The disease that caused the deat.h of the "The Glory" actress, warning of 3 dangerous signs

Châu AnhOct 01, 2024 at 16:14

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On September 30, actress Park Ji Ah's management company Billions announced the sad news to the public, saying, "Park Ji Ah passed away at 2:50 a.m. on September 30 at the ag.e of 52 while battling a cerebral infarction.

The funeral of the late artist was held at the funeral home No. 2 of Asan Medical Center. The funeral ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. on October 2." Park Ji Ah's agency also expressed, "We will forever remember the actress's love for her profession, who was always passionate about acting until the last moments of her life. Once again, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the deceased and wish her rest in peace."

The disease that caused the deat.h of the The Glory actress, warning of 3 dangerous signs - Photo 1

Park Ji Ah's close associate shared emotionally with JTBC Entertainment News, "Recently, she collapsed from a brain attac.k and had to fight every day in the hospital, but in the end couldn't recover. She passed away peacefully. Park Ji Ah is a passionate artist who is dedicated to acting to the last breath." These sharing words made fans even more sympathetic to the great loss in the Korean film industry.

The disease that caused the deat.h of the The Glory actress, warning of 3 dangerous signs - Photo 2

The news of Park Ji Ah's sudden departure shocked colleagues and fans. On forums and social networks, condolences, gratitude and images of her impressive roles are constantly shared by friends and audiences. Park Ji Ah left her mark through many works and is remembered as an actress dedicated to her profession.

The disease that caused the deat.h of the The Glory actress, warning of 3 dangerous signs - Photo 3

It is known that cerebral infarction, the disease that causes the actress to pass away forever, also known as ischemic stroke, is a cerebral infarction that occurs due to interrupted bloo.d flo.w to the brain due to problems with the bloo.d vessels that supply bloo.d to the brain. The lack of adequate bloo.d supply to brain cells leaves them deprived of oxygen and important nutrients, which can cause parts of the brain to di.e.

Cerebral infarction accounts for about 80% of cerebral strokes, the remaining 20% are cerebral hemorrhages and subarachnoid hemorrhages. The annual incidence of cerebral infarction is relatively high, about 130/100,000 people/year.

The disease that caused the deat.h of the The Glory actress, warning of 3 dangerous signs - Photo 4

Regarding the cause of this condition, experts believe that the reduced bloo.d supply to the brain is caused by atherosclerosis, which leads to the formation of fatty plaque in bloo.d vessels called atherosclerosis. This fatty plaque can cause bloo.d clots or bloo.d clots in the arteries that supply bloo.d to the brain or in another part of the body, in which case the bloo.d clot is called an embolism. A piece of this bloo.d clot can burst and travel to the bloo.d vessels in the brain, where it stays and forms a cerebral embolism.

Embolism can also be caused by atrial fibrillation, which can cause a bloo.d clot to form in the heart, which then peels off and travels to the bloo.d vessels in the brain through the bloodstream.

People with high bloo.d cholesterol and high bloo.d pressure have a higher risk of cerebral infarction. Other risk factors include smoking, obesity, a family history of heart disease, diabetes, and excessive alcohol consumption.

The disease that caused the deat.h of the The Glory actress, warning of 3 dangerous signs - Photo 5

According to Vinmec International Hospital, when seeing a patient with FAST symptoms (English): distorted mouth, weak limbs, voice changes, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately.

Some other warning symptoms of stroke such as dizziness, headache, weakness of limbs, slurred speech, coma, seizures... When seeing these signs, it is necessary to take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible for treatment. Because if the 'golden time' of treatment is exceeded, the patient may be severely disabled if not treated in time, even deat.h.

How to prevent stroke in general and cerebral infarction in particular

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many strokes can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle changes and coordinating with the healthcare team to manage health conditions that increase the risk of stroke. Concrete:

- Choose healthy foods and drinks: Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol and high in fiber can help prevent high cholesterol. Limiting salt (sodium) in your diet can also lower bloo.d pressure. High cholesterol and high bloo.d pressure increase the risk of stroke.

- Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of stroke. To determine if your weight is within the healthy range, your doctor usually calculates your body mass index (BMI).

- Exercise regularly: Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower cholesterol and bloo.d pressure levels. For adults, general surgeons recommend spending 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, such as brisk walking, each week. Children and adolescents should spend 1 hour of physical activity per day.

- Do not smoke, limit alcohol intake: Smoking significantly increases the risk of stroke. If you don't smoke, don't try it. If you smoke, quitting right away will help reduce your risk of stroke. Avoid drinking too much alcohol, as it can increase bloo.d pressure. Men should not drink more than two drinks a day, and women should not drink more than one drink a day.

- Control your own medical conditions, especially cholesterol, bloo.d pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

The disease that caused the deat.h of the The Glory actress, warning of 3 dangerous signs - Photo 6

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