Accused of ambiguity in insurance m.oney, Trinh Kim Chi magnanimously replied: 'Please keep the image for Mr. Thuong Tin'

Thư KỳDec 21, 2021 at 13:06

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Before being accused of being confused by his senior Thuong Tin in stealing insurance m.oney, Trinh Kim Chi recently officially spoke out about the case.

In February 2021, when the actor "Upside Down" was hospitalized due to a stroke. Due to the difficult situation, the hospital fees were too much, making Thuong Tin not enough m.oney to cover the hospital fees. Seeing the difficulty of the senior, Trinh Kim Chi stood up to use his prestige to call on the audience, sponsors everywhere to donate to help the seniors overcome the difficult period.

Accused of ambiguity in insurance m.oney, Trinh Kim Chi magnanimously replied: 'Please keep the image for Mr. Thuong Tin' - Photo 1

In four rounds of donations, Meritorious Artist Trinh Kim Chi has raised more than 400 million dong in cash for senior artist Thuong Tin.

After that, she gave some cash to Thuong Tin to cover her life and pay for hospital fees. With nearly 300 million dong left, Trinh Kim Chi decided to buy insurance for Thuong Tin's daughter until she was 1 year old.

Accused of ambiguity in insurance m.oney, Trinh Kim Chi magnanimously replied: 'Please keep the image for Mr. Thuong Tin' - Photo 2

Things would go smoothly, at the beginning of December 2021, Thuong Tin and his wife suddenly "turned the car" and wanted to get all this m.oney back.

To please the senior, Trinh Kim Chi's side also publicly handed over more than 244 million VND of insurance m.oney to Thuong Tin's daughter, which she still keeps until now, and asked Thuong Tin to keep her commitment to buy. Coverage for children up to the age of 18.

Accused of ambiguity in insurance m.oney, Trinh Kim Chi magnanimously replied: 'Please keep the image for Mr. Thuong Tin' - Photo 3

The incident seemed to have gone smoothly, but on December 20, the social network was stirred up by the information that the artist Thuong Tin accused Trinh Kim Chi of "ambiguous" about the m.oney donated to charity for himself.

Before Thuong Tin's statements made the online community angry on behalf of the actress. Many netizens have criticized Thuong Tin as a person who "eats porridge and stone bowls" when he is not grateful to the person who helped him in difficult times.

Accused of ambiguity in insurance m.oney, Trinh Kim Chi magnanimously replied: 'Please keep the image for Mr. Thuong Tin' - Photo 4

With this unnecessary scandal, Trinh Kim Chi recently made an official statement about the incident.

"Dear people!

Since yesterday until now, Chi has received many phone calls and messages asking and sharing from everyone, really touched... for this kindness, Chi doesn't know what to say other than thank you. .

Chi is fine... said okay but sad, very sad, but I won't say much to upset everyone and make the story more complicated, Chi would like to announce all the process of Chi standing out to make a bridge Connect to Manh Thuong Quan to help Anh Thuong Tin so that everyone has accurate information.

Once again Chi would like to reiterate that since standing up to help Anh Tin, Chi only announced the amount of m.oney donated by the Fatherland Front for Chi's part: 406.756,000 (the details were shared by Chi on his personal page this morning). ) apart from this amount, Chi doesn't know anything about any other m.oney...", Trinh Kim Chi said clearly.

Accused of ambiguity in insurance m.oney, Trinh Kim Chi magnanimously replied: 'Please keep the image for Mr. Thuong Tin' - Photo 5

At the end of the article, Trinh Kim Chi wishes to close the incident to avoid affecting everyone, and she herself always respects her senior, wanting to keep Thuong Tin the most beautiful image.

Tin is a colleague and also a senior in the profession, Chi always respects and wants to keep his image, hope he settles down with his family, so everyone after watching, please close this story. Let all be at peace...

And Chi also asked everyone not to comment heavy sentences under the article to avoid hurting others. Chi thanked everyone for understanding and loving Chi" , Trinh Kim Chi reminded.

After his official statement about the noisy incident, Trinh Kim Chi now received a l.ot of comforting words from both Vietnamese artists and fans.

Some netizens comforted: "Everyone believes and supports you, don't be sad, take care of your health. Wish you always healthy and happy", "It's so obvious. try to put all this out of your hands", "You can do it even if you're ungrateful. People's hearts are terrible!", "Poor sister, after helping out, it's a bitter e.nding, I wish you always happy, happy"...

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