Translated Lap Canh - The most "tight and slash" MC in Cbiz made Duong Mich pale, Ly Nhuoc Dong "shut up"

team youtubeApr 24, 2021 at 11:30

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Dich Lap Canh is a strange name to Vietnamese audiences, but it is a "nightmare" for Chinese-language artists. This female MC often asks "tight and slash" questions that make the artists fall into a dilemma, sometimes stiffening their throats and not knowing how to respond.

Translated Lap Canh - The most "tight and slash" MC in Cbiz made Duong Mich pale, Ly Nhuoc Dong "shut up" - Photo 1

Dich Lap Canh has been in showbiz for nearly 20 years, nicknamed "cold-faced ghost" by industry insiders. She is always associated with the image of short hair, black glasses, an emotionless face that makes stars like sitting on a fire when participating in her program. Especially artists who like to talk around to avoid sensitive issues always feel that Dich Lap Canh is their best enemy.

EQ as high as Duong Mich still has to "green face"

In the entertainment world, Duong Mich is famous for his high EQ and skillful manners. But she also "sweat" many times before the sharp questions of Dich Lap Canh.

The female MC once frankly questioned Duong Mich that she received too many films, so it was difficult to ensure the quality, the acting of the beauty Tam Sinh Tam The tended to decline compared to when she was new to the profession. The broken marriage of Duong Mich and Luu Khai Uy was also "digged" by Dich Lap Canh. The female MC once bluntly asked: "To be a good mother, you need to be with your children, do you think you have spent enough time with your children?" causing Yang Mi to turn blue and not know how to respond.

In this interview, Duong Mich tried all kinds of ways to "talk around" but it was not effective. After a mess of talking because of too much stress, the actress had to say goodbye to this "cold-faced ghost".

Screenwriter plagiarism Quach Kinh Minh is "dumb as a mussel" even though he normally argues eloquently

Translated Lap Canh - The most "tight and slash" MC in Cbiz made Duong Mich pale, Ly Nhuoc Dong "shut up" - Photo 2

Quach Kinh Minh is a writer - screenwriter who is often involved in plagiarism scandals, stealing Cbiz's brain. Therefore, he became a "thorn in the eye" of the Chinese literary community. Quach Kinh Minh is often called for boycott whenever he releases a new work. This is also a taboo that the male writer never wants to mention.

However, in an interview, Dich Lap Canh didn't bother to "swipe his face and respect his nose", frankly asked Quach Kinh Minh: "Do you feel that Chinese literature will open the door to welcome you?". This female MC's unconcerned question made Quach Kinh Minh - who is famous for his argumentative ability to be so tense that he couldn't stop drinking water, finally seemed quite annoyed, asking to change to another question.

Making Ton Hong Loi humiliated because of his career "stain"

Ton Hong Loi is the favorite Emperor of the Chinese entertainment industry. However, the actor has a "stain" in his acting career, which is the movie Warring States with a gloomy Douban score that makes him so embarrassed that he wants to return the salary.

So, Dich Lap Canh is not afraid to touch the "pain" of his colleagues with the question: "Ton Hong Loi, why does a person like you accept a film project like Warring States? Is it because the producer "smashes m.oney?" Is it too strong?" This made the actor, who is famous for his friendly smile, also embarrassed to answer.

The beauty "doesn't compete with life" Van Thien reveals a fake face

Famous as a "beautiful beauty like chrysanthemum", Van Thien does not compete with colleagues in the entertainment industry. But in the interview with Dich Lap Canh, Van Thien had a painful "flip". Even actress Tam Quoc Co Mi was criticized as a liar and reached the top of searches on social networks.

Van Thien shared that he did not want to be famous, did not participate in any TV shows before going to the program "Billion Typography" Turns the Wave. However, this beauty was immediately e.xposed by Dich Lap Canh: "I said I didn't participate in the TV, but I already came to Vu Lam Dai Hoi. I also participated in 2 more seasons". This "devious" lie has pushed Van Thien to the top of the waves, receiving countless bricks and stones from public opinion.

Huynh Thanh Y "failed" with a very harsh question

Shining into a star thanks to the support of Chau Tinh Tri, Huynh Thanh Y became a goddess in the hearts of many viewers. However, it seems that after betraying "Elf Family", the actress did not have any memorable works.

Translation Lap Canh made Huynh Thanh Y "salt" with two harsh questions: "Do you have any typical works?", "Is Thien Tien Phoi also considered your typical work?". It is known that the film Thien Tien Phoi, starring Huynh Thanh Y, has a "pathetic" Douban score, which is not appreciated by the audience.

Translated Lap Canh - The most "tight and slash" MC in Cbiz made Duong Mich pale, Ly Nhuoc Dong "shut up" - Photo 3

The youngest photo of Cbiz Ly Tieu Lo is "salty" because of incompetence

Before being ostracized because of the adultery scandal, Ly Tieu Lo was once the "youngest queen photo" of Cbiz when he held the Golden Horse trophy when he was only 17 years old. However, this achievement of Ly Tieu Lo was still "reviewed" by Dich Lap Canh.

The female MC made Ly Tieu Lo panic with the question: "My most famous work is Thien Duc from 17 years ago. In recent years, what do you think you have done?". Not only that, Dich Lap Canh also pointed out that Ly Tieu Lo does not focus on acting, just likes to "color", lacks sincerity and dedication to the profession.

Many people think that the female MC has described too well about Ly Tieu Lo. Career is forever stomped in place, the aura has all receded, Ly Tieu Lo is now only considered as a social network hotgirl.

"Young girl" Ly Nhuoc Dong was accused of clinging to middle-aged giants

Ly Nhuoc Dong is considered "the most classic Tieu Long Nu on the screen", is the whole sky of memories with a large audience, especially the 8X - 9X generation. Now, even at the age of 54, this beauty still makes netizens admire with her beauty "like eating Tang Tang".

However, when participating in the TV Roasted It - where the guests could freely speak up to "unmask" anyone, Dich Lap Canh immediately aimed at Ly Nhuoc Dong with a very sensitive question: "Being a middle-aged woman, I always wonder, why do women at this age keep trying to hold on to the beauty of a young woman? or what?".

Translated Lap Canh - The most "tight and slash" MC in Cbiz made Duong Mich pale, Ly Nhuoc Dong "shut up" - Photo 4

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