Rosé signs of "betraying" BLACKPINK, "alone on a horse" even though the group is about to make a comeback?

Gia NhiDec 03, 2024 at 21:33

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On the eve of the comeback of Korea's leading girl group, BLACKPINK, member Rosé recently showed no signs of excitement for a comeback with the members. She still wants to continue solo, after a series of impressive achievements recently.

Rosé - a member of the group BLACKPINK - was present on the Newsroom to share about the global success with the hit APT, along with which the female idol also mentioned the group's plans for the future.

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 1

Specifically, after a series of rumors and announcements from YG Entertainment, the "Australian rose" confirmed that BLACKPINK will return with more activities in 2025, including an album and a world tour. This made fans extremely excited to be able to witness the 4 girls standing on the same stage again.

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 2

Despite this, Rosé still doesn't seem to be going to neglect her activities as a solo artist. "Currently, there is no specific plan. The partnership with Bruno Mars is a surprising coincidence. If there is another opportunity, I think it will be interesting to do another collaboration," the female KPop star shared. This move makes BLACKPINK fans think that Rosé is "betraying" the group to follow her own career path.

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 3

Talking more about the collaboration with Bruno Mars, Rosé was extremely excited, she affirmed that this was a "surreal" experience. "He was very straightforward and guided me with suggestions," the female idol said, "I am a big fan of him, it was amazing to be guided by him directly like that. He also adds a lot of his colors to what we bring, making the song even more expanded."

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 4

After APT, Rosé also did not let her name stand still on the leaderboard, continuing to launch the MV Number one girl. Recently, Rosé had a first stage for number one girl who couldn't be better in both image and sound. In addition to her beautiful beauty, Rosé's emotional live voice is what captures the hearts of listeners.

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 5

Since leaving YG, Rosé has been commented to have made great progress in her voice and with her number one girl performance, the singer's ability to sing live has improved more strongly than ever. The proof is that in the latest performance, BLACKPINK's main voice makes listeners delight with her thick, powerful voice and skillful techniques, especially Rosé's signature melodies and accents.

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 6

The number one girl stage after being broadcast quickly went viral on social networks. Many comments have praised Rosé's ability to sing live even better than her recording. Although it is unclear whether the doubts that when she was active under YG, the female singer was "suppressed" in terms of voice, but it is clear that since the beginning of her solo career, Rosé has never disappointed fans in both her voice and musical thinking.

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 7

It is known that number one girl and APT are the two singles in Rosé's debut solo album, which will be released in December under the name roise. Talking about the reason for choosing the title for her debut album, rosie, the Australian "hybrid rose" said: "Many nights I fell asleep feeling confused and lost. But thanks to the support from my close friends, family, team, and especially my beloved fans, today I am extremely excited to announce the release date of my album.

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 8

I put all my heart, sweat and tears into the album, and couldn't wait any longer for people to listen to this little diary of mine. Rosie is the affectionate name that my friends and family still call me. Through this album, I hope people will feel closer to me."

Rosé signs of betraying BLACKPINK, alone on a horse even though the group is about to make a comeback? - Photo 9

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