Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood

Tuyết NgọcAug 07, 2024 at 17:14

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After the serious traffic accident, a witness said that Pax Thien was seriously injured in the head area. This person also revealed that his adopted son of Vietnamese descent had difficulty talking while waiting for an ambulance.

On August 5, ET Online updated the details related to Pax Thien's electric car accident in Los Angeles, USA last week. The serious collision caused Angelina Jolie's Vietnamese son to stay in the intensive care unit for a week.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 1

In an exclusive interview with ET Online, Lola Cavalli - one of the people present at the scene of the accident said that people actively gave first aid to Pax Thien before taking him to the hospital.

Cavalli also added that he called the 911 hotline and was instructed by the call center staff on how to quickly treat the wound, helping Angelina Jolie's adopted son stop bleeding while waiting for an ambulance.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 2

"He has serious bleeding. I was instructed by the 911 operator to press on the bleeding site to stop the bleeding. In fact, I couldn't do it because Pax Thien was injured in the head area. Also, his mouth was full of blood, constantly flowing out every time Pax tried to talk," Cavalli said of Pax's condition during the crash on July 29.

In addition to his health condition, people are also concerned that Pax Thien is in danger due to the accident that occurred in the middle of the intersection. "I had to stand there and give the signal, make sure he wasn't hit by another car while he was injured. I also have to be careful to avoid traffic accidents," Lola Cavalli said.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 3

Cavalli further revealed that people do everything necessary to ensure Pax Thien is safe while waiting for an ambulance. They also thought about how to avoid traffic jams, in case the ambulance could not enter.

Recently, a source revealed to Page Six that Pax Thien has been taken out of the intensive care unit and will continue to take care of his health to recover at home. "He has a complex injury and is starting a long road to recovery, physical therapy," the source shared.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 4

The source added that Pax and his adoptive mother are grateful for the timely action that saved the boy's life from first responders, as well as the excellent care from the medical staff.

Currently, actress Angelina Jolie is still by her son's side. Pax's siblings also visited and cared for. Another source told Page Six that friends of the Vietnamese-born adopted son were worried because he had been involved in electric bike accidents many times before the incident.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 5

Meanwhile, the Daily Mail reported that Brad Pitt called to inquire after learning that his son had an accident, but Pax Thien did not pick up the phone. The actor felt heartbroken because he could not help his children when they were injured. He thinks that his son should have worn a helmet when participating in traffic.

It is known that Brad Pitt and his son have been separated since 2016, after the flight the actor was accused of "physically impacting" family members. For years, Pax has not been in contact with his adoptive father. He tried to protect his mother in the divorce fight with him.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 6

Earlier on July 29, the Los Angeles Police Department said it received a traffic accident in the Los Feliz Boulevard area at 5 p.m. An electric bicycle driven by a 20-year-old man hit a car that was stopping at a red light. The tram rider was later confirmed to be Pax Thien, Angelina Jolie's son. Medical staff reported that Pax was seriously injured in the head area, fortunately still conscious.

On July 30, TMZ cited its own source as saying that the accident was more serious than people thought. Some witnesses to the collision even believe that the young man born in 2003 died because he was lying motionless on the road.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 7

It wasn't until the ambulance team arrived that the Vietnamese adopted child regained consciousness. "Pax Thien was driving a BMX electric bike and crashed into a car. He was lying still, I thought he wouldn't survive," the source said.

The source added that Pax Thien's electric bike showed no signs of damage. However, the fact that he was unconscious made many people worried. Many people at the scene recognized Pax as a celebrity.

Pax Thien after the collision: Seriously injured, very difficult to speak, mouth full of blood - Photo 8

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