Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers?

Hà HàSep 01, 2021 at 17:03

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Chow Tinh Tri was born on June 22, 1962, is considered by many to be the number 1 character of Hong Kong cinema. He created a different and unique comedy style. People give Tinh Gia many praises such as: "King of Comedy", "King of box office", "King of cinema".

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 1

However, he is also the most controversial figure. People praised his talent but at the same time denigrated his character, even some of his colleagues openly disowned him, his old love for him filled with hateful words, and some people, after many years, still decided to drag him down. he went to court.

Teacher hates, you turn your back

Chow's starting point is an unknown actor specializing in public roles. His career flourished after being noticed by director Ly Tu Hien, invited to participate in the film Pich Calendar Pioneer. For this film, the actor born in 1962 received the Taiwan Golden Horse A.ward.

Thought Chau Tinh Tri would be grateful to Ly Tu Hien, but after becoming famous, the actor turned his attitude, criticizing Ly Tu Hien's film as bland. If invited to participate, Tinh Gia is also not afraid to shout the high level of sand. This made Ly Tu Hien very angry. The director is not afraid to call the actor he worked with an ungrateful person.

Hong Kong entertainment tycoon Huong Hoa Cuong also gave harsh words to Chau Tinh Tri: "The day he wasn't famous, he still knew the hierarchy. Having a few names, he didn't consider anyone favorable, including his teacher. ". Having worked together very successfully for 13 years, but then, director Vuong Tinh revealed, Chow once f.orced a producer to kneel in front of him to agree to participate in the film's premiere. Vuong Tinh called Chau Tinh Tri a "tyrant" and "no words are enough to describe this person's dark side".

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 2

A film producer once sued Chow in court and criticized: "No one is worse than Chow. He only cares about m.oney, never cares about other people's feelings."

This is also confirmed by his co-star in the movie Duong Ba tiger, Thu Huong. Actor Tran Bach Truong said that in the film, his character was splashed with ink by Chau Tinh Tri's character, the scene had to be performed twice. Each time he was flushed with ink, it took Tran Bach Truong 4 hours to wash his b.ody before continuing. However, during the process of working together, Chau Tinh Tri did not talk to his colleagues.

This person also said that Chow Tinh Tri was very arrogant and never talked to his co-stars. "Chau Tinh Tri doesn't have a friend, because he thinks no one can be equal to him" - Tran Bach Tuong said. Actress Uyen Quynh Dan is also obsessed with Chow Tinh Tri's arrogance. Although she is a co-star, she always loses confidence when acting with Tinh Gia: "I am very afraid of Chau Tinh Tri. Every time I see him, I feel like a student standing in front of a teacher. I feel like he's super smart, and I'm just a stupid pig that can't find a common voice." When it comes to Tinh Gia, actor Luu Thanh Van bluntly said: "We only cooperate on screen, not play behind the scenes".

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 3

Resentful old love

Not only was he hated by his teacher, his colleagues turned his back, but Chau Tinh Tri was also hated by his former lovers. Actress Chu An used to be with Chau for 3 years, then broke up. The reason why they went their separate ways has not been revealed. However, when it comes to ex-boyfriends, Chu An cannot hide his resentment. She once said: "Chau Tinh Tri wasted my youth. He can both love you and love some 3rd, 4th, 5th person. In fact, he doesn't love you at all. Brother. What we love most is himself. In his heart, even as a friend, I am not equal. Never mention that person to me."

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 4

Zhou En also added: "He is someone who easily hugs someone, calmly and calmly when doing it. As for me, it takes deep affection to be able to do that." And Chau Tinh Tri affirmed, Zhou An is the love that makes him unforgettable. The actor talked about his ex-girlfriend: "Chu En is like a g.irl's wine distilled since 1900, the fragrance is passionate, but it's a bit spicy."

Chau Tinh Tri's next famous love affair was with Vu Van Phuong. They have been together for more than 10 years. The young lady with golden branches and jade leaves made a great contribution to helping the Tinh Gia become a real estate tycoon.

According to Vu Van Phuong, she also worked as a financial advisor for Chau Tinh Tri's company with the promise of a 10% commission, but that was just a false promise, because she had not received a single commission. After that, although they broke up for many years, Vu Van Phuong still decided to sue Chau Tinh Tri to court.

