Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world

team youtuberMay 11, 2021 at 17:49

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There's nothing better than the feeling of leisurely gliding through country roads, across vast fields and vast prairies, isn't there? However, not all roads in the countryside are "cute", "absence" of speeding cars, there are dangerous roads that make knuckles "white".

There are dozens of roads in the world that just looking at pictures makes drivers shiver. Some of them are built on roads, the rest are only gravel, slippery and lying on cliffs and dangerous passes. It's hard to compare these dangerous roads to anything else. The following are the most dangerous roads in the world that will make you sweat.

Zoji La, India

Zojila is known as the most dangerous pass in India. On the craggy cliffs, the 9km long rocky road connecting Ladakh and Kashmir is only gravel. This is the most dangerous and highest pass road on the Srinagar-Leh route with an altitude of 3.52km above sea level, with up to 60 points where landslides often occur. Besides, the danger of the road is increased because it is very narrow, the vehicles have to move with the livestock here.

This route is scary not only because it's narrow enough for one lane, but also because there aren't any barriers around it.

The route is the Ladakh people's gateway to communication with the rest of the world. In winter, strong winds and heavy snowfall are a nightmare for vehicles. Therefore, the Border Organization (BRO) has asked Zojila to close to tourists, only allow specialized military vehicles to circulate at this time to limit danger, and carry out maintenance work on the route. .

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 1

60 landslides occurred in 2009. Police and rescue workers had to rescue about 350 people stuck on the road due to heavy snowfall. Many sections were buried 15 to 24 meters deep in the snow. Despite the warnings, many travelers seek to conquer Zojila. This led to tragedy in 2012, when 11 tourists were k.illed when their car skidded off the road and fell into the abyss. For a long time, the route closed 6 months of the year due to heavy snowfall and reopened only in late spring.

When the harsh winter is over, the authorities allow visitors to continue their journey to discover the majestic beauty of the Himalayas. However, an important requirement is that visitors need to have a high concentration and confidence in the vehicle as well as the skills behind the wheel.

Dalton Highway, Alaska

The Dalton Highway, Alaska is one of the most dangerous and loneliest roads in the world. In addition, the Dalton Highway is known as a nightmare in Alaska because it stretches for about 640 km through the Yukon River and many remote forests. What makes this road even scarier is that almost 400 km there are no gas stations, restaurants, hotels or other basic services. This road also has many warning signs for slopes and avalanches.

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 2

Khardung La, India

Khardung Pass is a craggy mountain pass located in Ladakh, India. This is the highest pass in the world for backpackers to conquer by current road vehicles. With an altitude of 5,610m, Khardung Pass is always on the list of dream destinations of adventurers.

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 3

The Khardung Pass was historically an important trade route from Leh to Kashgar in Central Asia. At that time, each year about 10,000 horses and camels carrying goods circulated on this pass. Today, in the Hunder region north of the pass, visitors can still admire herds of Bactrian camels living here.

It is dangerous and somewhat scary, but when you have crossed this path, you will feel that all fear disappears and is replaced by joy and happiness when you have overcome your own fear. Moreover, your bravery is also rewarded by the breathtaking scenery on both sides of this road.

Yungas, Bolivia

The Yungas Road, Bolivia is an important route from La Paz to the Amazon jungle. According to statistics, every year, about 200 to 300 people die on this road because one side is a steep cliff and a 600m deep abyss creates a danger for this road. There are many sudden turns that no driver does not pray to God for protection when the car drives through here. Visitors to Yungas Road will not be able to stop their hearts from moving on the narrowest, most dangerous road in the world.

Past La Paz, the first stretch is 5 km long, before plunging down a steep road, each bend on the route has a unique climate pattern from humid mountainous air to high mountains. Windy roads, steep cliffs as well as rolling hillsides.

This D.eath Road was built in the 1930s during the Chaco War, by Paraguayan prisoners. With a vertical slope of nearly 610m, and a unique route, there is a lack of guardrails, making this road the most dangerous in the world.

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 4

After all, the fog and showers also limit visibility when traveling, the road surface is always slippery and the mountain cliffs are full of sharp cat ears. Therefore, running slowly and inching up meter by meter is considered the safest solution for drivers on this road.

In the early 1990s, the dangerous element of the road was again considered by tourists as the first choice of sightseeing in Bolivia. Especially adventurous cyclists, they choose this road of D.eath for downhill cycling fun.

