as Phi Nhung's funeral.Duc Tien's funeral: Mother collapsed, revealed last call, a colleague was upset

Thảo Mai21:42:52 21/05/2024
At her youngest son's funeral, Mrs. Anh tearfully looked at the continuous flow of people coming in and out, her eyes lost after many sleepless nights when she heard that Duc Tien had passed away suddenly in America.
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