Bình Tinh tiếp tục bênh Vũ Luân, chị Ni - bạn Hồng Loan ra mặt nói rõ 1 điều này

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Recently, there was a dispute between the late artist Vu Linh's daughter, Hong Loan, and her close friend, Ni, and artist Vu Luan. The two sides continuously argued, causing noise on social networks, dragging along artist Binh Tinh.
Facing public pressure, artist Binh Tinh recently spoke up: "When Vu Linh's father passed away, I, Hong Loan and Mr. Vu Luan joined hands to take care of his funeral. After that, I asked Hong Loan for money. How much is that?
At that time, Hong Loan was very difficult, but did not dare to borrow money from anyone. I also did not say the amount of money to buy an altar or build a worship room for my father, because I believe that money is not important when you care for your father. This one buys this, that one buys that.
It doesn't matter who buys more or less, the important thing is the heart of my brothers and sisters, I pay respect to my father. Even when I was alive, every time my father needed anything, my three brothers and I would join hands, and I was very happy.
Therefore, when Hong Loan needed to build a worship room for Vu Linh's father, I also transferred the money to Loan. I want to make it clear for everyone to understand that my second brother Vu Luan is the one who bought the altar for Vu Linh's father and I am the one who bought the altar room. This truth cannot be changed, it will always be the truth.
Now that there is a problem between Ms. Ni and her second brother Vu Luan, related to Hong Loan, I am very sad.
Everyone on the internet is free to speak. If you love someone, defend them. If you don't like someone, attack and criticize them. But in this conflict between brother Vu Luan and sister Ni related to Hong Loan, I have no right to judge, nor is it my turn to judge because I am you.
Whether my brother or sister is right or wrong, it is not my turn to speak up. I was not present to witness or confirm the events that led to this conflict, so I will never speak up indiscriminately or haphazardly.
No matter what you do, my brother Vu Luan is still my brother, Hong Loan cannot change that.
I don't dare talk about Mr. Vu Luan and Ms. Ni, but I have to teach Hong Loan. I am the older sister, I have the right to teach my younger brother.
I always tell Hong Loan that you must remember that one day you will be me and you will be me forever. Second brother Vu Luan is my older brother. All three of us share the same pain of losing our parents.
I believe that brother Vu Luan and sister Ni will know how to handle this conflict, as for Hong Loan, I must speak separately. I hope Hong Loan will be quiet from now on and not say anything. Hong Loan has already said everything that needs to be said about her second brother.
I didn't say anything because I wanted to stay away from this drama. I have no personal need for Vu Linh's father's assets. I received the support of both Ni and Vu Luan when I left this drama and had nothing to do with it."
They used to be close people, always protecting each other from storms, but recently, the relationship between Meritorious Artist Vu Luan (adopted son of Meritorious Artist Vu Linh) and Hong Loan (daughter of Meritorious Artist Vu Linh) has become the focus. . The source of the trouble stemmed from misunderstandings, leading to an irreparable emotional rift between the two brothers.
At noon on July 27, Miss Phuong Le - girlfriend of Meritorious Artist Vu Luan posted a close photo of the two with the status line: "Your family and fans always understand that I love you very much. And you will always be by my side holding hands." like this, let's move forward with you, okay?".
Immediately after that, Meritorious Artist Vu Luan responded to the message of the beauty queen's girlfriend, saying: "Let's be together forever." It can be seen that the male artist did not mention the controversy between him and Meritorious Artist Vu Linh's daughter, but only focused on his artistic activities and love story with his girlfriend, Miss Phuong Le.
Before that, Hong Loan - the daughter of Meritorious Artist Vu Linh suddenly shared about the problem in her relationship with her "second brother", Meritorious Artist Vu Luan, saying: "I would like to thank you for coming to me and letting me know more." much about life.
I honestly don't know why you left in silence, but I always appreciate the love and meaning you gave me. I ask everyone to stop attacking you, after all you are my brother."
Vợ chồng Phương Lê phơi bày thủ đoạn của chị Ni, gọi tên Hồng Loan, mắng vô ơn Đình Như07:15:14 16/08/2024Thời gian vừa qua, mối quan hệ của NSƯT Vũ Luân và Hoa hậu Phương Lê nhận được sự quan tâm của đông đảo khán giả. Sau lễ đính hôn, cả hai thường xuyên xuất hiện cùng nhau trong các livestream.
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