Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ

team youtuberMar 08, 2021 at 13:52

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There have been many theories about the identity of Tran Khon's son's mother. There was a time when it was rumored that the woman who gave birth to Tran Khon was Trieu Vy. When they both attended the same university, they fell in love and had a son together.

Referring to Tran Khon, many people must remember him through films such as "Like dew like rain like wind", "Kim Chanh family", "Dragon gate flying armor", "Painting skin" and most recently " The maidservant ordered". People always know a Tran Khon with many nominations and awards, acting talent, bright future and a rather closed private life. As a famous, rich star that is so sought after by many directors, however, every fan of Tran Khon knows that to get to this day, the actor has had to trade a l.ot of tears and sweat. .

A difficult childhood and an obsession with an unhappy marriage

Unlike many actors of the same time, Tran Khon was born in a very difficult family. That day, Tran Khon lived with his parents and two brothers in a house of 13 square meters. The house is so small that there is no toilet or bathroom. Every time I want to use Tran Khon's family, I have to go a long way to ask someone else. As a c.hild, Tran Khon's dream was simply to have a decent house so that he no longer had to run through 2 blocks to ask for a shower.

Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ - Photo 1

At the age of 7, Tran Khon's parents divorced after a long time of conflict. Many years have passed, the memory of Tran Khon's childhood is the days of living in the sound of breaking furniture and scolding two people who used to be husband and wife. Economic difficulties made life stressful for the couple and decided to end their marriage.

After his parents divorced, Tran Khon moved back to live with his grandmother and then returned to his mother four years later. The obsessions about marriage, love and separation have greatly influenced Tran Khon's psychology later, making him very afraid of the breakup.

Life is so difficult, but Tran Khon has never seen himself at a disadvantage. According to the actor, the days of living with his mother and brother in Chongqing are beautiful childhood memories when the whole family took care of each other after his father passed away.

Although the family is difficult, Tran Khon's mother always tries her best to give her son an education. Therefore, Tran Khon always feels grateful to her. During his high school years, Tran Khon started working part-time to e.arn m.oney to support his foster mother.

The actor once revealed that perhaps only illegal occupations he has not tried, but almost any profession that can make m.oney, the actor has also tried it such as being a security guard, washing dishes, cleaning tables, typists or singers at a bar.

Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ - Photo 2

Despite his talent, Tran Khon always lacks faith in himself, the actor often does not believe in himself and his ability.

Later, Chen Kun met a music instructor, who awakened the actor's artistic instincts and helped him get acquainted with the entertainment world by going to Beijing to try his hand at it.

In Beijing, Chen Kun reunited with his older sister, who was given away by her parents since she was a c.hild. This is the bitter and haunting start-up period of Tran Khon. For later, it is still a saddest memory of Tran Khon.

When he first arrived in Beijing, Chen Kun was just an unknown name, struggling to make a living, all thanks to an older sister's hand.

"My older sister is the pain of my life. When I studied singing in Beijing, I had to have a relationship to have a chance to perform. My sister had to sell b.lood to help me. She was originally adopted by someone else's family. We knew each other when we were young and grown up. But when I started to build a reputation, she died because of an accident," said Tran Khon painfully.

In 1996, Chen Kun was accepted into the Beijing Film Academy, where he began taking acting classes and began his acting career.

Also at the University, Tran Khon met Trieu Vy and Huynh Xiaoming and became best friends. Years later, there are misunderstandings between the three, but true friendship has erased all distances.

The single father and the shocking secret of the Chinese entertainment industry

In mid-2003, the Chinese-language entertainment industry suddenly stirred up information that Tran Khon had a son with a secret woman.

However, apart from some blurry pictures, no evidence has been collected. After 9 years of silence, in 2012, Tran Khon suddenly announced that he had a son. The b.oy's name is Uu Uu and his father has never shared pictures with the public.

In Chen Kun's book Unexpected arrival in Tibet, he first mentioned Uu Uu: "9 years ago, a b.oy came into this world. At that time, I was still not ready. In the house in Chongqing, When my mother held Uu You in her arms, standing in front of me, I was really empty."

This information has surprised many people, especially Tran Khon's true fans because he has never been married and admitted to having an affair with anyone. Although he admitted to having a son, Tran Khon remained silent about the identity of the woman who gave birth to him.