Rich but still eating leftovers because of childhood obsession

Statistics show that in the 20 years from 1985 to 2005, the movies starring Chow had grossed HKD 1.3 billion (nearly 200 million USD), ranking second among Hong Kong actors, only after Andy Lau (1.7 billion HKD), above Jackie Chan and other stars.

Chau Tinh Tri also founded a film company. In addition to film production, the company also sells television and advertising rights. He also invested in the cinema system. In addition to investing in movies, Chau Tinh Tri is also active in the field of real estate. He was dubbed the "king of real estate" by many people when he had many valuable real estate in hand. In particular, the most notable is the bungalow on the top of Thai Binh mountain (Victoria Peak), the most expensive place in the world with many rich families living here.

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 5

Chau Tinh Tri also has a chain of fast food restaurants named after himself in Hong Kong, is the owner of the Angel Hong Kong football team, and participates in the business of perfume and wine. Chau Tinh Tri established Tinh Vy company in 1989 to participate in the stock market. The company only includes the comedian king and his mother, sister, and does not call for capital contributions from outsiders. Hong Kong media estimates Chau Tinh Tri's fortune is up to 2.6 billion HKD (more than 7 trillion VND). Despite owning a huge fortune, Chau Tinh Tri is very frugal. His excessive frugality led the media to nickname him "The Miserable King".

Many friends who have been with him for many years have also criticized Chow for being stingy. Dien Khai Van once hinted: "I think Chau Tinh Tri knows exactly what he is doing with every coin. He takes m.oney very seriously and manages it very closely."

Dien Khai Van also sarcastically: "Chau Tinh Tri once bought me a shirt and told me to choose whichever I like. I chose one for 200 Hong Kong dollars (more than 500,000 VND). I was very happy so I said I would invite him to a movie. Tinh Tri agreed and said that he wanted to invite more friends. After that, I had to buy 13 movie tickets. It was just a simple example to I can see that Tinh Tri knows how to invest effectively, even in friendship."

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 6

Chau Tinh Tri and director Vuong Tinh have collaborated in many famous films, most notably God Cards. However, when asked about an old friend, director Vuong Tinh did not hesitate to say bitterly: "People still think I love m.oney, but in fact, I still love cinema more than profit. And Chow Tinh Tri is real. love of profit more than love of cinema". In early 2009, Chau Tinh Tri bought a supercar. However, he later became an advocate for environmental protection, so he switched to cycling. Someone sarcastically: "Sometimes people see Chau Tinh Tri taking a taxi, but it's a discount taxi".

Although nearly 60 years old, every day, Chau Tinh Tri still eats rice cooked by his mother. His favorite dishes are simple and frugal, he has been used to eating since poor times. If he had to go to a restaurant, he almost always went alone and always packed leftovers to take home for the next meal. The actor's clothes are all popular brands. Chow's thrift comes from his poor childhood. His mother had to work very hard to support his sisters. Every meal, she only dared to eat vegetables and left meat to her children.

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 7

"I didn't have a childhood. From the age of 3, I saw my father beat my mother every day. From that day, I understood that I needed to grow up quickly," Chau Tinh Tri once shared. When Chow Tinh Tri was 7 years old, his parents divorced. The months that followed were a time of starvation for parents and children. The Hong Kong comedy king once confided: "The best food in the world for me is rice with oil. As for my mother, she can only eat pickles through the meal, whatever food is left for my sisters."

Loving his mother, Chow often pretends to drop food. His mother was very angry, but because the food was dirty, she did not let the children use it anymore, but washed it and then ate it. Therefore, later becoming a billionaire, he is still very frugal. Although he does not dare to spend comfortably for himself, Chau Tinh Tri is very generous when he goes to charity. He just did this action silently, not shaking. During the Wenchuan earthquake, the actor donated up to 30 million yuan (more than 100 billion dong) to the affected families.

Despite being criticized for his personality, Chow is a rare talent. Colleagues did not like him but still had to admit his talent. Director Vuong Tinh once affirmed: "For the past 40 years, Chow Tinh Tri is the most outstanding and influential actor I have ever met. He is the type of actor who pursues acting passionately."

Chau Tinh Tri - The king of comedy was turned away by his friends, hated by his teacher, hated by his old love, still eating leftovers? - Photo 8

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