Zhou En - 3 years of bitterness with Chau Tinh Tri and a relationship after 10 years of missing

team youtuberMar 30, 2021 at 21:00

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For more than 3 years of dating, Chau Tinh Tri refused to admit his love for the beautiful woman. In the end, the film was destined for life, Chi Ton Bao did not marry the fairy Tu Ha, Zhou An and Chau Tinh Tri also went their separate ways.

Zhou En, the beautiful fairy Tu Ha in Dai Dialogues Journey to the West and her love affair with a lot of ink and paper and director Chau Tinh Tri. But not everyone knows, after leaving the arms of the "Star Family", this beauty has found true happiness with the music actor Hoang Quan Trung - a person who was once criticized as unworthy of her. career and beauty.

The rich lady and the unruly teenager

Zhou En was born in 1971 in Hong Kong (China), in a wealthy, happy family, pampered and cherished by her parents like a princess. With a beautiful, elegant face, easy to sympathize with, a sunny smile. From a young age, she was enthusiastically pursued by boys.

Unlike Chu An, Hoang Quan Trung's childhood was not smooth. He was born into a poor family in Hong Kong. His father was a hot-tempered man, even often violently abusing his wife and children. At the age of 12, his parents divorced, Hoang Quan Trung became an unruly teenager in the eyes of everyone because of his arrogant and difficult personality, not only that, but also smoked, drank and fought. During that painful childhood, he considered painting and playing the guitar as saving his soul.

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 1

When Zhou En was 14 years old, once, Hoang Quan Trung and his friends went to the Hong Kong Academy of Arts. During this time, he accidentally saw Zhou En sitting in the stands and fell in love with her at first sight. However, with the thought of being "cool", Hoang Quan Trung did not dare to approach and ask for the goddess' phone number. Many years later, when remembering this, the actor surnamed Hoang expressed regret: "If that year hadn't been trying to be cold, maybe I would have been with a beautiful person long ago!".

He rose after the d.eath of his best friend, she rose after a painful love

There are many people who think that Hoang Quan Trung is not worthy of Chu An both in appearance and career. However, this is not true, because his musical talent is undeniable. If you want to vote for the most talented guitarists in China, Hoang Quan Trung is definitely the top name.

Speaking of Hoang Quan Trung, it is impossible not to mention the once-popular group Beyond. In 1985, while still sitting at school, Hoang Quan Trung played music while doing more design work. Once, he accepted the job of designing the cover photo for an orchestra called Beyond, but who expected, when the job was completed, the guitarist in the group suddenly went abroad.

Hearing that Hoang Quan Trung could play the guitar, Hoang Gia Cau went to see him and persuaded him to join the band. During 20 years of cooperation, Hoang Gia Cau and Hoang Quan Trung are very good, are "good" collaborators with each other. They released classic songs, making Beyond become the most popular Rock'n Roll group in Hong Kong at that time.

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 2

However, no one knows the word doubt, in 1993, the main vocalist of Beyond Hoang Gia Cau group accidentally fell from the stage while performing, seriously injured and unconscious. Six days later, he passed away in the inconsolable regret of his fans.

Hoang Quan Trung not only lost a close friend, but the group was also heavily affected. When he took on the role of the main vocalist, he was criticized by music fans, "You want to rely on the dead to m.ake m.oney, right?". From the male god of ten thousand people to the point of being stoned by public opinion, Hoang Quan Trung's career suddenly changed overnight. A few years after Hoang Gia Cau passed away, Hoang Quan Trung gradually formed his own personal style in music. Previously, the audience only remembered him as "Beyond's guitarist", now this actor has become a unique artist in the Chinese music industry.

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 3

Meanwhile, Zhou En enters the entertainment industry and has a headache with emotional problems with the talented director but with a strange personality, Chow Tinh Tri. While still in the lecture hall, Zhou En soon built a reputation. She joined TVB as a presenter. Her dynamic beauty helped her get the attention of many filmmakers at that time, including actor and director Chau Tinh Tri. He entrusted her with the female lead role in the action comedy Uy Long School 2.

It was also thanks to this movie that she knew and fell in love with "Elf". It can be said that the most beautiful moments of the actress, from the first screen kiss to the classic blink of the eye in Dai Dai Journey to the West, are devoted to the actor surnamed Chau.

However, for more than 3 years of dating, Chau Tinh Tri refused to admit his love for beautiful people. In the end, the film was destined for life, Chi Ton Bao did not marry the fairy Tu Ha, Zhou An and Chau Tinh Tri also went their separate ways.

In 1996, when asked by the media about her relationship with Zhou En, "Star Family" replied harshly: "There is no beginning, where is the end". After the breakup, Zhou En was extremely miserable, it took many years to get rid of emotional trauma. This is also the first time that the young lady who was "lifted like an egg, excited like a flower" from a young age fell in love.

Of course, it's not like Chau Tinh Tri doesn't love Zhou En. Best friend of "Star Family" - Luu Tran Vy once shared, when filming Dai Voyages to the West, Chau Tinh Tri and Zhou An were dating. Even a celibate like Chau Tinh Tri also intended to build a family with her "Hoang Dung".

