Late artist Tuan Duong: "Red Hair Xuan" is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion

SnowDec 06, 2023 at 17:47

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Tuan Duong was a familiar face to the audience in the late 80s and early 90s. He is best known for playing the role of Red-haired Xuan in the play adaptation of the novel "Red Number" by writer Vu Trong Phong.

Actor Tuan Duong, whose full name is Nguyen Tuan Duong, was born in 1952, in Hanoi to a family with no artistic tradition. Mom and Dad were both military doctors. After graduating from high school 3, his family wanted him to follow his parents' profession, becoming a doctor.

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 1

However, after learning for a while, Tuan Duong voluntarily quit because he felt unsuitable, and decided to join the army. After that, he passed the 6th Faculty of Popular Culture (1983 - 1987) at Hanoi University of Culture.

Having a university degree in hand, the actor again went to teach dance at the House of Culture and the Palace of Culture in Hanoi. On one occasion when he had just finished teaching dance, he came across the troupe rehearsing "Red Number" but had not found anyone to play the character of Red Haired Xuan, he auditioned for the role and did not expect to act again.

Later, the play was toured extensively in the country and received acclaim from the audience. The character of Red-haired Xuan put Tuan Duong's mark on the path of acting. This was also his lifelong and popular role in the 1989-90s.

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 2

In the process of developing his career, Tuan Duong almost exclusively worked at the People's Police troupe, then retired. The highest rank is Lieutenant Colonel of Police. The public often referred to him by the familiar name of Lieutenant Colonel Tuan Duong.

In his acting career, Tuan Duong specializes in playing connected comedy roles and is graded by directors as farmers, village chiefs, or husbands who are afraid of his wife. Famous films with his participation include: Land and People, Village on the Edge of the City, Past Stories, Tent, Programming for the Heart (as King Quynh Nga's Crocodile father).

Other films such as: "Pieces of Life Across the Left" (as Mr. To), The Way to the Lair (as B.ig Brother Hung the Eagle), Believing in the Impossible (as Mr. Selling Bread), When the Birds Return (as Mr. Da),...

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 3

In addition to the above works, Tuan Duong also appeared in many comedy skits in the program such as: Weekend Meeting or Laughter Gala. Besides, he is also known as a voice artist for foreign films or films produced by Vietnam Television. In his old age, he joined the People's Police troupe and acted in dramas as well as comedy roles.

In 2013, Tuan Duong died of cancer, leaving grief and loss for the art village of his country. Looking back at the roles of the late artist, few people guess the real age because he possesses a young face, always has a friendly smile. However, behind that smile is an artist with his own silences.

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 4

Tuan Duong married late in 2009 and has no children. Recalling the late artist's acting career, perhaps the role that left the biggest impression on the audience was the role of Red Haired Xuan in the play adaptation of the novel "Red Number" by writer Vu Trong Phong.

Theater lovers in the 80s and 90s must remember Tuan Duong's thin image, small figure but constant smile in this role.

In the play, there is a scene where Red-Haired Xuan carries Mrs. Fu Doan (played by Jade Rooster) into the room, but Tuan Yang is small and Jade Rooster is b.ig and fat, so he lets her slip to the ground. Actor Yu Rooster quickly acted out the opposite scene, as Mrs. Fu Duan held the red-haired Xuan, and said, "Well, let me carry you."

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 5

The audience gets a laugh and the crew decides to change the scene in the script. The play was toured extensively, receiving acclaim from the national public.

Sharing about his long-term friend and colleague, Huong Dung said: "Tuan Duong is passionate and enthusiastic, but perhaps, he is not lucky in his acting career.

He has not had the roles of his life, the roles when mentioned are immediately remembered by Tuan Duong. He has not been awarded an artist yet... Even in the acting profession, I feel sorry and sorry for Tuan Duong."

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 6

Referring to the private life of the late artist, friends and colleagues commented that Tuan Duong number is simple. All his life he lived his life to the fullest for art, working with all enthusiasm and passion. Outwardly cheerful and funny, but few people know that his life has many sorrows.

Tuan Duong knew he had esophageal cancer in 2012, but he has always been passionate about acting and acting in films and plays. In particular, the actor is also a very good voice actor and has a very characteristic voice, not to be confused with anyone.

He often undertakes dubbing work for foreign films or films produced by Vietnam Television. When the tumor inserted into his larynx, he could no longer speak, he was very upset and always hid from the crew about his illness.

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 7

Therefore, most of the artists who acted with and worked with Tuan Duong did not know he was sick, people just saw that he was always optimistic, smiling, teasing people, as he had always been.

"Life Game" is one of the last films in Tuan Duong's acting career. By the time VTV started filming, he knew he had cancer. But he refused chemotherapy or radiation therapy for fear of hair loss, which would affect the crew and the image of the character he played.

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 8

In Tuan Duong, people always see optimism and humor. Even when he was sick or in pain, he did not complain half a word, but always encouraged those around him. To even dispel the sad atmosphere in the hospital, he taught dancing and singing to doctors and his roommates.

Tuan Duong's passing caused the public, relatives, friends and colleagues to regret it. The audience will forever remember a gentle, gentle actor and especially the smile "like Tuan Duong" that his colleagues still talk about him.

Late artist Tuan Duong: Red Hair Xuan is the most popular Vietnamese screen, living life to the fullest with passion - Photo 9

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