Trịnh Gia Dĩnh: Chồng Hoa hậu Hong Kong, bạn Mã Quốc Minh, từng bị quản lý hại

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Truong Dinh Khang is a face that is not too strange to Vietnamese audiences, especially those who love TVB movies. His most recent impressive role was Marco in "Retrograde 2".
Truong Dinh Khang was born on December 26, 1981, in Zhongshan, Guangdong. In 2001, he fell in love with acting. In 2006, he joined TVB on the recommendation of his adoptive father Luu Duc Hoa and mainly played supporting roles. In 2012, the actor received more attention from the audience when he appeared in the TV series "Three Kingdoms", starring with Ma Quoc Minh.
In 2016, Truong Dinh Khang was recognized for his role in the TV series "Friends", winnin.g the TVB Most Progressive Actor Most Favorite Award at the TVB Malaysia Star Awards. In the same year, he was nominated in the Best Supporting Actor category and won the Most Improved Actor award at the TVB Anniversary Awards.
In 2019, Truong Dinh Khang was assigned the second male lead role in the movie "Twelve Legends". For his role in the movie "Solving the Master", he won his first Best Actor nomination at the TVB Anniversary Awards.
"Solving the Master" officially aired on TVB from October 14, 2019. However, the film has become the focus of discussion on social networks since the posting of the "teaser" trailer. The reason is because there was a hat se.x scene in the bathroom between Truong Dinh Khang and Miss Hong Kong 2016 Phung Doanh Doanh. This ho.t scene appeared right from the first episode of the work.
Many viewers after watching said that they felt that the scene of Truong Dinh Khang and Phung Doanh Doanh was too mundane, making viewers feel suffocated and uncomfortable. Because the camera keeps deliberately closing up the fragile, wet pajamas of the former Miss Hong Kong as well as the expressions and body contact of the actor couple.
Not only that, in the next episode, "Solving the Master" also has a series of ho.t scenes of female model Duong Lieu Thanh - playing the role of a beautiful and charming secretary. In particular, her shower scene with actor Ly Thien Tuong was considered by many moviegoers to be the most daring and hat-free on the TVB screen for many years. Yang Liuqing expose.d her entire bare back in front of the camera.
Although it is commented that it is a good movie with attractive content, "Solving the Master" is still "avoided" by many people for abusing sensitive scenes to catch views and interact. In just the first 6 episodes, the film had 2 unnecessary scenes of unnecessary burns in the supporting character line.
"Solving the Master" revolves around the story of Thuong My Du (played by Duong Thi Vinh) - the daughter of a gangster. Unable to accept her family's unclean background, she left Hong Kong to study in Australia.
Here, Thuong My Du meets and hires an expert to solve the problem of Jia Keng Thong (played by Vuong Hao Tin) - he is an assassin but has reformed the evil rules, helping her handle her own crisis.
The film is directed by the famous director Luu Gia Hao and has the participation of many famous names of TVB such as Emperor Vuong Hao Tin, Duong Thi Vinh, Truong Van Hy, Ly Thien Tuong.
Returning to Truong Dinh Khang, in 2020, he was noticed for his villainous role in the movie "Steel Proof IV" and was once again nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the TVB Anniversary Awards. In 2021, he played the main antagonist in the movie "Against the Heavens". With this role, he was in the top 5 nominations for Best Supporting Actor at the TVB Anniversary Awards.
In 2022, Truong Dinh Khang impressed with his witty and humorous role as Pham Trang Long in the movie "His Highness the Devil". It shows that he is a person with a diverse acting style, who can take on many different roles, not just villains.
In June 2023, information appeared that Truong Dinh Khang did not intend to continue to stay at TVB after the expiration of his contract with the station in 2024. This news broke out after the information that veteran actors Tuong Chi Quang and Dam Duy Quyen did not renew their contracts with TVB.
Some people say that the reason why Truong Dinh Khang does not intend to renew his contract with TVB is because he notices that there are many handsome young actors who are rising. While he himself is still hangin.g around in the position of a minor actor, there is no opportunity to go further, so he intends to leave the station after the expiration of his contract.
HK01 contacted Truong Dinh Khang to confirm the truth but has not received his response. At that time, the actor was filming the movie "Reverse Heaven Ky An 2". In April 2024, the work officially aired, but it disappointed the audience because there were episodes that ruined the character from part 1 and cheap techniques, like 20 years ago.
In terms of personal life, Truong Dinh Khang and TVB host Angie Mak met for the first time at the rehearsal of the TVB celebration. Later, the actor tried to learn more about her from his acting classmates and searched online.
After dating, Truong Dinh Khang and Angie Mak got married in 2012. On May 22, 2014, the two welcomed their first daughter, named Makayla. On October 17, 2017, the duo's son was born. In May 2021, the actor announced on Instagram that his wif.e was pregnant with their third chil.d. On September 24, the couple announced that their second son had been born.
Phùng Doanh Doanh: "Bé ba" Nghịch Thiên Kỳ Án, bị bạn trai đá vì đóng cảnh 18+ Hoa Tuyết16:43:08 17/02/2025Phùng Doanh Doanh được biết đến nhiều hơn sau khi chiến thắng cuộc thi Hoa hậu Hồng Kông vào năm 2016. Cô từng có mối tình đẹp với bạn trai thiếu gia nhưng đã sớm chia tay.
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