Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other person's sophistication

Hoa TuyếtDec 14, 2023 at 18:25

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After a tearful meeting with her ex-lover in episode 9, Te Gia Nghi was overwhelmed by the way the young man arranged the date with her. Even though there were some obstacles, everything went smoothly.

It is known that from the first time they met, Phuong Khong left a special impression on Te Gia Nghi (played by Tran Nghien Hy). He is not only talented but also extremely sophisticated and well-spoken.

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 1

The proof is that with just a few sentences, Phuong Khong made an appointment with Gia Nghi to dinner. Recently, he continued to s.how his sophistication on a date with a beautiful woman.

Accordingly, in the new episode of "Sweet Taste", Phuong Khong surprised Gia Nghi. Specifically, the two had a dinner date, but that day he had to work overtime with the staff. While working but still wanted to date, the guy brought the g.irl to his company.

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 2

When we arrived, Phuong Khong seemed busy so Gia Nghi wanted to reschedule the appointment. However, he expressed his unwillingness: "No, I'm really looking forward to meeting you." He didn't forget to warn her that he had prepared everything but it was still a bit sketchy, hoping she wouldn't mind.

At this time, in her private office, Phuong Khong prepared the dining table with extremely romantic wine, candles and flowers. While eating, he revealed that he had met the "beautiful lady" before and was very impressed with her style. However, the couple's date had to end quickly because the guy was quite busy. The two had to make an appointment to meet another time.

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 3

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 4

Back home, Te Gia Nghi confided to his friend that he really enjoyed the date with Phuong Khong. It seems like this couple will soon enter a passionate phase in the near future.

"Sweet Taste" is a project marking the collaboration between two A-list female stars of Cbiz, Tong Thien and Tran Nghien Hy. Both are more capable than others but constantly encounter bad luck at work.

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 5

While the South African doctor (Tong Thien) had to quit his job due to pressure, Te Gia Nghi (Tran Nghien Hy) was even worse. Gia Nghi has an unfavorable life and job, and is married to a weak husband who only knows how to listen to his mother and make his wife suffer.

To free herself, she decided to divorce, however, her ex-husband demanded half of the house - the property built by Te Gia Nghi alone. This caused her to break down and cry many times with her South African best friend.

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 6

Episode 9 of the movie, Qi Gia Nghi was informed by his ex-lover that he would get married next month. During their hasty meeting, she received an invitation from her ex-lover. He was even willing to book a ticket for her to appear at the wedding.

However, Te Gia Nghi refused because she thought her appearance would make the bride feel resentful. "Well, I'm not going anywhere. Your wedding will definitely include our former classmates, and also your mother. I'm an ex-girlfriend, I shouldn't s.how up to make the bride feel more resentful." , she said.

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 7

Surprisingly, the handsome ex-lover turned to question Te Gia Nghi about the reason the two broke up before. It turned out that his feelings for her had never changed, and marrying a new wife was also reluctant.

When recalling the past, Gia Nghi affirmed that she had no intention of betraying her promise to him, it was just that when they met each other, they were both too young and had not thought clearly.

"It's a pity I missed you. You should look forward, because a good future is waiting for you." Although they were very sorry for each other, the two gave each other a final hug and then said goodbye. Will the couple's life later be happy? "Sweet Taste" is airing on a number of streaming platforms.

Sweet Taste: Tran Nghien Hy dates a young man, melting before the other persons sophistication - Photo 8

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