Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed

Đức TríOct 19, 2024 at 11:30

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Rapper Negav, after a series of scandals about his personal life, decided to announce his withdrawal from Anh Trai Say Hi's concert night 2. However, on the afternoon of October 18, during the rehearsal, fans were surprised to see Negav appear at the venue.

Accordingly, the post originated from an anonymous account, posted in the fan group of Anh Trai Say Hi. This account said that when updating at the stage rehearsal, they discovered Negav, even though the male rapper had posted a notice of withdrawal in advance. This post made fans confused, thinking that Negav might ambush and suddenly appear at the concert to create a surprise.

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 1

However, when the truth was discovered, the internet was shocked. Because Negav's appearance was actually just an image of Negav hangin.g at the concert venue, even though he did not participate. Accordingly, the program's producer still hung a banner with Negav's image at the concert venue Anh Trai Say Hi. The online community believes that even though he did not appear, the producer left Negav's image at the concert as a way to show respect for his contributions to the songs at the program.

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 2

Negav's absence from the concert, to the online community, was a reasonable decision by the male rapper to avoid creating controversy and affecting the remaining artists in the concert. However, to Negav's fans, this was a huge "loss" as the performances on stage would lack an important "link".

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 3

Fans also spread the moment of the rehearsal of the song Catch Me If You Can - one of the hits of Anh Trai Say Hi with the performance of the quartet Negav, Cong Duong, Quang Hung Master D and Nicky. On the rehearsal stage, only artists Cong Duong, Nicky and Quang Hung Master D appeared. The absence of Negav made the male rapper's fans unable to hide their disappointment and frustration. Many comments clearly expressed their frustration when affirming that Catch Me If You Can would not be complete without Negav.

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 4

Besides, there are still opinions that although sad and disappointed, Negav needs time to mature and learn his lessons. Many people hope that after the big noise in his career, the male rapper will improve himself and soon return. Or there are comments that hope that if Anh Trai Say Hi is held in Hanoi, Negav will appear.

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 5

Previously, netizens also discovered Song Luan's affectionate actions towards Negav. In recent days, on his personal Story, Song Luan often posted photos with the background music of "Chang Kho Thuy Cung" - the song performed by Negav at the "Say Hi" Brother Finale. Not only that, during the livestream on the evening of October 16, "Mr. Sinh" also turned on the music and sang along to this song. Many viewers were moved to share: "Oh my god, I'm still moved when I watch it. If Negav could watch it, he would probably cry for the flood in Saigon", "Sir, please spare us, you keep mentioning it publicly like this, we Embes will cry in the Red River", "I'm very grateful for this brotherhood"...

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 6

In a recent post on TikTok, Phap Kieu not only received compliments for her extremely "slay" visual but also made the audience "love her even more" when using the background music of the song Minh Anh Thoi. The singer of Loi Di Rieng also moved fans when she clicked to like a comment with the content "Kieu used Negav's music, Kieu must miss Negav like us".

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 7

Besides, netizens also "discovered" that NICKY had just reposted a fan-edited clip of his and Negav's moments at the show. Or a day ago, Erik's Threads account also reposted a "senseless skit" with Quang Hung MasterD, Negav, and Phap Kieu.

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 8

After the news that Negav would not perform at the 2 Brothers concert "Say Hi", these actions of the "brothers" made the audience appreciate the love that the brothers have for each other even more, even though they may encounter mixed opinions.

Negav suddenly appeared at the concert rehearsal despite withdrawing, the truth was revealed - Photo 9

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