Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant

TinMar 10, 2023 at 09:01

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This time, the information that male Youtuber Khoa Pug opened a 23 billion restaurant in the US attracted the attention of many fans.

In the first days of opening, a large number of Vietnamese diners came to support and interact with male YouTubers, making the restaurant always in a state of overcrowding.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 1

It is worth mentioning that in the review clips of YouTubers living in the US, the online community quickly recognized the appearance of Vuong Pham.

Before that, Khoa Pug and Vuong Pham were best friends, constantly appearing in each other's videos. However, at the beginning of 2022, the couple was suddenly silent, facing the question of "face-to-face" when both deleted all pictures of each other. Therefore, this reunion "as if there has never been a separation" surprised the audience.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 2

Most recently, on his personal page, young billionaire Vuong Pham continued to cause s.hock when he posted a clip revealing that he was in danger because his farm was visited by wolves.

Vuong Pham said that at about 2 o'clock at night, he suddenly heard the dog barking loudly and continuously, he rushed out and saw a cat breathing heavily.

"At that time, Vuong just shone the light around and saw a few generals like dogs with blue eyes. The other dying cat also did not survive, suspected of being bitten by a wolf," said Vuong Pham.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 3

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 4

He continued: "Knowing that there are wolves around here, but I don't pay attention because it rarely enters the state." Finally, he shared that he will find a way to prevent dogs from breaking into his farm in the near future.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 5

As soon as it appeared, Vuong Pham's clip quickly attracted the attention of many netizens. Many people did not hesitate to leave comments advising the guy to solve it completely so that the farm gets out of danger because of wolves.

Vuong Pham is famous for his close friendship with Khoa Pug. However, the two were suddenly involved in rumors of a rift, turning their backs in early 2022. After that, they no longer mentioned each other in the media, and Vuong Pham also deleted photos related to Khoa Pug. .

Before your move, Khoa Pug was no less competitive when he deleted all photos of Vuong Pham on his personal page. Since then, many people believe that this couple has officially broken up, many people think that the two have "faced" each other.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 6

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 7

Recently, when Khoa Pug opened a restaurant on the 23rd floor in the US, many people were surprised when Vuong Pham was also present at Khoa Pug's special day, he even sent congratulatory flowers, accompanied by a line Text: "Vuong Pham congratulates the opening of Khoa Pug Hong Phat". This surprised many people, many fans of both were secretly glad that Khoa Pug and Vuong Pham could have "resumed their old love".

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 8

Not only to congratulate, in some pictures recorded by customers coming to Khoa Pug restaurant to have a meal, Vuong Pham appeared in a very special role. "Million Dollar" not only comes to eat and drink, he also takes on the role of serving, pushing the table to bring the h.ot pot to the guests. Vuong Pham is also ready to clean up dishes and plates like a waiter when guests finish eating.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 9

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 10

Although present at the shop, many people wonder that they have not seen a moment in the same frame and Khoa Pug did not mention the presence of Vuong Pham on his channel. While Khoa Pug was busy receiving guests and shaking hands with fans, Vuong Pham just watched from afar.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 11

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 12

Recently, Khoa Pug guy also shared the "broken" status of his shop.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 13

"After the opening day was busy, I finished cleaning at 2 am, I came back to your house. Yesterday was too busy! At 8 pm, I had to stop to welcome new guests, invited more than 200 guests to wait outside because there was no room. sitting, there is nothing to eat inside, instant noodles are also gone."

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 14

On the second day of opening, Khoa Pug visited the shop at noon, 1 hour after opening. Crowded queues have not lessened either. He excitedly said: "You guys keep saying that the shop is only crowded for 1 day, and then it will gradually decrease, but I see that today is more crowded than yesterday!". He asked the guests waiting outside the door, and was told that they had waited in line for 1-3 hours, but had not yet been able to eat because the inside was full.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 15

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 16

When going inside to greet diners, Khoa Pug discovered a special guest: a 95-year-old man. Khoa Pug emotionally shared: "I did not expect to welcome a nearly 100-year-old man to support the newly opened restaurant, this is probably the oldest customer of the restaurant.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 17

In return for that sentiment, Khoa Pug told the staff not to charge for the old man's meal and reduce it by 10% for the whole table.

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 18

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 19

Vuong Pham had a life-threatening situation after working as a waiter at Khoa Pug restaurant - Photo 20

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