Trieu Lo Tu - Duong Sieu Viet "battled and broke his head" to win the role in "Fiery Red Pepper"?

Như ÝNov 24, 2021 at 19:51

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Recently, the Weibo social network appeared information that actress Trieu Lo Tu will take on the main role in the new film adapted from the novel "Holding Back" by author Peng Lai Kha, called Phong Hoa Hong pepper.

If the information is correct, this is also her next project after the movie Quoc Tu Giam with a female disciple ended its broadcast.

Trieu Lo Tu - Duong Sieu Viet "battled and broke his head" to win the role in "Fiery Red Pepper"? - Photo 1

However, some sources said that the film crew is considering between Trieu Lo Tu and Duong Sieu Viet to play the female lead. Both beauties are considered talented actors of Cbiz, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. When putting both on the scale to compare, the result is "a person of eight pounds and a half".

However, based on the opinions on social networks, Trieu Lo Tu currently has the upper hand: "Both have beauty, but acting is really not absorbed"; "I hope this is just a "melon" or the movie will flop"; "I'm a die-hard fan of the original, listening to Ms. Trieu in the main role and wanting to "fade"; "Trieu Lo Tu's cake playing the role of white sweet idiot is temporarily acceptable, but why does she always play strong female characters? ?"; "Originally a high-end movie, but in the hands of Trieu Lo Tu, it became 3 cents"; "Not suitable! The female lead is smart, sharp, knows how to look at other people's faces, knows how to be patient, and understands politeness. In general, extremely high EQ doesn't have to be cute"; "Both of these people don't match, ruin the original", some netizens' comments.

Trieu Lo Tu - Duong Sieu Viet "battled and broke his head" to win the role in "Fiery Red Pepper"? - Photo 2

Talking about this project, according to the original, at the end of the Han Dynasty, the world was engulfed in chaos and war, and rebel forces fought. At that time, Wei Thieu was considered the most powerful general, having experienced the pain of losing his father and brother, he had to devote himself to shouldering the family. In the journey to wash away the old hatred, he discovered that what the people really need is not revenge or war, but peace.

For the sake of the people's livelihood, Wei Thieu expressed his desire to marry the daughter of a former traitor to the family. Rumor has it that Wei Thieu is a war-thirsty ghost, Kieu Man also understands that Wei Thieu married her because of a plan to delay the army, so he always has precautions when living together. However, after sticking together, the two are gradually attracted to each other's intelligence and generosity, but are still separated by the resentment of the previous generation. After all, because of love, they resolved the problem between the two families, bringing peace to the people. The film is expected to start filming in March 2022, including 36 episodes directed by director Dang Khoa.

Not long ago, Chinese netizens were sharing a series of extremely beautiful photos of actress Trieu Lo Tu when she attended the event. Worth mentioning, even though it is just a quick photo, she is enough to cause a storm because her beauty is too beautiful. Specifically, according to Chinese media, on November 4, Zhao Lo Tu attended a promotional event, and at the same time, she also took advantage of introducing her latest film to the audience. She appeared with a feminine look, wearing a pure, elegant white dress that accentuated her white skin. Not only that, with naturally flowing black hair and gentle makeup, pressing on her red lips, Trieu Lo Tu captured all the eyes of the audience.

Trieu Lo Tu - Duong Sieu Viet "battled and broke his head" to win the role in "Fiery Red Pepper"? - Photo 3

In particular, these are all moments taken in a hurry, not edited, but Trieu Lo Tu is enough to cause a fever because of his beautiful appearance. Although her face is not as slim as the photoshopped photos, it is clear that the lines on Trieu Lo Tu's face are still very attractive, even when revealing her rounder face, she looks quite lovely.

At the event, not only causing memories because of her outstanding appearance, but also under the support of fans, Trieu Lo Tu also revealed that she would play the role of Cheng Shao Thuong in the historical drama "Sacred Han". The actress also revealed that this project started filming a few months ago. In the film, Trieu Lo Tu will be paired with Ngo Loi - the actor who worked with her in the movie Truong Ca Hanh.

However, there is a difficult situation that in the past, Trieu Lo Tu was with Luu Vu Ninh and Ngo Loi was the lover of Dich Le Nhiet Ba. This time, the two have officially become lovers in the brilliant Tinh Han, the actress thinks that this is a novelty. At the same time, she affirmed that the role of Trinh Thieu Thuong will have many differences from the characters she took on before and promises to be a role that will surprise the audience.

Trieu Lo Tu - Duong Sieu Viet "battled and broke his head" to win the role in "Fiery Red Pepper"? - Photo 4

As for Duong Sieu Viet, she is one of the most controversial actresses about acting in the Chinese entertainment industry. In two years, Duong Sieu Viet participated in 6 films, but 5 of them were badly criticized. However, the female idol is still determined to embark on the film path. Duong Sieu Viet is also considered a symbol of incompetence. She can't sing well, and she's not good at dancing either. According to Sina, the success of Duong Sieu Viet is still controversial. She is considered a product created from the easy and deviant tastes of the audience in the era of idol culture ascending the throne. During the contest, Duong Sieu Viet was criticized for being beautiful and crying. She disappoints with lousy choreography, lopsided vocals, and silly statements. After two years as an idol, Duong Sieu Viet has not made any progress in his profession.

Trieu Lo Tu - Duong Sieu Viet "battled and broke his head" to win the role in "Fiery Red Pepper"? - Photo 5

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