
Topic: Bridegroom

Nam Em refused to have children with her fiancé, a truth that made everyone sad

Thảo Mai19:57:01 24/02/2024
Recently, the online community on the Tiktok platform is spreading a video recording Nam Em's confessions about childbirth. Notably, the beauty from Tien Giang affirmed that she has no intention of having children with her fiancé due to health problems.

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Nam Em confessed to asking rich people for m.oney and announced to stop livestreaming to avoid trouble

Châu Anh11:23:40 24/02/2024
After the noise and shocking statements on the livestream, Nam Em attracted attention again when he confessed that he once held m.oney from a rich man. Besides, the beauty from Tien Giang also suddenly announced that she would stop livestreaming to return to nature.

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Nam Em's was canceled, a series of colleagues boycotted, and was m.urdered because of livestream noise?

Thảo Mai09:51:43 24/02/2024
On February 23, Huu Cuong - Nam Em's boyfriend had a new post on his personal page. Amid the noise with his girlfriend Nam Em's livestream on social networks, every move of the couple received the attention of netizens.

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Nam Em announced that he composed music for Truong Giang and his old love, the lyrics are full of regret?

JLO07:15:55 24/02/2024
In recent days, Nam Em is a name that has attracted special attention from public opinion because this beauty continuously organizes livestreams on her personal page. After being condemned, she apologized.

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Nam Em admitted being "addicted" and persisted in livestreaming despite being "touched" by the Department of Information and Communications.

Châu Anh15:24:06 23/02/2024
Nam Em is currently the focus of public opinion with livestreams containing controversial content on social networks. After the Department of Information and Communications of Ho Chi Minh City stepped in, thinking that the beauty would temporarily live in public, netizens were surprised to see that she continued to livestream to attract attention.

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Ms. Nam Em was isolated and alone at the event because of her sister's noise

Nguyễn Tuyết07:36:51 23/02/2024
After announcing to limit the use of social networks while his sister and future brother-in-law were caught up in a series of dramas, Nam Anh was just seen alone at the event.

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Nguyen Sin shouted "scolding" at Nam Em's husband, not afraid of direct confrontation

Quỳnh Quỳnh06:51:08 23/02/2024
In recent days, Nam Em has become the focus of public opinion when he continuously challenges and defames many Vbiz artists. Her husband-to-be also received a livestream, on the one hand defending his wife, on the other hand making shocking statements, being fiercely criticized by fans.

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Nam Em wrote a letter of apology, took all responsibility, and proposed to handle this element

Quỳnh Quỳnh15:24:12 22/02/2024
In recent days, Nam Em's vaguely revealing hidden side of showbiz has caused the entire internet to scramble to find his identity without knowing the truth. Recently, after the Department of Information and Communications of Ho Chi Minh City, Nam Em posted a long letter apologizing.

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Nam Em argued with her husband, screamed and cried on live, claiming to be a victim and being taken advantage of

JLO11:47:09 22/02/2024
On the evening of February 21, Nam Em continued to have a livestream that attracted a l.ot of attention from the online community. Tien Giang beauty once again caused a stir because of her strange expressions on live broadcast.

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Nam Em livestreamed, the Department of Information and Communications stepped in, the beauty queen timidly announced her temporary defeat

Minh Lợi06:48:27 21/02/2024
Regarding the incident of Nam Em regularly livestreaming controversial content on social networks, on February 20, talking to VietNamNet, a representative of the Department of Information and Communications of Ho Chi Minh City gave feedback.

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Being reminded by Duy Manh to "spray glue", her fiancé Nam Em decided to take revenge

Bình Minh17:53:59 20/02/2024
After being bluntly reminded by Duy Manh on the livestream, Nam Em's fiancé made a new move. Many people believe that the male businessman is secretly sending a message to the singer.

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Sam ignored Nam Em's name calling and carried his pregnant belly to go out with his friends

Bình Minh15:13:46 20/02/2024
Recently, Sam was suddenly called out by a colleague while he was peacefully waiting for the day he went into labor. The actress's reaction to the incident received sympathy from netizens.

