Ly Van Di, the son of Jackie Chan and 50 Chinese artists were e.xposed to the scandal by the intelligence organization

Duyên TrầnOct 25, 2021 at 09:41

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According to People's Daily, Ly Van Dich is the next b.ig star with a chaotic private life to be removed from Chinese showbiz in 2021.

The piano genius was arrested on charges of p.rostitution. The newspaper said that Ly Van Di's illegal and unethical work was discovered through the report of a member of an organization called Trieu Duong Mass.

Before Ly Van Dich, about 50 famous artists were accused of misconduct by this organization. In which there are more than a dozen stars entangled in labor, having to repent behind bars.

Ly Van Di, the son of Jackie Chan and 50 Chinese artists were e.xposed to the scandal by the intelligence organization - Photo 1

Artists die because of d.rugs, p.rostitution

According to QQ, Li is a regular customer of many high-class prostitutes in Beijing. In early June, he was first detained by Chaoyang District police. At that time, with m.oney and relationships, Ly Van Dich settled well and successfully concealed the scandal from the media. But after a few months of being released, the Chinese piano genius "has gotten used to the old ways" and continues to engage in illegal s.ex transactions. His behavior again did not go unnoticed by the Chaoyang Mass Organization. According to the police investigation report, Ly Van Dich often commits acts of b.uying s.ex at his own home. He was arrested as soon as he arrived at Beijing airport. After interrogation, Ly Van Dich admitted to selling s.ex by phone. He used the phone to schedule an appointment with a prostitute and paid $1,500 for each service.

The woman surnamed Tran, 29 years old, is the male artist's "intestine relationship". In the g.irl's phone book, there is a phone number of Ly Van Dich. He also used a real account to transfer m.oney to the last name Tran. Due to a re-offending, Li Yundi's case was widely reported to the public by the police.

According to Sina, since 2013, Chaoyang Masses began to collect evidence and denounce illegal activities of Chinese artists. Mainly targeting p.rostitution and drug use. Sohu said that up to now, the number of artists e.xposed by this organization to their poor dignity and debauched lifestyle is not less than 50. Through investigation from the authorities, they have been identified with the right people. If you commit a minor crime, you will be detained for a few days and pay an administrative fine, if you are serious, you will be criminally prosecuted and self-criticized in prison.

To Danh's room, Jackie Chan's son, lost m.oney after being found to be addicted to d.rugs for 8 years. He and his close friend, actor Kha Chan Dong, were arrested by the Trieu Duong police while they were with a group of friends high on d.rugs at their home in 2014. The police found more than 100 grams of marijuana in the house of the Ancestral Hall. The male artist was sentenced to 6 months in prison.

Ly Van Di, the son of Jackie Chan and 50 Chinese artists were e.xposed to the scandal by the intelligence organization - Photo 2

According to Sina, in the period 2013-2016, under the coordination between Beijing police and Chaoyang Masses, a large-scale drug crime crackdown took place in showbiz. More than 20 artists who used banned substances were criminally prosecuted, including Vuong Hoc Binh, Ha Thinh Dong, Ly Dai Mat, Vuong Tinh, Ninh Tai Than, Pho Nghe Vy, Tong Dong Da, Ly Van Di, Truong Mo, Truong Dieu Duong... Not only d.rugs, Trieu Duong masses also trace p.rostitution. Artists like Huynh Hai Ba, Vuong Toan An, Truong Dieu Duong were arrested at the battle while "raining" with prostitutes. They have to go to a re-education camp. For many years, the aforementioned dyed names were not welcomed in the entertainment industry. The General Administration of Radio and Television of China forbids entities that allow public figures with evil and sinful actions to appear in the media and do behind-the-scenes work.

Legitimate surveillance organization

According to the Beijing Times, the Chaoyang Masses are considered to be the legal artist-monitoring organization in China. This unit was established in 2013 under the policy of the people and the police as one, cooperating to catch criminals in society. As of 2017, there are over 14,000 active members. They are responsible for gathering information and reporting suspicious objects to the police. Their operation area is all over Beijing, especially focusing on the Chaoyang area - where many top Chinese stars choose to live. The members of the organization have absolute privacy of personal information, receive a monthly allowance, and can enjoy health insurance if they are unfortunately injured in the process of monitoring and catching criminals. Chaoyang masses are known as the "Great King of China's intelligence organization" with a dense network, under the protection of the authorities.

Sina said that in the past years, to improve the spirit of the rule of law, Beijing police have mobilized people to participate in crime reporting. Those who make an important contribution in solving the crime can receive a reward of up to 500,000 yuan.

According to Sohu, this soft power helps the Trieu Duong Masses take control of the careers of many artists in the entertainment world if they lead a deviant lifestyle. The ability of this organization to solve crimes was again proven when Ly Van Dich's scandal was e.xposed. Despite many achievements in solving crimes and having a profound impact on society, on China's online portals, there is very little information about the Chaoyang Mass organization.

Ly Van Di, the son of Jackie Chan and 50 Chinese artists were e.xposed to the scandal by the intelligence organization - Photo 3

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