Tan Beo's limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior

Hoàng PhúcOct 18, 2024 at 15:59

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A few days ago, social media went viral with a video of artist Tan Beo walking shakily and needing someone to help him at a stroke treatment facility. This information caused panic among the audience, who believed that artist Tan Beo's health had seriously declined.

Recently, artist Thuy Nga posted a video recording the moment when artists shared about Tan Beo's current condition. Accordingly, the female comedian said that many artists knew about Tan Beo's illness but kept it a secret because his family did not want to make it public. Later, the image of the male artist being treated at a facility in Binh Duong spread on social networks, so many audiences knew about it.

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 1

A male singer sitting with Thuy Nga added that Tan Beo's condition has improved compared to a few months ago: "Before, when I visited him, I saw that his hand was stiff and couldn't move much. Now it's better, he can move his hand."

Quang Le wanted to arrange his work to visit Tan Beo's health and wondered if the male artist had returned to perform on stage. The male singer sitting next to him added: "Not yet, because it's still difficult to talk, so now I'm focusing on taking care of my health."

Artist Tan Beo suffered a stroke in mid-2023. In addition to being treated at the hospital, he recently went to a facility in Binh Duong for physical therapy, rehabilitation and some improvement.

On the evening of October 16, singer Han Thai Tu took the opportunity to visit Tan Beo to inquire about his health. Currently, the male comedian is more cheerful and happily chatting with his colleagues.

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 2

A few days ago, social media went viral with a video of Tan Beo having difficulty walking and needing someone to help him. However, this video was filmed quite a while ago. At that time, Tan Beo had just fallen ill, which greatly affected his health. After being cared for by his family and treated in many places, the male artist gradually recovered.

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 3

In a recent interview with the media, artist Tan Bo - Tan Beo's younger brother said that his brother currently does not have to spend mone.y when receiving treatment at a facility in Binh Duong: "Tan Beo's treatment does not cost mone.y because that place helps many people, whoever comes for treatment can stay. When he arrived, Tan Beo brought some rice to contribute as well as help some difficult circumstances here. Therefore, the family does not have to worry too much about mone.y, the important thing is to take care of Tan Beo mentally so that he can soon overcome his leg disease and continue to contribute to the audience."

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 4

In addition, Tan Beo's family did not call for donations for the male artist's treatment. A close colleague of the male artist once spoke up: "Tan Hoang really admires Tan Beo's wife for taking care of her husband with all her heart. She said she would rather sell her house to treat the disease than ask anyone for a single penny."

Another colleague of Tan Beo, artist Tan Hoang, said that every day Tan Beo practices physical therapy and acupuncture twice a day, morning and night. He is taken care of by his wife.

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 5

Meeting and talking directly, Tan Hoang was happy when Tan Beo was healthier, could walk again and predicted that he would be able to go home after 2 more months.

Tan Hoang corrected the information that Tan Beo had to eat charity rice to survive. The male artist informed that Tan Beo's family donated a ton of rice to the communal kitchen because the medical facility operates non-profit. Every day, Tan Beo sits down to eat with the villagers.

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 6

"I have known Tan Beo for many years and I understand that neither Tan Beo nor his wife have ever received charity mone.y, including my mone.y. Every time I visit, I only buy milk, but Tan Beo and his family never accept mone.y, let alone eat charity meals," Tan Hoang shared.

Tan Hoang hopes that the audience will filter information to avoid harming the artist and his family.

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 7

Artist Tan Beo was born in 1965, the son of vinyl record emperor Tan Tai. Since childhood, he has toured with his father on large and small cai luong stages across the country.

Tan Beo rose to fame as a member of the comedy group Tan Beo - Tan Bo or Tan Beo - My Chi. He also made an impression with the image of "going to the temple to sell incense" on the stage of Gala Cuoi. In addition to comedy and drama, Tan Beo also participated in many movies and television series such as When men get pregnant, Hello Miss Ba, Get married right away, and Mui ngo gai...

Tan Beos limbs are stiff, Thuy Nga reveals the worrying condition of her senior - Photo 8

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