TOP 'for the first time' talks about life in the past 5 years, 'will create a completely different group from BigBang'?

Huỳnh NhưMar 10, 2022 at 08:22

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In this latest sharing, TOP said that he is cherishing and about to launch many unexpected projects.

On March 9, the March issue of Prestige magazine published the cover image of TOP (a member of B.ig Bang). In an interview with the magazine, the male rapper also shared about the reason for leaving YG Entertainment after many years of attachment and the upcoming product of the group B.ig Bang. This is TOP's comeback after about 5 years of silence due to scandals.

Music helps to bounce back from the worst times

According to Prestige, TOP participated in the interview alone without the intervention of management. The male idol said he shared previously undisclosed things through this interview.

TOP said, "This is the first time I'm saying this publicly, but I tried to commit s.uicide about 5 years ago. Only later did I realize that I had left hurt and painful memories for everyone around me. surroundings, family and fans," he said.

TOP 'for the first time' talks about life in the past 5 years, 'will create a completely different group from BigBang'? - Photo 1

"Actually, I was going to seriously stop doing music and stop composing. But during the worst and most difficult times, the motivation for me to continue was music. I wrote more than 100 songs for the past 5 years. It's my motivation and my passion. I realize how precious it is to give back what I've received. I feel like I've been reborn," the male rapper confided. .

TOP said that he has been depressed since he was young and that music and art help him to be more comfortable and relaxed. Since the age of 5, the B.ig Bang member has dreamed of becoming a musician. To this day, that dream has not changed.

TOP 'for the first time' talks about life in the past 5 years, 'will create a completely different group from BigBang'? - Photo 2

Talking more about life in the past 5 years, TOP said that in addition to music and art, he spends time researching mental health issues.

TOP 'for the first time' talks about life in the past 5 years, 'will create a completely different group from BigBang'? - Photo 3

Told to leave B.ig Bang

TOP emphasized that Kpop's training system is even more stressful. TOP expressed he was lucky to have spent less than a year as a trainee before debuting. This is a relatively short period of time compared to the common ground of the idol world.

However, after that, TOP saw that all the trainees, both male and female, were subjected to a very harsh system. "They are told what to do and are trained like robots. They may become famous, but in their hearts and in ways we can't see, they are isolated, feel alone." , TOP confided.

That is also the reason TOP decided to leave YG Entertainment - the management company he has been with for 16 years. The male idol said, "I don't want to be a robot maker. I want to be a real artist and help real artists. I think about creating a completely different group from B.ig. Bang in the future".

TOP 'for the first time' talks about life in the past 5 years, 'will create a completely different group from BigBang'? - Photo 4

When asked about B.ig Bang's success, especially in helping K-pop spread globally, TOP expressed pride in being a member of the group. However, in the past few years, the male rapper has been thinking about e.nding and entering a new stage without B.ig Bang. The rapper hinted that the upcoming product will be his last album with B.ig Bang.

"Big Bang is an idol group. But I'm too old and everyone is old. Now B.ig Bang's music and TOP's music are also quite different. I'm at the stage where I want to wake up to challenges and excitements. completely new likes and transitions," the rapper explained.

Big Bang's eldest brother emphasized, "I've been telling fans since debut that I plan to come back with a solo album at some point in the future, whenever I feel ready. Now, I feel ready. My first album will be out soon and this is my first journey to share the real me."

TOP plans to set up his own entertainment company. "I'm 34 years old now, so I've been through a l.ot. I'm at a point where I can take responsibility for the things I've said," he said.

TOP 'for the first time' talks about life in the past 5 years, 'will create a completely different group from BigBang'? - Photo 5

The rapper reminded his juniors to learn and listen to advice from their seniors because they still have a long way to go. "They still need development and training. So I don't say to young artists: Don't do it. Because it can give them negative results," the rapper emphasized.

TOP enlisted in the army in February 2017. The same year he was prosecuted by the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office for drug use. The B.ig Bang member was accused of using marijuana four times in October 2016. After the incident, TOP was sentenced to 2 years of probation and 10 months of imprisonment if he did it again. For many years, he stopped working and was ostracized by the public.

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