At that time, he said, "Sometimes he asks me about his mother, I just say, 'Someday you will know.' I don't want to lie to him. I just want Uu Uu to know that. I care and love it 100%, even though 100% of it can only be 50% of a father, 50% of a mother, but that's life, you have to accept it."

There have been many theories about the identity of Tran Khon's son's mother. There was a time when it was rumored that the woman who gave birth to Tran Khon was Trieu Vy. When they both attended the same university, they fell in love and had a son together.

Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ - Photo 3

According to this rumor, later Tran Khon and Trieu Vy broke up and both decided to keep everything a secret to focus on developing their careers.

Later, there were rumors that Uu Uu's mother was Ha Lam - Tran Khon's classmate. According to this source, Ha Lam is said to be Tran Khon's "shadow wife".

According to the news, in 2002, Ha Lam suddenly disappeared from the entertainment industry, possibly giving birth. However, Ha Lam later denied that she gave birth to a c.hild for Tran Khon. Even the "lover" of Tran Khon's soulmate, Chau Tan, was also rumored to be Uu Uu's mother.

Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ - Photo 4

At the end of 2016, the ex-husband of actress Huynh Dich - Huynh Nghi Thanh and also a famous blogger revealed the mysteries of Uu Uu's mother.

Huynh Nghi Thanh said that in 2012, Tran Khon himself went to the hospital to perform artificial insemination, asking a surrogate. Therefore, Chen Kun himself did not know who the c.hild's mother was.

Huynh Nghi Thanh's information surprised many people but not many people believed it because according to people in 2002, artificial insemination was not popular. Moreover, at that time, Tran Khon was only 25 years old, he and his family must not have been in a hurry to have a son.

And 15 years later, the story of who is the mother of Tran Khon's son is still a shocking secret with no answer.

Even the "hunting dog" of the entertainment industry, Trac Vy, the head of the Phong Hanh Studio paparazzi group, was powerless to say that "who is the mother of Tran Khon's son" is actually a question only Chen Kun alone can answer."

Many years have passed, that secret is still a secret and Tran Khon is still a single father. Talking about finding a woman next to him to stick with for life while his friends are already married, Tran Khon said that each person's feelings are different:

"I'm not someone who likes to share life with others. Everyone who looks at me will know when I will have love."

There was a time in 2017, a Chinese news site surprised with information: Chen Kun admitted that Dong Khiet was his. This article also emphasizes that Tran Khon and Dong Khiet have a close relationship beyond friendship. Since starring together in the movie "The Kim Phan Family", the two actors have left a deep impression in the minds of movie lovers. The film tells about the tragic love and marriage of a popular g.irl Lanh Thanh Thu (played by Dong Khiet) and son Kim Yen Tay (played by Tran Khon). Young love and enthusiasm brought two people together, but then the class difference, old-fashioned ideology and many other factors caused the romantic love to fall apart.

Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ - Photo 5

And it seems that their love story in real life is the same. Tran Khon raised his children alone without getting married, and Dong Khiet, after his divorce from Phan Viet Minh, also raised his children alone. However, the two still keep in touch and cooperate with each other. Having shared with the press about Dong Khiet, Tran Khon frankly said that when he was a husband and wife in "Kim Phan Family", he especially liked Dong Khiet. "At that time I thought the man who got her would be very happy."

Not only that, the actor also regularly posts pictures of his "lover" and shares his interest in the actress on his personal page. Tran Khon was not shy to say that "Dong Khiet is mine". And a fan even commented: "We already know this".

The article also said that when Dong Khiet fell into a difficult situation of deadlocked marriage and broken career, Tran Khon was the one who was always quietly behind to help her. Even Dong Khiet's return to movies in 2015 with the movie "Mother tiger father cat" after a series of scandals also thanks to Tran Khon's help.

For the romantic actor, for many years, Dong Khiet is the person he cares a l.ot about. Therefore, he is not shy to express his feelings with his special interest in public. And fans are still expecting a happy outcome for this couple.

In the midst of the noise of the entertainment industry, Tran Khon still chooses for himself a slow life to enjoy. He is not in a hurry in artistic activities, only accepts scripts when he feels most suitable, in his spare time, travels and experiences life.

Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ - Photo 6

Tran Khon - The father holds the shocking secret of CBIZ - Photo 7

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