Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly

XukaMar 28, 2023 at 10:41

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Information that Khoa Pug's h.ot pot restaurant in the US was recently sprayed with paint caused people to constantly talk about it on forums. According to information from a male YouTuber from Khanh Hoa, the image of a stranger splashing paint was recorded by the entire restaurant's security camera.

Taking advantage of the quiet evening, this young man threw paint bags at the door and sign area. Because the subject's face was covered, the face could not be recognized.

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 1

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 2

After a few hours of posting, Khoa Pug left a comment to inform more about the incident under the clip. He said he called the police soon after, but the answer made Khoa Pug even more frustrated.

"I called the police (police) to come, extract the camera and give the license plate to the police. Finished saying the green sentence: If you find it, tell me," Khoa Pug wrote.

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 3

It is known that this is not the first time Khoa Pug restaurant has had problems. Before that, around November 2022, on his personal Facebook page, Khoa Pug also posted a long article about his restaurant being constantly stolen and vandalized. Specifically, these subjects took away a foot tractor worth more than 1 billion, 13 cameras worth $ 4,000 (approximately 115 million) placed inside the restaurant.

Or like other times, Khoa Pug's 23 billion property also reluctantly became a "residence" for uninvited guests. Nam Youtuber was disappointed when he saw that the restaurant's door was closed, the gate was silent as if it was abandoned, and there were homeless people sleeping.

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 4

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 5

Being harmed time and time again by crooks, Khoa Pug expressed his frustration: "I really don't know what I'm doing, I'm jealous of what's going on here, relatives come to eat, I'm very happy to welcome them. , want to bring quality meals...".

Under the latest post of Youtuber from Khanh Hoa, many viewers have also left comforting comments, hoping that he will continue to focus on restaurant work. But besides that, some netizens questioned whether this was a trick Khoa Pug used to advertise hotpot restaurants?

- Don't know if there's a Who wouldn't use paint again, it's both expensive and easy to clean. People often throw oil paint over there, which is both cheap and difficult to clean.

- From the day of exploding to pay employees 20 billion/year, Khoa Pug has gone a bit far.

- Have m.oney to open a h.ot pot restaurant but no m.oney to hire a security guard? Sounds absurd!

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 6

The picture of Vuong Pham checking-in at Khoa Pug's 23 billion hotpot restaurant posted in a recent group meeting has received more than 3,500 likes and many passionate comments on social networks.

Accordingly, "Million Dollar" brought his wife and 2 daughters to eat at Khoa Pug's restaurant, and at the same time gave sobbing praise to the h.ot pot restaurant: "Khoa Pug h.ot pot, delicious and cheap, lots of meat, too many vegetables, eat comfortably but the price is equal to a special bowl of pho with a bowl of rare eggs."

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 7

This is the first time Vuong Pham and his wife have publicly mentioned Khoa Pug on social networks since the rumors of a face-off in early 2022. Before that, both sides had directly deleted the photos taken together on their personal pages. no one cares about anyone. When Khoa Pug opened the restaurant, Vuong Pham came to celebrate, even being caught by fans working as a waiter and cleaner at the restaurant. But of course, both brothers avoid facing each other or standing in the same frame.

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 8

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 9

- No need for any more signs, the two shook hands to make up.

- Seeing Vuong Pham return to Khoa Pug with enthusiasm like this makes me happy.

- Until now, Khoa Vuong's friendship was still so happy. Both of you played very sincerely and enthusiastically. Both of them are rich and who still use each other like rumors.

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 10

It is known that Vuong Pham's real name is Pham Dinh Quoc Vuong (born in 1991) currently doing business in the field of marketing and real estate. At the age of 16, he moved with his family to the US to settle down. Through many ups and downs, Vuong Pham has now built a solid career in the US, favored by the Vietnamese community around the world as "Dollar Millionaire". Vuong Pham currently owns a YouTube channel with more than 1.2 million followers.

In addition to sharing daily life and business, Vuong Pham also regularly appears with his wife Brenda Lam. After getting married, both he and his wife bought a grand mansion worth millions of dollars in the US. In addition, Vuong Pham also has a large farm to grow trees and raise animals.

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 11

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 12

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 13

Khoa Pug made a controversial move after Vuong Pham "rioted" the restaurant, saying one thing directly - Photo 14

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