Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband

Minh LợiJul 01, 2024 at 14:59

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Quynh Tran JP, for a long time, has been a name that is no longer strange to lovers of food videos on Youtube. She is a Vietnamese married to a Japanese husband, who owns a Youtube channel with 4.23 million followers.

Before becoming a famous Youtuber throughout social networks, Quynh Tran used to work as an online salesperson specializing in supplying Vietnamese products to Japan. However, her business was not smooth.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 1

In 2018, she built a Youtube channel called "Quynh Tran JP - Life in Japan". She took care of her children, did housework, and just recorded a video. For each meal, Quynh Tran had to cook 3 meals including her husband's own food, food for b.aby Sa and dishes to shoot clips, she shared that at that time she was only free for 3-4 hours/day.

Her chat style is quite close and open, making many people love it, so in the first year of building the channel, Quynh Tran received the Youtube gold button. And then a series of clips with millions of views on social networks.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 2

Quynh Tran is even likened by people to owning a "bottomless stomach" that can be eaten despite seafood or other foods that many people do not dare to touch in Japan.

At the end of 2019, during a trip to Vietnam, Quynh Tran and b.aby Sa had a meeting and exchange with everyone who loves her Youtube channel. With a ticket price of 99k, a maximum number of 200 tickets, the meeting sold out immediately after the sale opened. The meeting attracted famous artists such as actor Quang Trung, singer Lyly, model Le Thuy...

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 3

In addition to being a youtuber, Quynh Tran has also encroached into the business field over the past time. When life gradually stabilized, she and her husband decided to find a b.aby for b.aby Sa.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 4

Recently, she has just posted a video revealing her journey to do IVF to have more children at the age of U40. Specifically, the female Youtuber and her Japanese husband are looking to give birth to a b.aby so that the family is happier. When going for a health check-up, Quynh Tran JP was diagnosed with blockage on 1 side of the ovary, and at the same time, the AMH (ovarian reserve capacity) index was very low, only reaching 1.6.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 5

Faced with this uncertain health condition, Quynh Tran JP was advised to do IVF to conceive. After consideration, the female YouTuber agreed and is currently in the process of injecting eggs before proceeding with the next steps.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 6

Talking about why she chose IVF to give birth to more children, Quynh Tran JP said that the Japanese government is currently having a policy to encourage women to have children. Therefore, couples who decide to do IVF will be insured to cover 70% of the hospital fee. The female Youtuber revealed that thanks to this support, she is not afraid to give birth by artificial insemination because she only needs to pay 30% of the cost.

Quynh Tran JP estimates that the total amount for this IVF is only about 40 million VND. Quite a few diaper mothers expressed surprise with Quynh Tran JP's sharing, because this amount is too cheap compared to the m.oney for IVF in Vietnam.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 7

In her video, Quynh Tran JP also shared for the first time about the memory of giving birth to b.aby Sa using the IUI method (injecting s.perm into the uterus to help conceive). She and her husband had to pump up to 4 times to successfully conceive b.aby Sa.

"I thought that I couldn't get pregnant all my life, but in the end, God loved me to get pregnant," the female YouTuber confided.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 8

Previously, Quynh Tran JP lost 1 c.hild after 40 weeks of heavy childbirth, it is known that this b.aby was also conceived thanks to the IUI method.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 9

"When my c.hild was born, I saw that my c.hild was exactly like my husband, but I was worried because he didn't cry. Even when the doctor hit the b.aby's buttocks, there was no reaction. The doctor then had to force his c.hild's heart to let him breathe, but he still couldn't, so he had to use a breathing tube and lie in a glass cage. The doctor ran in and talked to my husband and 3 hours later, my c.hild died," Quynh Tran choked up.

Quynh Tran JP follows in the footsteps of Mrs. Nhan Vlog, doing IVF to earn more children for her Japanese husband - Photo 10

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