Legend of the spider lily: "painful memories", growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen

Mẫn NhiJan 24, 2024 at 11:16

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Recently, young people are especially interested in the spider lily flower, stemming from a trend that is leading the trend called "The meaning of the spider lily's colors". So, in the end, what does the true meaning of this flower contain?

Cypress flowers have the scientific name Lycoris Radiata, they are also known by other names such as: Dragon Claw Flower, Man Chau Sa Hoa or Hong Hoa Thach Toan. Originating from unique cultural lands such as China and Japan, the silhouette of the spider lily is boldly imprinted in the music, lines of poetry and even the film frames of these two countries.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 1

Each place gives the spider lily a unique meaning. Japan sees in itself the epitome of painful memories and despair. North Korea, through the petals of the spider lily, their hearts remember the lost half. Meanwhile, in China, the spider lily contains the story of separation and separation.

Legend has it that the spider lily is the only flower that grows on the road down to the royal stream. When the soul, before passing the Nai Ha bridge across the Vong Xuyen bank, will send all of its memories to the spider lily. Whether it is extreme suffering or passionate love, the spider lily receives those memories.

"My heart has blossomed into a branch of a spider lily

Watching Vong Xuyen send off a few drifting streams

Fragile wings bind our lives without image

The shore of destiny is as far away as the horizon..."

Not only does it have a profound meaning, this Hoang Tuyen flower is also associated with a very unique legend. The story goes that there is a very special flower with a very unique name Hoa Bi Ngan.

Guarding next to Bi Ngan Hoa are two goblins, one named Man Chau, the other named Sa Hoa. They have guarded Bi Ngan Hoa for thousands of years but have never seen each other with their own eyes before.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 2

Because when the flowers bloom, you can't see the leaves; When there are leaves, there are no flowers. Between flowers and leaves, they can't meet each other in the end, forever lost. However, Man Chau and Sa Hoa were madly missing each other, and were deeply tortured by pain.

In the end, they also planned to violate the god's regulations and secretly meet each other once. When I found out, I blamed the two goblins. Man Chau and Sa Hoa were beaten into reincarnation, and were cursed to never be able to be together, forever in the human world enduring suffering.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 3

Later, Man Chau Sa Hoa only bloomed on Hoang Tuyen road. The flowers were shaped like arms pointing towards heaven to pray. Every time Man Chau and Sa Hoa reincarnated, on Hoang Tuyen road they smelled it. With the scent of the flower, she can remember herself in her previous life, then vow never to be separated again, but is still pulled back by the curse.

From then on, on the banks of Hoang Tuyen, under Nai Ha bridge, the bright red flower tree, extremely beautiful and lovely, kept blooming and multiplying, leading the way for separated lovers, for the souls still full of resentment. reincarnated again, receiving the cause and effect that fate determined.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 4

One day, Buddha passed by and saw this unique flower. As soon as he glanced at it, he clearly saw the secret hidden inside. Buddha felt pity so he decided to bring this flower to the Pure Land. But because Ultimate Bliss is a pure, pure world, all kinds of human love and longing on earth are not allowed to enter here. From then on, those feelings of the two of them turned into a red color like b.lood and were expelled into the golden stream. Buddha named this flower Mandala flower (flower of the Buddha realm), it is pure white.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 5

Speaking of that banished bright red. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva knew that the golden stream contained a strange red color from a flower banished to the Pure Land. He immediately went to the riverbank and threw a seed, immediately a bright red flower flew out of the water. He took the flower and named it the Mandarin Sa flower and has a bright red color, in contrast to the white color of the Mandala.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 6

The flower has 3 colors: red (most common), yellow (extremely rare) and white (rare). The flowers grow in blood-red clusters, with long petals that spread out in all directions like a peacock's tail. Inflorescences have 5 to 7 buds, and when flowers bloom, there are no leaves left.
Flowers bloom: Flowers bloom on the right day, 3 days before and after the Spring equinox called Spring. The 3 days before and after the Autumn equinox are called Thu Bi Ngan.

An important note is that the bulbs of the Belgian Ngan flower are very toxic and can be deadly. Therefore, this flower often means unlucky.

In general, the meaning of the spider lily flower is assigned to them by humans. It's just an inanimate flower like any other flower, but because of its different growth characteristics, it has such a painful meaning.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 7

In feng shui or spirituality, the spider lily symbolizes those who have passed away. Therefore, they are often planted around graves both to increase aesthetics and to remember the deceased.

Because the meaning of the spider lily symbolizes the deceased, many people believe that they should not be planted around the house because it will bring bad luck to the family. However, this is an incorrect concept. Planting this plant around the house is considered a connection between the ancestors and the people still living in the house.

Ancestors will rely on the scent of flowers to return home to visit their children and grandchildren and bless them to live a peaceful life. In terms of feng shui, planting spider lily on the front porch will bring good luck to the homeowner in both work and future life.

Legend of the spider lily: painful memories, growing on the road down to Hoang Tuyen - Photo 8

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