Buffalo Trieu Long: The only martial arts star that Chau Tu Dan respects, his career is ruined because of an affair with a young g.irl

Hou00e0ng Phu00facDec 07, 2021 at 10:15

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Buffalo Trieu Long is a name that is no longer too strange to Chinese martial arts cinema.

Having made a series of masters like Ly Lien Kiet, Donnie Yen respect, but the scandalous private life caused Trau Trieu Long to lose all his career and reputation.

Tough childhood

He was born in Taiwan in a poor family, his father died early, and his mother took care of 13 children alone. Trau Trieu Long's brothers were sent to an orphanage because of lack of food. Buffalo Trieu Long didn't want to be away from his mother, so he worked as a hired hand from the age of six at a sculpture shop. He does jobs such as grinding, polishing for statues, looking after the owner's house.

At the age of nine, Trau Trieu Long worked at a dumpling shop. Because they don't have a father, Trau Trieu Long's siblings are often bullied by the neighborhood children. At that time, he was taught martial arts for free by a brother at a martial arts furnace near his home to respond to being bullied.

The movie opportunity came to Zhao Zhaolong at the age of 12 (1979), when he was introduced to stunt a g.irl's fall at a studio in Taipei, Taiwan.

The director asked Zhao Long to fall from the table. When filming, Trau Trieu Long rolled so hard that the table fell, giving a realistic effect that exceeded the expectations of the director and directing the action, so the c.hild actor only needed to shoot once. Satisfied with Trau Trieu Long, the director promised to call him if he had a job.

The salary for the first stunt was NT$ 1,200 (VND 980 thousand) while the monthly salary of Zhao Zhaolong was NT$ 9,000 (VND 7.3 million). He quit his job at the dumpling shop, bought a folding bed, slept hard at the studio so that he could be at the filming crew early in the morning, easier to be called to act in.

Buffalo Trieu Long worked as a stuntman until he was 18 years old. He said on Sohu: "In my memory, it was the happiest and most beautiful period. I didn't have a childhood like others, but I got to meet people from all walks of life and learned a l.ot."

Buffalo Trieu Long: The only martial arts star that Chau Tu Dan respects, his career is ruined because of an affair with a young g.irl - Photo 1

However, acting from a young age made Trau Trieu Long form the habit of looking at other people's faces to work. At that time, he was passive, self-deprecating, never daring to ask for anything.

Buffalo Trieu Long met his benefactor - Hong Kim Bao - when he was 18 years old, introduced by an acquaintance. The martial arts star chose him to play the main role for a movie, but after this work, Trau Trieu Long enlisted in the army. Hong Kim Bao told him: "Train well, later I will take you to Hong Kong".

Buffalo Trieu Long: The only martial arts star that Chau Tu Dan respects, his career is ruined because of an affair with a young g.irl - Photo 2

Buffalo Trieu Long is afraid that Hong Kim Bao only talks for fun. Unexpectedly, a month before he was discharged from the army, he heard that Hong Kim Bao's staff had completed the procedures to pick him up from Taiwan to Hong Kong to work. Buffalo Trieu Long entered a busy period with the roles of actors, directing action. In the late 1980s, his salary for a film was about 500,000 HKD (nearly 1.5 billion VND), each year he acted in three to five films.

At one time, Trau Trieu Long thought: "Earning m.oney is easy". Actors mainly played villains in hit works such as Bodyguard Trung Nam Hai, Quan Xam Loc Coc, Hoac Nguyen Giap, Ỷ Thien Do Long Ky 1993, God Card 3, Void Dao 2, Four Great Names. .. He also starred in Hollywood movies The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, Dead or Alive...

Close to 40 years of action scenes, Trieu Long was seriously injured twice. For the first time in 1991, he both directed martial arts and stunted for Quan Chi Lam, resulting in a torn back muscle, damage to many places and a three-month hospital stay. The second time, he broke his arm while performing an aerobatic scene, requiring four months of treatment. "Doing my job, being injured like that is light and lucky," said Trau Trieu Long.

Almost broke Donnie Yen's shoulder and made a series of players shy

Not too strange to Chinese martial arts cinema, Trau Trieu Long used to be a name that made a series of masters like Donnie Yen, Ly Lien Kiet, and Jackie Chan shy away. Martial arts are strong, face sharp, sharp and always careful in words, so Trau Trieu Long often takes on the roles of masters and murderers.

Buffalo Trieu Long: The only martial arts star that Chau Tu Dan respects, his career is ruined because of an affair with a young g.irl - Photo 3

Collaborating with Donnie Yen in the movie Detonator, Trau Trieu Long hit too hard and almost dislocated the actor's shoulder. Actor "Diep Man" admitted that after that accident, he really had to respect his right to kick.

