Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The "steel rose" of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect

Uyển ĐìnhDec 17, 2023 at 09:47

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Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung is a rare "pink shadow" of the Guard Command. For more than 10 years, Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung has taken on the position of security guard for important politicians. Recently, she was also present to protect President Xi Jinping's wife.

At noon on December 12, General Secretary and President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan were present at Noi Bai airport. Immediately after arriving at Noi Bai airport, in addition to the Chinese bodyguard team, the Vietnamese side always sent a "pink shadow" to closely follow Mrs. Peng Le Vien, that is Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung of the High Command. Guard.

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 1

Dang Thi Hong Nhung was born in 1987 and has worked for more than 10 years as a security guard for important politicians. She is also one of the rare female guards of the Guard Command. The female Major is the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Dang Quoc Trung. Mr. Dang Quoc Trung used to be a veteran access protection officer of the guard force. Previously, Mr. Dang Quoc Trung had time to accompany General Secretary Le Duan.

Maybe because she followed her father's example, when she grew up, Dang Thi Hong Nhung also had the dream of becoming a guard soldier. Looking at her appearance, she is quite slim and has a superior height compared to other girls (1m74). Her beautiful face, without the need for elaborate makeup, still exudes her own charisma, making this female Major often attract attention.

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 2

Initially, Hong Nhung majored in foreign languages at a university in Hanoi. After that, she decided to turn to the police force. Inheriting her father's strong personality, she achieved many high achievements in her studies.

Martial arts, tactical martial arts, combative martial arts, combat skills or swimming skills, female guards all completed excellently, making even men admire them. In particular, she has the talent of throwing knives at a distance of 50m with 99% accuracy. At the second People's Police Youth Martial Arts Festival, Hong Nhung also won a silver medal and was praised for her skillful Karate moves.

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 3
After completing training, during the first 3 years of work, the "pink shadow" born in 1987 was assigned to Regiment 375, performing the task of guiding and checking luggage for guests visiting President Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum. Bright.

In 2012, she joined the International Visitor Protection Team of Room 7 - Guard Command and assumed the position of ensuring absolute safety for heads of state and international guests visiting and working in Vietnam. activities of senior leaders in the Party and State, as well as State-level conferences.

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 4

Becoming an outreach officer, with his teammates responsible for ensuring absolute safety for heads of state visiting Vietnam, along with important special events organized by the Party and State, Nhung was very Strive to improve yourself to meet mission requirements.

The nature of this job requires soldiers to be highly focused, always alert, calm, and react accurately and quickly to all situations that threaten the security and safety of the guard. mistakes because there is no opportunity to correct mistakes and learn from experience. Soldiers are always ready to consider themselves as "human shields", ready to sacrifice for the safety of their protection target. At the same time, you must be elegant, flexible, and professional in communication and behavior.

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 5

Appearance standards for female officers are 1m67 tall and must have good moral qualities. To meet mission requirements, Nhung went through arduous professional training courses on physical training, martial arts, swimming, and how to use guns and explosives...

Thanks to her "family" qualities, she adapted very quickly to the strict requirements of training and passed the tests quite easily. Therefore, when learning professional swimming, including 50m d.rowning rescue swimming, 50m bag pushing swimming, and 400m physical swimming, Nhung only takes 10 days, while the duration of this training course is 45 days.

The same goes for martial arts. She only started learning martial arts when she entered the industry, but won the Silver Medal at the 2nd People's Public Security Youth Martial Arts Festival. In September 2014, she officially took on the role of security guard for delegations. .

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 6

Over the past 10 years, Dang Thi Hong Nhung has often taken on the task of becoming a "human shield", protecting many important figures such as the General Secretary's wife, the President of the People's Republic of China, and the President of Bangladesh. ,...

The image of a tall g.irl in an elegant black vest, always next to female politicians or wives of heads of state visiting Vietnam, has become quite familiar in the press and media over the years.

Major Nhung said the task she was assigned was mainly to provide protection for female politicians or wives of foreign leaders. To complete the task well, before starting work, Nhung often goes online to find out all information about customers, including their physical characteristics,, religion, social activities, work, etc. Then learn about the customs, practices, and culture of that country... to prepare knowledge and information to serve communication and behavior during the approaching journey.

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 7

This is very necessary, because the job of an access officer is not only to absolutely protect the safety of the guard, but also to create good impressions of the country and people of Vietnam. intelligent, polite, hospitable, friendly... in the eyes of friends, contributing to enhancing the country's position in the international arena.

Nhung said that the approaching officer is often like a receptionist, because when visiting certain landscapes or relics in Vietnam, guests will ask the guards for introductions. To communicate with them, you must have a fairly deep knowledge of history and culture. Or with guests who are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist... during the accompanying process, the bodyguard can discuss things they are interested in related to religion in our country. The "taboo" according to traditional customs of other countries, the approaching officer must also pay close attention.

Major Dang Thi Hong Nhung: The steel rose of the guard team, both beautiful and talented, everyone must respect - Photo 8

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