Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the opportunity to become an A-list star because of a very close person and was rumored to sell her body

An NhiApr 06, 2022 at 17:22

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To get to the position like today, Trieu Le Dinh had to overcome many waves and difficulties.

The relationship between the artist and the manager is a double-edged sword, sometimes intimate, sometimes sinister, "stabbing each other in the back". The new Sohu page revealed a story about Zhao Liying and former manager Hao Ru. Because of Hach Nhu's attitude, Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the main role in Hoa Thien Cot.

Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the opportunity to become an A-list star because of a very close person and was rumored to sell her body - Photo 1

It was around the time before Hoa Thien Cot started filming, the producer side came to Hach Nhu to negotiate the female lead role. But instead of discussing with her artist, Hach Nhu arbitrarily refused the invitation of the film crew. Previously, Hach Nhu helped Trieu Le Dinh to participate in the movie Luc Trinh Truyen Ky, so this manager was very "up front" with the actress. Hach Nhu's attitude is also very bossy, making the film crew upset. After knowing the incident, Trieu Le Dinh had to apologize and ask the film crew to give her a chance to try.

Fortunately for the actress, Hoa Thien Cot was a historical blockbuster that year, helping Trieu Le Dinh become an A-list star. After this incident, the relationship between Trieu Le Dinh and Hach Nhu ended. Hach Nhu holds a grudge against Trieu Le Dinh, repeatedly accusing her of eating porridge, having a bad personality. The culmination was when Hach Nhu revealed a message implying that Trieu Le Dinh was a "florist", who asked this person to find a "match" for her.

Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the opportunity to become an A-list star because of a very close person and was rumored to sell her body - Photo 2

After Hach Nhu, Trieu Le Dinh was attached to two more managers, Truong Viet Gia and Hoang Bin. However, her separation from her manager also caused a stir. The actress really did not have a relationship with her agent.

As one of the four most prominent Chinese miniatures today, has many successful works in hand, all of which have been exchanged for the relentless efforts of Zhao Liying.

Trieu Le Dinh was born in 1987, from Langfang province, China, her family is a farmer, no one is an artist. Before joining the entertainment industry, this actress worked as a small clerk. In 2006, Trieu Le Dinh participated in a star search contest by talented director Phung Tieu Cuong as a judge.

Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the opportunity to become an A-list star because of a very close person and was rumored to sell her body - Photo 3

Although she won the first prize of the program, her career was still standing still, acting in 13 movies but still no one knew her name. At that time, Trieu Le Dinh only had the opportunity to participate in a few small supporting roles in less famous art-oriented films.

It was not until 2010, when Trieu Le Dinh was chosen to play Tinh Nhi in Tan Hoan Chau, that the door to fame opened with this beauty. The film is a favorable start for Trieu Le Dinh to continue to make an impression with the legendary Luc Trinh (2013), Sam Sam is here (2014), Hoa Thien Cot (2015)... After each role, The popularity of the beauty of 1987 was higher again, attracting millions of fans throughout Asia.

In an interview about her years of trying without success and her luck changing her life after just one role, Trieu Le Dinh said, she thanked the past because thanks to that, she had forged herself. acting experience. Her efforts have paid off.

Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the opportunity to become an A-list star because of a very close person and was rumored to sell her body - Photo 4

With the participation in many historical films, Zhao Liying is known as China's new ancient goddess. 2015 was a sublime year for the little flower g.irl when she continuously won many noble awards, as a certification for this g.irl's tireless efforts.

Fame is always accompanied by false rumors, Trieu Le Dinh does not have a b.ig family, the management company lets her be quite free in activities, so the market is increasing.

First, the education issue of Trieu Le Dinh was discussed, her age was also suspected of cheating, the scandal of ungrateful management once again caused Trieu Le Dinh's image to be smeared. These issues are not directly denied by Trieu Le Dinh. For her, 365 days a year means 360 days on set, so Sam Sam is often silent about bad rumors. Only when the fans found enough evidence, the old manager spoke out, and the negative comments about her decreased.

Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the opportunity to become an A-list star because of a very close person and was rumored to sell her body - Photo 5

After the success of the role of Sam Sam, the image of the lovely white rabbit and natural acting of Trieu Le Dinh won the hearts of the audience. It can be said that Trieu Le Dinh's acting is not particularly excellent, but there is a certain charm, she is very active in changing her image in the film. From an innocent Sam Sam to the resilient Hoa Thien Cot, then an industrious Tong Nuan and a cold and magical Ngoc Vo Tam. Trieu Le Dinh used acting plus efforts to smash bad rumors and regain the trust of the audience.

In just 3 years since she started to have a little bit of fame, until now Trieu Le Dinh has become one of the few most expensive flowers. Not only increasing the number of fans after each film, receiving a high salary level, it is also important that whenever there is information that she accepts to participate in a certain movie, the audience still places their trust in her. where she is.

Trieu Le Dinh almost lost the opportunity to become an A-list star because of a very close person and was rumored to sell her body - Photo 6

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