Truc Anh's side "Blue Eyes" spoke up when the giant female Binh Duong accused of having a star disease

Duyên TrầnNov 26, 2021 at 15:44

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Recently, producer Dung Binh Duong has accused Truc Anh of having a star disease and violating the contract.

After Ms. Dung's sharing, the reporter contacted Ms. Hang - Truc Anh's biological mother and manager - said: "I have the information. Until now, I still contact Ms. Dung. Binh Duong is normal. This matter, Ms. Dung and I will resolve it internally. Truc Anh and I would like not to share anything more."

Truc Anh's side "Blue Eyes" spoke up when the giant female Binh Duong accused of having a star disease - Photo 1

According to Ms. Dung, before participating in the film, Truc Anh was just an unknown public actor. "I was the one who discovered Truc Anh's talent when casting the movie " Goofy, 17 years old. I realized Truc Anh's acting ability and thought it would be a promising factor for Vietnamese films in the future. Therefore, I decided to let Truc Anh play the main role without hesitation," - producer Dung Binh Duong shared.

Truc Anh's side "Blue Eyes" spoke up when the giant female Binh Duong accused of having a star disease - Photo 2

At this time, Truc Anh signed a service - performance contract with Mi Di A Joint Stock Company managed by producer Dung Binh Duong. According to the content of the contract, after completing the movie "Stupid, 17 years old, within 5 years, Truc Anh wants to sign with any unit, he must go through the company and get the company's consent. If they are wrong, they will be punished according to regulations.

"After completing "Stupid, 17 years old", Truc Anh participated in "Blue Eyes" by director Victor Vu and went to theaters 1 week after my movie. Truc Anh did not ask the management company's permission. This greatly affected the movie "Stupid, 17 years old, leading to a loss of more than 22 billion dong. While Victor Vu is a famous director, his film was more noticeable than mine when it was released at the same time. also understandable.

Later, Truc Anh received many advertising and PR contracts... but did not notify the company. Most recently, Truc Anh continued to act in the movie "Guardian Angel" by Victor Vu.

With Truc Anh's serious contract violations, I am quite sad and shocked. I have the right to sue and ask that the films starring Truc Anh stop showing, but I did not. I don't want to k.ill a famous new talent. I have ignored Truc Anh many times," said producer Dung Binh Duong.

Producer Dung Binh Duong commented, "Actor Truc Anh has a star disease and often looks down on me". The culmination was that at the "22nd Vietnam Film Festival held in Hue a few days ago, Truc Anh went with the crew of the film "Stupid, 17 years old, including actor Minh Khai and producer Dung Binh Duong. Here, the actress arrived late for the red carpet more than 1 hour.

In addition, when receiving the Golden Lotus a.ward for the film "Blue Eyes", Truc Anh did not ask the crew's permission "Stupid, 17 years old. This made producer Dung Binh Duong very angry and decided to go up. language.

Truc Anh's side "Blue Eyes" spoke up when the giant female Binh Duong accused of having a star disease - Photo 3

The film "Idiot at the age of 17" premiered in cinemas in November 2019, but one day later, the film's producer, Ms. Dung Binh Duong, called for cinemas to adjust the screening schedule because the film lost. revenue. According to producer Dung Binh Duong, if calculated according to the distribution rate as well as the contract exchange between her and the cinema clusters, if you want to recover the capital for this movie, at least selling tickets must reach VND 50 billion to make a profit. But with the limited showings in the cinema clusters, the showtimes are not "Stupid, 17 years old" has very few opportunities for the audience to approach.

"With a capital of 22.5 billion dong, our producer wanted to perfect every step. The first director was Chu Thien, but after watching the build, I was not satisfied, so I hired more director Dinh Tuan Vu to shoot. for the film to meet the requirements, "said Mrs. Dung.

Sharing about the "22nd Vietnam Film Festival", producer Dung Binh Duong said, before that the film "Uncle, don't marry my mother" won the a.ward "The most popular film by the audience" at "The 21st Vietnam Film Festival".

Truc Anh's side "Blue Eyes" spoke up when the giant female Binh Duong accused of having a star disease - Photo 4

Although the films did not achieve the expected sales, she did not give up and declared: "Will continue to make films". She wishes that the Vietnamese cinema industry will have works invested from the script, content, images... to the values of humanistic and meaningful messages. "Idiot at the age of 17" is adapted from the novel "Pregnant at the age of 17" by author Vo Anh Tho. The film is about h.ot b.oy Chan Chan in high school with a romantic relationship with his girlfriend Min Min. However, the two quickly fell into a series of "bad crying and laughing" events when the g.irl became pregnant unexpectedly.

The film attracted the attention of two young faces, first touching the cinematic lane, Minh Khai and Truc Anh. Sharing about this bold decision, the NSX side said: "In general, if every producer chooses famous actors and has box office appeal for their films, the future of the actors is promising. Therefore, I decided to cast these two new actors. These are also two future actors with talent." In addition to two new faces, the film brings together many familiar faces on the screen such as: People's Artist Kim Xuan, Meritorious Artist Trinh Kim Chi, Meritorious Artist Huu Chau, Dan Truong, Jun Vu, "hot b.oy pancake" Vo Dinh Hieu.. .

Truc Anh's side "Blue Eyes" spoke up when the giant female Binh Duong accused of having a star disease - Photo 5

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