Nicholas Tse discriminates not lightly between Vuong Phi and Truong Ba Chi?

Duyên TrầnSep 17, 2021 at 11:11

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Throughout the years, the noisy love triangle of Truong Ba Chi - Nicholas Tse - Vuong Phi has always been a topic of special interest to the media and the public.

After many dissolutions, Nicholas Tse finally returned to dating Vuong Phi, continuing to prolong the two-decade love story of the press.

Recently, Taiwanese media reported that Wang Fei recently stayed in Beijing instead of returning to Hong Kong. And to please his girlfriend and want to spend more time with the queen anytime, anywhere, Nicholas Tse spent up to 8 million yuan (28 billion dong) to rent a quartet (ancient house) in Beijing) as a residence for Wang Fei. The above information left fans in s.hock. This shows that Nicholas Tse is immersed in happiness with Vuong Phi.

Nicholas Tse discriminates not lightly between Vuong Phi and Truong Ba Chi? - Photo 1

However, the above information caused a l.ot of controversy on social networks. Many people put on the scale to compare the feelings of actor Ta with Vuong Phi and Truong Ba Chi. When he was not divorced with her "Wolf Queen", Nicholas Tse always acted cold and cool, never doing things that affected his image. However, since returning to Vuong Phi, Nicholas Tse has become a completely different person. The beauty of Port Thom is not afraid to become the man behind the Cpop queen, always paying attention and considering the feelings of the other side, willing to do all good things for Vuong Phi. Even when being ignored by his girlfriend, Nicholas Tse is always enthusiastic and tries to take care of the beautiful Vuong. This shows that Nicholas Tse discriminates between two lovers. Obviously, the treatment shows that the actor serves and loves Vuong Phi much more than his ex-wife. That's the reason why the love theme of the trio is getting more and more complicated.

At the side of Vuong Phi, Nicholas Tse encountered many famous things. Sina thinks that with the actor's appearance, talent, position and property, he is easily noticed by girls and has a quieter life. However, the actor just wants to stick with his 11-year-old senior. Sohu believes that Nicholas Tse and Vuong Phi are not only lovers, they are also soulmates and have similar personalities. Both artists are generally less responsive to outsider reviews and negative media coverage.

Nicholas Tse discriminates not lightly between Vuong Phi and Truong Ba Chi? - Photo 2

Since the reunion, Vuong Phi has never mentioned Nicholas Tse and their love. Hong Kong actors also rarely mention the queen. They keep their relationship to themselves. Vuong Phi once said: "Why should I say all about myself as a public person? I have nothing to do with the outside world".

According to Sina, the difficult personalities of the two artists are completely similar. They do not want to reveal themselves to the media because they do not want to become the subject of discussion of the audience. In addition, they are also generous enough to ignore outside sounds and focus on their life and work. The female singer is also a strong, decisive person who solves things simply. When parting with Ly A Bang, she shared: "The divorce was my choice. No third party, no discord between the couple, no financial troubles. The breakup was smooth. It's just another way to get along." This is also the character that Nicholas Tse respects. The actor once answered in an interview. He compared Vuong Phi and Chau Kiet Luan: "He is a very simple and lovely person, just like Vuong Phi. People like them are getting less and less, so it is very precious, must be very precious".

Besides, they share the same lifestyle and way of communication. Nicholas Tse is not with Vuong Phi on important occasions, such as birthdays and new years, but the female singer has never complained about it on social networks. Instead, Vuong Phi spends time with her children and friends. Sina thinks that they have the love of mature, rational, understanding people and create a private space for each other.

In the past, Vuong Phi and Nicholas Tse were both accused of being irresponsible parents. But in reality, both love their children very much. Vuong Phi supports her daughter Dau Tinh Dong in music and even when she is openly gay. The actress also often takes her second daughter Ly Yen to go out, provide for her studies abroad and buy branded goods for her children.

As for Ta Dinh Phong, in 2016, Truong Ba Chi once said that the actor still cares about his children. In 2018, Ta Hien, Ta Dinh Phong's father, said that the actor often comes to see his children every week, but he does not want the media to know to avoid scrutiny. Ta Dinh Phong himself also shared that he runs a business because he wants his children to have strong finances in the future. The two artists shared the blame of the public, but they did not respond and just lived their lives.

Up to now, Vuong Phi and Nicholas Tse have been in love with each other for 21 years. Some people admire and others denigrate their love, but it is undeniable that Nicholas Tse is an unruly horse that only Vuong Phi can hold back.

Nicholas Tse discriminates not lightly between Vuong Phi and Truong Ba Chi? - Photo 3

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