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Duy Manh "teached" Nam Em, advised him one thing but was flatly rejected by his junior

Thảo Mai10:25:49 20/02/2024
In recent days, Nam Em has become the center of anger on social networks because of his livestreams revealing half-showbiz scandals, evoking netizens' associations with some Vietnamese stars but without providing specific evidence.

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Truong Giang was "insinuated" by her husband, Nam Em, and the beauty made a shocking statement

Thiên Di09:35:58 20/02/2024
Nam Em's noisy livestreams have recently attracted great attention from netizens. Not to be outdone, her fiancé also created a stir when he hinted at Truong Giang on the livestream.

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Nam Em's husband livestreamed to declare war on southern showbiz, dragging the Ministry of Culture into the fray

Uyển Đình06:57:55 20/02/2024
After publicizing her fiancé, Nam Em constantly got into a l.ot of bad noise. Recently, she and her fiancé often appear on livestreams to interact with the audience, and at the same time make shocking statements that attract attention.

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Nam Em reveals that Sam is the ex-girlfriend of her fiancé, declaring to wait for Mrs. Fang Hang

Bảo Nam16:13:20 19/02/2024
The livestream lasted nearly 3 hours, subtly mentioning many Vietnamese artists of Nam Em, causing netizens to talk. In one of them, she revealed the shocking news that a beauty named Touch A Plus M was the ex-girlfriend of her fiancé.

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Changjiang - Yanfang revealed in the midst of the storm of drama, how is the current divine form?

Hướng Dương09:32:35 19/02/2024
Constantly being shouted by Nam Em, Truong Giang and Nha Fang remained silent without moving. Until recently, the pet student Phat La shared the first move of the two.

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Nam Em rioted Nha Phuong's livestream, Phat Luo immediately rushed to turn off the live

Nguyễn Tuyết11:22:09 17/02/2024
While Nha Phuong was livestreaming to interact with Phat La, suddenly Nam Em appeared, causing many people to be surprised. This g.irl's actions were even more surprising.

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Nam Em launched her husband's house online, her father-in-law who planned to do 1 thing was immediately prevented

Thảo Mai15:15:16 16/02/2024
The beginning of the year is the time when family members gather with their families. Many boys and girls also choose New Year's Day to launch their lover's family. Not long ago, Nam Em flew to Hai Phong to prepare to visit her husband's house.

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Clip of Nam Em sitting in a supermarket shopping cart, livestreaming with viewers

Hoàng Phúc19:14:54 03/02/2024
Recently, Nam Em and her fiancé went shopping for Tet. However, the miss caused a stir on social media, causing people to be angry because she carried out a series of controversial actions at the supermarket.

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Nam Em publicly announced that she was in debt of 4 billion, and her fiancé immediately reacted violently

Bình Minh13:50:26 29/01/2024
Nam Em continues to become the center of attention when he publicly announces that he owes billions of dollars. Faced with this issue, many people are curious about how the beauty's fiancé will react.

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Nam Em's fiancé publicly defaulted on 120 billion in debt, the female singer asked a straightforward question

Uyển Đình09:34:01 29/01/2024
In recent days, the incident of Nam Em being in debt has attracted the attention of the online community. The story hasn't settled down yet, but recently, her fiancé also announced that he was in debt of 120 billion, causing a stir.

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Nam Em used vulgar words to answer the audience, implying doing something foolish on the livestream

Nguyễn Tuyết14:53:01 26/01/2024
Recently, the frequency of Nam Em and her fiancé livestreaming on social networks is quite frequent. Because of that, she received a l.ot of comments from netizens and lost her composure.

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Bach Cong Khanh talked about the noisy Queen Nam Em, the other person immediately reacted violently

Phượng Vũ11:31:53 25/01/2024
After the controversy over the bridge, Bach Cong Khanh spoke slowly about Nam Em when answering questions from the press. Being mentioned by her colleague's name, the beauty queen continued to make moves to attract attention.

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