Loc Fuho put on a dashing map, switched to "teaching" work, did something that made the netizen flutter.

Duyên TrầnDec 08, 2021 at 10:42

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It can be said that at the present time, Loc Fuho is being considered as one of the YouTubers with the most obvious change in 2021.

If in the past, when talking about Loc Fuho, many people would often immediately associate the image of a sincere, rustic and simple YouTuber guy - who was mentioned a lot with impressive sayings as well as somewhat different circumstances. his difficulties. However, now, looking at the image of Loc Fuho, perhaps many people will find it difficult to recognize when compared to the past.

Loc Fuho put on a dashing map, switched to "teaching" work, did something that made the netizen flutter. - Photo 1

Not only is there a difference in style of dress as well as personal life after getting married, Loc Fuho is also focusing more on the livestream segment instead of regularly releasing videos on YouTube as before. So much so that many people now joke that they don't know whether to call him a streamer or a YouTuber. But indeed, the recent image of Loc Fuho is surprising many people.

Accordingly, recently, Loc Fuho began to switch to the job of "teaching" the job of a plumber instead of doing it himself as before. He also made many people excited when he recruited two pretty and charming female trainees. However, the style of "Teacher Loc" is really cool. Wearing a dapper suit, the guy also carried a massage chair to the construction site to enjoy, along with teaching the two girls how to plaster, mix cement, build walls...

And it seems that this change of Loc Fuho is being enthusiastically received by his fans. The proof is that in less than an hour since its broadcast, the YouTuber's livestream channel has had nearly 110,000 likes, more than 150,000 comments and, along with that, the number of views is also approximately 100,000 - parameters enough to speaks to the popularity of Loc Fuho at the present time.

Loc Fuho's popularity cannot be denied at the present time. However, it must also be admitted that, after the noises in the past, especially with the YouTube channel dispute, plus the makeover, he is no longer the simple and sincere servant, Loc Fuho. also made many of his hard fans from the beginning to regret.

In the most recent livestream, "teacher" Loc Fuho still brings the familiar atmosphere of teaching his students how to mix mortar, build walls... However, more remarkable than previous livestreams, Loc Fuho also surprised when recruiting an "assistant" to take care of him while working, named "ca-co-le". And this special phrase was repeated by the guy many times and taught thousands of his students how to pronounce it correctly.

With the wit and a bit of innocence when introducing "ca-co-le", just over 1 hour of livestream on the facebook platform, Mr. Loc Fuho's clip has brought in more than 100k online views, tens of thousands of views. comment and share. And this phrase was quickly searched by netizens and became the hottest topic in Loc Fuho's livestream on November 26.

Loc Fuho put on a dashing map, switched to "teaching" work, did something that made the netizen flutter. - Photo 2

Specifically, in his livestream, in addition to appearing dapper with an impressive blue suit with his two beautiful students, there was also the appearance of a massage chair in the frame. And this is the source of the problem, after letting his students experience the newly purchased massage chair, Loc Fuho shared: "This is a KLC massage chair, the Vietnamese name is "Ca-le-co". English is KLC (tree-eo-xi)... the number 1 brand in Vietnam, guys, buy this massage chair, delivery within the same day, I choose this brand because it has many stores and it delivered same day..."

Many people watching the livestream could not help but be interested and impressed with the way to read this brand of massage chair by Mr. Loc Fuho. Some fans commented, "KLC has a new name called ca-co-le", "the way to read it can't be more Vietnamese", "The hottest game tonight"...

It is known that the massage chair newly purchased by Mr. Loc Fuho to serve his auxiliary work comes from the KLC Vietnam brand - one of the most famous massage chair brands in the country and used by many famous artists. It seems that "teacher" Loc's live streaming sessions are increasingly invested in content and images. Many new and attractive things are what this guy is aiming for in the future.

Loc Fuho put on a dashing map, switched to "teaching" work, did something that made the netizen flutter. - Photo 3

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