In addition, Trau Trieu Long was also praised by Ly Lien Kiet for his profound martial arts when working together in Adventure King. Ly Lien Kiet said that he was also injured many times because of the strong blows of this actor born in 1967.

Not only participating in martial arts films, Trau Trieu Long also tried his hand at comedy when he collaborated with Chau Tinh Tri in the work Quan Nine Products Shrimp (1994). Taking on the role of a cunning villain, but Trau Trieu Long transformed into a successful incarnation that made many people admire.

Trau Trieu Long's career peaked and reached the international level in 2000 when he was invited by Hollywood to direct martial arts in the blockbuster Matrix.

As expected, The Matrix has succeeded beyond imagination when it won many prestigious Oscar awards. Buffalo Trieu Long was also highly appreciated and was invited to take on a supporting role in the villain in Matrix 2.

Having a favorable momentum to attack the world cinema capital, but Trau Trieu Long chose to return to Hong Kong to continue dedicating to domestic cinema and participate in films such as Huo Nguyen Giap, Four Great Names, Painting murals, Phong Van... Buffalo Trieu Long is also the martial arts director for many classic Chinese-language works such as Toan Thanh Gioi Vien, Dong Ta Tay Poison ...

Shocked by the love scandal of a young g.irl worthy of a c.hild's age

Success with a career made the name Trau Trieu Long famous, but the scandal of adultery with a young g.irl worthy of her c.hild made the Chinese entertainment industry stir. Being a private person about private life, always humble, many people are shocked by this news.

However, photos showing Trau Trieu Long stroking the long legs of a g.irl were widely shared online at the end of 2017, making the rumor spread even more strongly.

Buffalo Trieu Long: The only martial arts star that Chau Tu Dan respects, his career is ruined because of an affair with a young g.irl - Photo 4

The owner of these photos also added that this actor not only had an affair, but also "one foot pedaled many boats", sneaking with many girls. Buffalo Trieu Long is 24 years older than the above-mentioned g.irl, but always takes care of and pampers her.

The two often go out to eat and stay in hotels together. When she discovered that Trau Trieu Long was flirting with other girls, this g.irl was angry, so she decided to announce the truth.

The story became more tense when the g.irl said she was drunk by Trau Trieu Long to "humiliate". That's why she agreed to be his girlfriend.

Although Trau Trieu Long strongly denied that the photos were photoshopped, the actor's exemplary male image quickly collapsed.

After the love scandal of Trau Trieu Long appeared in the newspapers, many people were curious about the reaction of Mr. Vi Duc - the actor's wife. However, the phone of the couple Trau Trieu Long and Mr. Vi Duc turned off for a long time.

Buffalo Trieu Long: The only martial arts star that Chau Tu Dan respects, his career is ruined because of an affair with a young g.irl - Photo 5

Talking about the reason for Tran Trieu Long's adultery, the mistress of the martial arts star said that for 6-7 years, the couple Trau Trieu Long - Mr. Vi Duc had been cold about s.ex.

Next, the g.irl who claimed to be the old love of the martial arts star Four great names continued to release many other shocking images. The g.irl said that she used to go to Trau Trieu Long's private house and forgot her underwear here. He personally did the laundry for her.

Not only Trau Trieu Long kept silent, but even his wife - Mr. Vi Duc was silent about this incident for a long time.

On his personal page, fans see that sometimes Trau Trieu Long still posts pictures of taking his children to school and out. Especially the youngest daughter is very pampered by the 6X actor. Around the story that Trau Trieu Long was accused of dating many girls, public opinion became more and more curious about the beautiful wife of the martial arts actor Trieu Tu Long.

Buffalo Trieu Long: The only martial arts star that Chau Tu Dan respects, his career is ruined because of an affair with a young g.irl - Photo 6

Mr. Vi Duc is also known as Mr. Tue Duc (Wanda Jessica Yung). She was born in 1967, is a Chinese-German hybrid. Due to growing up in Germany, Mr. Vi Duc's Chinese is not fluent.

After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture at American University, she returned to Hong Kong and enrolled in the Miss Hong Kong 1989 contest. Mr. Vi Duc won two sub-prizes, Miss Photo and Miss Photo. Wear your best swimsuit.

In 2003, Mr. Tue Duc and his husband welcomed twins Trau Hao Tuan and Trau Hao Hi. Since getting married, Mr. Vi Duc gradually left the entertainment industry. Sometimes she appears with her husband in some events.

According to HK01, Trau Trieu Long and his wife and children have settled in the US for many years, rarely appearing at entertainment events. The actor lives a simple and calm life after many storms in life. When he was young, rich in m.oney, Trau Trieu Long changed his car five times a year, using all branded clothes. To date, he hardly buys expensive clothes, mainly wearing second-hand clothes.

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