Fallen Angel Grigori Lucifer | The journey to become the lord of hell Satan

team youtuberJan 17, 2021 at 20:45

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The Grigori, or Watchers - or 'watchers' are a group of fallen angels in the apocryphal scriptures (also known as sutras, unorthodox bibles). They had relations with mortal women, leading to the emergence of a hybrid called the Nephilim, the giants in the book of Genesis. Some people explain that Grigori is actually an angel from the ancient stars.

Fallen Angel Grigori Lucifer | The journey to become the lord of hell Satan - Picture 1

Grigori is identified with about 200 people, but only a few are mentioned by name, such as Samyaza, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Armers, Azazel, etc. The Book of Enoch 2 speaks of the four ranks of the fallen angels. falls, including:

1. Satanail

Satanail is the prince of the fallen. Satanail was once a high ranking angel, he prided himself on being better than God, so he was cast out of heaven on the second day of creation. He was imprisoned in the fifth heaven.

2. Grigory

The Grigori are those who are also imprisoned in the fifth heaven, depressed and secretive.

3. Apostolic angels

As angels under Satanail, they plan with him and against God. They are kept in the second heaven, which is described as a night darker than any darkness on earth. They have a dark, moody appearance, and can only wait for the final judgment day.

4. Angels

Angels may include a few Grigori, who are punished to be exiled to the earth.

Initially, Grigori's mission was to come to earth to spy on humans, but then they developed a passion for earthly women. Under Samyaza's leadership, these angels got married and lived with the women they liked. Their children are the Nephilim, savage giants who have plundered the land, threatening the safety of mankind.

Samyaza and the other fallen angels became greedy, teaching their children how to create weapons, jewelry, and secret skills that should not be revealed. From here comes greed. The earth became unclean, so God sent the angel Uriel down to tell Noah to build an ark. Next, God caused the Great Flood, to wipe out the Nephilim from the Earth. And the Grigori are kept in the "Valley of Earth" until the end of the world.

In Mesopotamia, Grigori also existed in a number of heretical rituals, being seen as the embodiment of the stars that ruled the 4 East, West, South and North. Aldebaran represents the spring equinox, the Eastern Grigori. Regulus represents the summer solstice, the Southern Grigori. Antares represents the autumn equinox, the Western Grigori. Fomalhaut represents the winter solstice, the Northern Grigori. Four stars are equivalent to four Grigori, the guardians of the earth.

In the apocryphal books, Grigori is sent to Earth to teach people about law, justice, and magic. They once appeared in medieval magic books, with the role of teaching to impart knowledge to people. Specifically, Araqiel teaches people symbols and signs. Armaros teaches about spells. Azazel teaches humans to make weapons for war, Barqel teaches astrology, Penemue teaches writing, and Semjaza teaches humans to use herbs.

According to Catholic beliefs, Grigori's sins pervade the earth, destroying our world. Theologians believe that Grigori comes from the kingdom of demons, which is ruled by Satan as the supreme prince. In 1800, Cardinal Newman noted that no angels are entirely good or entirely bad, they just aren't as evil as the devil.

Legend of Lucifer

According to the Bible, Lucifer is the first c.hild created by God, the first Seraphim and Archangel, and the most powerful. Because he was born in the image of God, Lucifer was gifted with the ability to create, to manifest matter and energy out of nowhere, and the ability to heal and regenerate...

Lucifer has always been a respected and beloved Angel, until one day God created Adam and Eve from the dust and ordered him to submit to humans. Lucifer believes that man is the one who must submit to and worship him, because he is made of fire, the first light of Heaven. Lucifer considers this an insult and injustice, he wants to be in harmony with God's nature, not a human being. Then he gathered the other Angels, who also considered bowing before humans an insult when they were God's first creation.

This betrayal of Lucifer made him the opponent of the Angels, along with more than 130 million other Angels becoming the Fallen Angels, causing the biggest war in Heaven with the Angels led by Michael , Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel and 260 million other Angels.

Fallen Angel Grigori Lucifer | The journey to become the lord of hell Satan - Picture 2

Filled with arrogance, Lucifer issued a declaration of war that "I will be in Heaven; I will engrave my name upon the stars of the Lord; I will sit upon the throne of all things, upon all the heights. highest of all the holiest mountains. I will ascend above the clouds; I will be like the Most High."

God sent the Archangel Michael against Lucifer and his clique. With God-given power, Michael and the faithful Angels quickly defeated Lucifer and the rebels.

Later, Lucifer was given a new name by Michael, Satan. At the end of the battle, Lucifer and all of the Fallen Angels that followed him were expelled from Heaven as punishment for their rebellion. Many thousands of years later, God said he saw Lucifer being thrown to Earth like a bolt of lightning hitting the earth. In the 13th century, according to the Bishop of Tusculum (circa 1273) it is estimated that 133,306,668 angels were banished from the heavens for a total of 9 days, and this number was later taken up by the 1st century scholar. 15 Alphoso de Spina (circa 1460) reconfirmed.

After becoming Satan, Lucifer became one of the 4 kings of hell, he held a grudge against humanity and turned his consciousness into a snake and incited Eve and Adam to eat the Forbidden Fruit in God's paradise garden to prove. humans are not perfect. Adam did not dare to pick but Eve quickly obeyed the snake and picked it down, then she shared it with Adam and they both ate the Forbidden Fruit. This is the image that depicts women who are often easily tempted by l.ust, while men are easily changed for women.

Fallen Angel Grigori Lucifer | Journey to become the lord of hell Satan - Picture 3

After being discovered that humans ate the Forbidden Fruit, God was angry and punished the snake with permanent loss of legs and a lifetime of grinding his belly. People who are kicked out of Heaven, because of their sins, will have to bear the pain of giving birth, have to earn their own food, and face evil natures such as greed, selfishness, laziness, etc. become 7 demons representing 7 sins that create human suffering.

The legend of Lucifer was later popularized in many popular culture products such as movies, anime, stories... or many online games. There are quite a few Western-style games with this anecdote, especially the war in Heaven between the Angels and Fallen factions like Shaiya, MU Online and most recently, Holy War 3D.

In this game, the Prophet and the Fallen do not distinguish into "righteous" or "evil religion", each faction has its own ideal to pursue, there is no right or wrong, only faith and truth and honor. for his side. The faction system is the most outstanding PvP feature of this game when it is quite realistic to recreate the great war in Heaven in the book of Revelation, where thousands of players fight together to bring glory to their side.

In addition to online games, the battle between the Holy Prophet and the Fallen Angel is also reproduced in many other art publications such as movies, the current highlight is definitely the Fox series Lucifer which is currently popular on the channel. Netflix TV. This is a character in Vertigo's famous Sandman comic series - a subsidiary of DC Comics, Lucifer has made a b.ig surprise when he knocks out all the TV adaptations from DC Comics so far to become the series. the movie topped the Top 10 best DC Comics TV series of all time.

It can be seen that the image of Lucifer as well as the battle between the Prophet and the Fallen Angel today has gone beyond the Bible and has become the inspiration for countless unique and interesting works. From here, religion can spread and reach more people. Characters like Lucifer also have many changes to be closer to humans. Perhaps this is what every religion in the world is aiming for.

Fallen Angel Grigori Lucifer | The journey to become the lord of hell Satan - Picture 4

Fallen Angel Grigori Lucifer | The journey to become the lord of hell Satan - Picture 5

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