Atlantic Road, Norway

The Atlantic Road or Atlantic Road is about 9km long at sea, connecting the Norwegian town of Kristiansund and Molde. Coming to the Atlantic road, visitors will have an unforgettable experience when driving on the vast ocean and the two sides resound the rumbling melody of the waves. In 2005, this place was voted "Norway's Building of the Century" due to the magical combination of modern engineering with the surrounding natural environment.

Initially, the road was built with the purpose of forming a railway line on the sea. However, the plan failed, then people returned to build a new road. During the construction process, the construction team encountered many difficulties with 12 challenging storms. But thanks to their constant efforts, finally, after 6 years of hard work, they have created the beautiful and magnificent Atlantic road project today.

\WA6dkxBfMu926EquQdgoCLh" />This spectacular road is considered one of the most beautiful roads in the world.With the talent of construction engineers, 8 viaducts here are designed with different curvatures. so that they can adapt and withstand the weather, wind and storm conditions of the Atlantic Ocean in the best way, in which, the most unique is the 260m-long Storseisundet Bridge.

Autumn is the time when the Atlantic road is most touristy. Because this is the time when visitors can witness the storm raging, the waves rush over the bridge as if to pull the bridge into the sea - a rare magnificent sight. Or it is also an opportunity for visitors to freely conquer this road when the sea is rough - a wonderful and unforgettable feeling.

Le Passage du Gois, France

Le Passage du Packages is only open for a few hours a day, because at every high tide this road will sink under water and disappear. Before entering the 4.5km highway that connects Noirmoutier Island with Beauvoir sur Mer on the mainland in the northwestern province of Vendee, drivers need to read the tide schedule or their cars will be submerged in water.

Tianmen Mountain, China

Tianmen Mountain Road has a length of 10km and the highest peak is 1,300m. On the whole route, there are 99 bends, 999 steps to climb to the top, the height difference between its starting point and ending point is about 1,000m. To be able to drive on this route, the driver must have a nerve of steel.

Tianmen Mountain, also known as the spiritual gate of the Chinese people, is located on the top of Thien Son mountain, Hunan province. This place is only about 8km from the center of Zhangjiajie to the north, but opens up a majestic mountain scenery that creates a completely different feeling.

As mentioned above, this road is really only for adventurous people with hard steering. Once named by the prestigious Dangerous Road magazine as the most dangerous road in the world, perhaps there is no need to say more about the challenges that the road poses for those who are passionate about self-discovery of the fairyland. The highest point of the road is at 1,300 m above sea level. Construction of this road began in 1998 and was not completed until 2006.

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 5

However, if you do not feel confident in the steering wheel, tourists are advised to use the "longest cable car system in the world". This place indeed owns a lot of things, but the first is probably still the modernity in the cable car system.

This place contains unexpected interesting things for those who are curious. The Skywalk bridge is made of heavy duty glass, built along craggy cliffs. Anyone who has ever checked-in at the Thien Mon Son glass bridge will remember the feeling of fear but it is also worth the challenge when taking the first step on the glass bridge. The bridge is as transparent as a thin thread surrounding the four sides of Tianmen Mountain, once fondly mentioned as one of the most popular tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie.

Gotthard, Switzerland

It is one of the highest mountain passes in the Alps. A 64km long road connects the mountainsides together creating a beautiful but also extremely dangerous scene.

"Caucasus", Russia

This narrow road connects Sochi with Lake Ritsa, through the mountains. It both causes a feeling of fear and possesses a strange beauty, which makes the road attractive to adventurous and adventurous drivers.

Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Japan

Even though it's just a bridge, it feels as dangerous as the roads mentioned above. The bridge connecting Sakaiminato and Matsue is about 1.7km long and 11.3km wide. When viewed from afar, the bridge seems impossible to climb, the height of the bridge is raised so that boats can easily move below.

Many people were surprised to see the height and slope of the Eshima Ohashi Bridge through the pictures spread on the Internet, even the imagination of walking on this bridge makes many people feel scared. Someone with a weak heart even admitted that they even sweated their hands when they saw the cars going on that slope.

However, although it looks scary, the Eshima Ohashi bridge is actually quite safe.

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 6

In fact, the height and steep slope of the Eshima Ohashi Bridge are all due to the viewing angle. If viewed directly from a distance, the bridge is quite scary but when viewed from another angle, the Eshima Ohashi Bridge looks like ordinary bridges.

The highest point of the bridge above the water level below is 45m, the reason why Eshima Ohashi bridge was built so high so that large ships can pass below.

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 7

Tianmen Mountain the way to the spiritual heaven gate and the most dangerous roads in the world - Photo 8

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