Famous people

A look back at the marriage and little-known career of the clown king Charlie Chaplin

A look back at the marriage and little-known career of the clown king Charlie Chaplin
Team YouTube18:15:36 11/06/2020
His career spanned over 75 years, from his childhood in the Victorian era to the year before his death at the age of 88, yielding many praise as well as controversy. Video about the life of Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin or King Clown Charlot - Charles (April 16, 1889 - December 25, 1977) was an actor, director

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Elon Musk and The Ups and Downs in His Career

Elon Musk and The Ups and Downs in His Career
PV19:08:56 10/06/2020
For those who don't know, vietgiaitri.com and you learn more about the path that led Elon Musk to become a self-made billionaire and a real-life prototype of the character. Tony Stark in the movie Iron Man (Iron Man). Elon Musk and Career Ups and Downs. Is an American inventor, businessman, billionaire and is

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