Duong Mich was called out by Cnet and broke up with Wei Dai Huan, young love still splurged m.oney to create love rumors

team youtubeApr 09, 2021 at 17:48

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People in Cbiz are talking about a very h.ot rumor released by a blogger. According to anonymous information, another famous couple of Cbiz "exploded", although it is not clear what the truth is, but netizens discussed enthusiastically and "called out" the suspicious character.

Duong Mich was called by Cnet and broke up with Wei Dai Huan, young love still splurged m.oney to create emotional rumors - Photo 1.

A source from the blogger said that a very h.ot female star with the abbreviation "MM" broke up with her boyfriend "WDX". After e.nding this love affair, the "b.oy's family" immediately looked for and met new girls. Notably, this blogger expressed a harsh attitude: "People ask for their photos, I'm not paparazzi. She has never announced a love affair, apart from getting married, she has never admitted anything. Don't think that you can only fall in love once in your life."

Thanks to the above data, netizens believe that the blogger is referring to Duong Mich and Wei Dai Huan. The abbreviation "MM" is said to be the first letter of "Mimi" (Mich Mi - the name that fans often call Duong Mich), and "WDX" is "Wei Da Xun" (Nguyen Dai Huan). The details of "ever married" are more relevant to Duong Mich when the actress "once a boat" with Luu Khai Uy.

In addition, some fans speculated: "Recently, Yang Mi's image has tended to go down, is it because of the love story with Wei Dai Huan?". Previously, a source Duong Mich and Wei Dai Huan broke up once, because the beauty Tam Sinh Tam The thought that she was taken advantage of by her boyfriend. However, later, the couple was discovered to be in the same house together, proving that the relationship was not broken.

Currently, the above is still just a speculation rumor, the two main characters have never spoken about this scandal. According to the comments of most netizens, Wei Dai Huan seems to be a rather submissive person. In an event at the end of last year, this young man born in 1989 suddenly changed his hairstyle and dyed it blue. Many people find it difficult to understand because this shape makes his beauty "submerged" quite a l.ot. However, a hard fan of Duong Mich revealed that blue is Yang Mi's favorite color. Therefore, Wei Dai Huan chose this color to dye his hair.

In 2019, there were rumors online that Yang Mi was dating Wei Dai Huan and very convincing evidence was given, but the couple never responded.

Duong Mich was called by Cnet and broke up with Wei Dai Huan, young love still splurged m.oney to create emotional rumors - Photo 2.

But whether they spoke up or not, netizens at that time were almost certain that Yang Mi - Wei Dai Huan were together, not only that, but they also sent their blessings to the two. Only not long ago, a person claiming to be director Chau Quoc Cuong posted a video about the relationship between Duong Mich and Wei Dai Huan, making netizens extremely surprised.

According to Chau Quoc Cuong, the intimate images between Duong Mich and Wei Dai Huan in the s.how "Escape from the Secret Room" that they participated in were all pre-arranged content.

"Does Wei Dai Huan like Duong Mich? Don't be stupid, all content in the TV s.how is carefully reviewed by the teams of both sides. If there is anything other than the contract, the management team will You can ask to cut it at any time. That means the intimate interactions of the two people on the s.how, Duong Mich's team knows it clearly."

Not only that, the director also added: "This is originally Wei Dai Huan spending m.oney to create rumors with Duong Mich, like the case of Thai Y Lam and Chau Kiet Luan in the past."

Although Chau Quoc Cuong did not clarify whether Wei Dai Huan really liked Yang Mi, the detail of "spending m.oney to create rumors" seems to have made it clear that this 1989-born actor had no feelings for him. Beauty Palace radiates pearl heart.

It seems that the sweet and romantic love story that people always think is real is just a pairing with the purpose of attracting attention. But there are many netizens who do not believe what Chau Quoc Cuong said because he did not give clear evidence of this.

Duong Mich was called by Cnet and broke up with Wei Dai Huan, young love still splurged m.oney to create emotional rumors - Photo 3.

Duong Mich was called by Cnet and broke up with Wei Dai Huan, young love still splurged m.oney to create emotional rumors - Photo 4.

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