Dilraba Dil and Co Luc Na Trat "meet without appointment" but the fate is opposite

team youtuberApr 08, 2021 at 17:00

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At the end of March 2021, Nhiet Ba and Na Trat met without appointment and appeared together in two historical works. Thermal Ba with Truong Ca Hanh and Na Trat with Twelve Dams.

Dich Le Nhiet Ba and Co Luc Na Trat are both beauties from Xinjiang, both born in 1992 and famous for their extreme beauty. Although they have participated in many works, major TV projects and starred in many movies, they all met with controversy about acting. Supporters say that two beauties of the same age have made progress in acting skills or in the middle of the current market, just having beauty and good shape is enough.

At the end of March 2021, Nhiet Ba and Na Trat met without appointment and appeared together in two historical works. Thermal Ba with Truong Ca Hanh and Na Trat with Twelve Dams.

The response and attitude of the audience to these two works are very different, if Truong Ca Hanh is causing a fever and is sought after by Chinese "film nerds", Thap Nhi Dam "flops".

Co Luc Na Trat with Twelve Dams

Twelve Dam tells about the love between the elf Da Minh (Co Luc Na Trat) and the half-god half-loving b.oy Kim Tinh Kien (Luu Di Hao). The film takes the national theme, fantasy combined with romance, is hoped to be a work that creates success like Tu Dang.

Dilraba Dil and Co Luc Na Trat "meet without appointment" but the fate is opposite - Photo 1

However, since its broadcast, the film has been criticized by netizens. Viewers shook their heads in disgust because of the film's disastrous "three-cent" effect, the beach scene with the mermaid character was too fake, creating a joke on social networks.

As for the content, the film was criticized for building a love story between a male and female lead in the style of a tyrannical tycoon and an innocent, boring, and bland g.irl. The script is intertwined with many love and hate scenes between the youkai, making the film like a messy and confusing "hot pot".

Dilraba Dil and Co Luc Na Trat "meet without appointment" but the fate is opposite - Photo 2

Besides, the "playing ground" of the two main characters played by Luu Di Hao and Na Trat is very small, and their interaction is also blurred. Na Trat's acting is still the same as "hundreds of roles as one", with no breakthrough. Even her shape and beauty and temperament are considered "inferior" compared to Canh Diem's Tu Dang character.

Dilraba Dilra with Truong Ca Hanh

In contrast to Twelve Dams, not many people are interested in paying attention, Truong Ca Hanh is a movie that people are interested in passionately. The details, context, techniques, shaping and acting of the main cast in the film all reached the top hot-search and received positive comments from netizens.

The content of the film tells about the life of the princess Vinh Ninh - Ly Truong Ca (Dich Le Nhiet Ba), her father was k.illed by the enemy, so she escaped from the palace, disguised as a man to stay in the gypsy place to go up. revenge plan, revenge.

Dilraba Dil and Co Luc Na Trat "meet without appointment" but the fate is opposite - Photo 3

Dilraba Dilra's role as Truong Ca has received mixed reviews about her appearance and acting since the s.how aired. Although there are people who praise and criticize, in general, the majority of viewers think that Nhiet Ba has successfully built the image of a resilient and brave princess.

She combined well with her co-star and played the "full role" of the character Truong Ca. Although not causing "explosion" in the way of acting, Heat Ba's performance is considered to have many breakthroughs, making an impression on viewers.

Dilraba Dil and Co Luc Na Trat "meet without appointment" but the fate is opposite - Photo 4

Her fans are hoping that with the climactic developments in the latter part of the film, Heat Ba will have a chance to shine and prove her acting prowess.

Currently, with this re-appearance on the screen, Nhiet Ba has won against Na Trat. The story of Truong Ca Hanh is attractive, attracting the audience to follow more than Twelve Three. The incarnation of Heat Ba is also more appreciated than Tra Nat.

Dilraba Dil and Co Luc Na Trat "meet without appointment" but the fate is opposite - Photo 5

Dilraba Dil and Co Luc Na Trat "meet without appointment" but the fate is opposite - Photo 6

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