Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands

Minh NgọcMay 02, 2024 at 10:41

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Recently, Trang Tran shocked netizens by revealing that although she went to the US to live near her husband, the two often sleep separately and she even prepared herself in case her husband kicked her out of the house.

After nearly 5 months in the US, former model Trang Tran still receives special attention from many netizens. Life in the country has many difficulties, she is not afraid to do manual jobs to earn a living such as janitors at nail salons, calves at pho shops...

Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands - Photo 1

Recently, the former model shared her views on self-reliant, financially independent women. Specifically, at the end of 2023, Trang Tran and her daughter officially came to the US to settle with her husband. Before that, the two had a long-distance relationship when they were halfway around the world. However, she recently revealed that the two often sleep separately, causing the online community to be surprised and many questions. The former model said that she often manages the noodle bean restaurant business in Vietnam at night, so she rarely sleeps with her husband. By the end of the week, the couple will spend time together.

"My business is still in Vietnam, late at night in the US is when the noodle bean restaurant is crowded. I have to check the camera to see how the staff is doing business, how to close the m.oney. I have to look at all the orders, the source of funds to troubleshoot. It's my job, my finances, my own m.oney," the former model shared on a recent livestream.

Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands - Photo 2

In addition, Trang Tran also talked about why she has to work many jobs to earn m.oney and take care of herself instead of relying entirely on her husband. Accordingly, she thinks that she must try so that one day, if her husband kicks her out of the house, her husband no longer loves, she will not fall into neglect.

"I have to keep myself in a position so that if one day my husband lets me out of the house and doesn't love me anymore, I don't have to call my birth mother, relatives, friends, I don't have to panic about how I will live tomorrow.

No one loves us but ourselves, especially when we have children, we have to be economically active. People have to believe me, I can ramble but never advise people to be foolish. Only women who are not economically active are afraid of being abandoned by their husbands.

In the old days my husband quit worrying, today I quit celebrating. Women who are economically self-reliant and actively m.ake m.oney never lose their dominance.

Turn hardship, the power of wisdom into m.oney. Let's work, work hard to have weapons in hand, then take the initiative.

Of course, whoever is loved by his husband, pampered husband, raised husband, and given m.oney by his husband is blessed, I congratulate. But I advise you to still have a job, to make a way back so that one day you will accidentally miss your footing."

Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands - Photo 3

Although the family is still happy now, this sharing of the former model still makes viewers nod in agreement. It can be said that autonomous thinking, not depending on anyone is what makes a woman's confidence and beauty powerful.

Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands - Photo 4

Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands - Photo 5

Trang Tran was born in 1985. She started her modeling career at the age of 21. In 2014, after encroaching on acting, she won the Golden Mai A.ward in the category "Best Film and TV Actress" with the film Know D.eath Immediately directed by Le Bao Trung. Trang Tran once attracted the attention of the audience through her supporting role in the film Huong Ga (2014). Her most recent film was B.lood Happiness. After coming to the US to live with her husband, Trang Tran is not afraid to work hard with manual jobs to earn a living in a foreign country.

Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands - Photo 6

Trang Tran's husband is named Louis Tran, he used to be a model, taller than 1.85 m, praised by many people for being handsome. The former model said that her husband is gentle, calm, quiet and she is hot-tempered and noisy, so whenever she encounters turbulence, Trang Tran is always advised and protected by her husband. According to the former model, in previous years, her husband always wanted to welcome her and her daughter to the US for a long time, but because of his passion for business and many volunteer activities in Vietnam, so far he has arranged everything to settle down with her husband.

Trang Tran revealed that the husband and wife slept separately and were prepared to be kicked out of the house by their husbands - Photo 7

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