There are a lot of speculations about the reason why the Dai Thoai Journey to the West couple broke up. However, in 2008, when participating in a TV show, Chu An once shared that he had a mysterious love affair that lasted more than 3 years with a male star and ended with "cheat in bed". Although not only the name, but netizens speculated that the other person was none other than Chau Tinh Tri. This leads to rumors that the third person to enter the couple's love is Mac Van Uy. However, the female diva quickly denied the rumors.

After leaving the arms of Chau Tinh Tri, Zhou En began to focus on his career. She continuously participated in more than 50 film projects, found herself a firm foothold in showbiz, getting rid of the label of "Tinh Gia girlfriend".

The predestined relationship after 10 years seemed to be missed forever

It was not until 10 years later, when they met again, that the fate between Hoang Quan Trung and Zhou An really came. Once, Chu An's mother knocked on the door of actor Hoang's house because his kitchen was overflowing with water, which damaged the light bulb in her house. At that time, Hoang Quan Trung found out that the beauty surnamed Chu was his neighbor. However, with the thought: "Chu En is a goddess, how can he pay attention to me", he did not make any moves to pursue.

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 4

Being next to each other's houses, there is always a chance to meet each other. However, being an introvert who does not know how to talk, every time he meets Zhou En, Hoang Quan Trung does not know what to say. He did not know that, at this time, Zhou En was also quietly observing the talented neighbor. The actress discovered that Hoang Quan Trung is a very disciplined person, after work, he just stays at home, takes care of his dog and spends time with music.

Chu An's mother is a "hard fan" of Hoang Quan Trung, often inviting him to his house to eat. However, each time, this actor just stood outside the door, finished his bowl of soup and then went home, never bragging, soft-spoken to please his beloved's mother. Very satisfied with Hoang Quan Trung, Chu An's mother once asked her: "How do you see this guy?". Although Hoang Quan Trung is not appreciated for his beauty in showbiz, his old love Chau Tinh Tri recognizes his own lovely features.

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 5

Thinking that this predestined relationship would drift into the golden past because of his timidity, once, Hoang Quan Trung's pet strayed to Chu An's house. When she saw the notice to find the dog, the actress brought it back to the owner. Gradually, their relationship also became closer.

When he was about to move, Hoang Quan Trung gathered up his courage and invited Zhou En to see a dog show. Unexpectedly, this couple was followed by the paparazzi and love rumors were also spread all over the newspapers. Although they have never held hands, no one believes that they are just friends. After asking Zhou En's opinion, Hoang Quan Trung "turned rumors into truth", openly admitting love.

After dating, the couple is always "sticky like a sam" when going to events, giving each other "love in love" eyes. Having been together for many years, Chu An never asked Hoang Quan Trung if she loved her or not, because she could feel the love of this musical actor.

Every day after finishing work, no matter how late, Hoang Quan Trung will also drive to Chu An's house, inform the beauty that he has finished his shift so that she can rest assured. Not only that, he also quit smoking, learned how to cook, no matter how busy he was, he would spend time with his girlfriend. Zhou En once proudly flaunted his happiness: "He put me in a very important position, only me in his eyes".

Marriage is not taken seriously

When Zhou En announced the marriage news, many people felt that Hoang Quan Trung was not suitable for her. Even the Hong Kong media used extremely harsh words to imagine: "The fairy marries a poor b.oy". Not only mocking Hoang Quan Trung in a run-down house in the deep mountains, driving a shabby car, they also affirmed that Hoang Quan Trung was far behind Chau Tinh Tri. Despite public opinion, the couple still returned to the same house and were happy together. Hoang Quan Trung once lamented: "I am a very unlucky person, I have to work harder than others. Maybe it's because all my luck was used to meet her."

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 6

After getting married, Zhou En was once concluded by a doctor that it was very difficult to get pregnant. However, as a miracle, at the age of 41, the couple had a princess together, named Hoang Oanh (the word "oanh" is pronounced similar to "An").

The love that was not appreciated by everyone had a surprisingly beautiful ending. Having been together for 22 years, their love is still as passionate as the beginning. Many times, netizens caught the image of this couple walking hand in hand on the street like when they were in love. Hoang Quan Trung even wrote love poems for his wife and posted on social networks: "I will love you forever until God turns to ashes".

Chu An also did not hesitate to give her good words to her husband. Once, when participating in a TV show. The actress also confided, "If I could go back to my 20s, I would definitely go to him first."

When Chu An's pet daughter participated in the TV show Think How to Go Dad Oi, netizens were immersed in the sweet moments of this couple. Instead of saying goodbye to their daughter, they were just engrossed in giving each other passionate kisses.

It can be seen that, despite suffering emotional trauma when being with Chau Tinh Tri, Zhou En has found a solid and reliable shoulder to lean on. Currently, she is living a happy and fulfilling life that makes many people admire.

Although she is no longer active in the entertainment industry and only occasionally appears at a few events, the fairy Tu Ha still makes many people admire her youthful and radiant beauty even though she has turned U50. Many people commented that, at the age of 50, Chu An still retains a gentle and loving beauty. Now she is enjoying a peaceful life after years of loving people but being betrayed.

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 7

Zhou En - 3 bitter years with Chau Tinh Tri and the relationship after 10 years of missing - Photo 8

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