Thu Trang - "Miss Comedy Village" with the most fulfilling marriage in Vbiz

Duyên TrầnSep 26, 2021 at 17:40

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Thu Trang was born in 1984, she is one of the most famous female comedians in Vietnam.

She is often remembered for her extremely honest and bold acting. Operating for nearly 20 years in the profession, from an actor no one remembers her face, Thu Trang not only affirmed her name in the comedy village, but also in the film industry with roles that are difficult to replace. Not possessing outstanding looks, but Thu Trang still makes people laugh every time she appears. She is also loved by many people with the nickname "Miss Comedy Village" because of her ability to make the audience laugh most gracefully in Vietnamese showbiz.

Thu Trang - "Miss Comedy Village" with the most fulfilling marriage in Vbiz - Photo 1

Like most other artists, Thu Trang also has a difficult past when entering the profession. The day Thu Trang entered the College of Theater and Film (2001), her family went bankrupt. There is no valuable property in the house except the motorbike. Once, after driving Thu Trang to school, the car ran out of gas, her father had to walk for nearly a kilometer. Thu Trang has to go to school and work to have m.oney to pay tuition fees. She received 10-15 thousand dong for each night, missing from lipstick to eyeliner... Some days, the whole family had to wait for her to return from a to have m.oney for dinner.

Overcoming difficult circumstances from the efforts and help of friends, Thu Trang devoted herself to art. She attracted the attention of the audience through comedy skits, especially web-dramas with millions of views on Youtube. In 2014, in the television award "HTV Award", Thu Trang was in the top 3 most favorite comedians and dramatists. In the short interview, she became nicknamed "Miss Comedy" after answering an interview question with a series of words starting with the letter "h".

After decades of striving in the profession, Thu Trang has become an expensive name in theater, film and television shows. Especially in 2018, the Thap Tam Muoi project was a huge success, bringing Thu Trang's name closer to young people. Especially the brand "Sister Muoi Thi" of Thu Trang. The original project was a web drama that was shown on Youtube. After e.nding, the series has achieved great success, and at the same time opened up a whole universe of "gypsy" movies.

In the movie version, when "Sister Thirteen" was put on the b.ig screen, 650 thousand tickets were sold and earned up to 62 billion VND during the time of the movie. In part 2, after only 25 days of screening in theaters, the movie "Sister Muoi Thi: 3 days of life and death" confirmed to have earned 100 billion VND. After "Sister Thirteen: 3 days of life and death" earned 100 billion dong, Thu Trang became the actress with the most hundred billion movies on Vietnamese screens. In which, she took on the lead role with two films "Blood Moon Party" and "Sister Thirteen: 3 days of life and death" and played a supporting role in two films "I'm your grandmother" and "To Mai calculate 2".

Not only succeeding on the artistic path, Thu Trang also has an extremely happy and fulfilling life with her husband, Tien Luat, who is also a comedian. Both are currently one of the famous couples in showbiz. Previously, it took Tien Luat 5 years to pursue Thu Trang before she agreed to "return to the same house". At that time, the model Thu Trang liked to be handsome and successful, and Tien Luat, according to his wife, was both poor, ugly, and looked like dust. What made Thu Trang touched by the love that Tien Luat had for her was her perseverance, the actor took her to the every day even though at that time, her family had economic difficulties.

Thu Trang - "Miss Comedy Village" with the most fulfilling marriage in Vbiz - Photo 2

In 2011, the two decided to share a house and have a beautiful son. To have a life as it is now is thanks to the mutual understanding of two people not only in life but also in work. Although there were many times of conflict, the couple still calmly resolved and always believed in the other's decision. In terms of popularity, Thu Trang is slightly better than her husband. Many people will certainly be annoyed when being labeled because of their wife or being compared with the first person who has their hands on their knees, but Tien Luat cannot deny that he is the way he is now, thanks to Thu Trang, he gives his wife many compliments. At the same time, he affirmed to have learned a l.ot from his wife. The two had conflicts to the point of wanting to break up, but they still overcame it all to go together to a happy marriage, having a beautiful son.

Sharing with reporters about her husband Tien Luat, Thu Trang confided: "I am 99% satisfied with Luat, the remaining 1% is still superficial. I don't smoke, sometimes I secretly smoke with my friends, but when I'm with my friends, I don't touch a cigarette.Law says to his wife everywhere he goes, he always goes home to his wife after work, so many small things that I do. I think only he can do it. I think he is the man of my heart. To be honest, Mr. Law and I have always loved each other. There is really no shyness or other feelings because we are both. The couple is quite good, just looking at each other knows what to say and do." Currently, this is one of the most famous and enduring couples in the comedy village of Vbiz.

Not long ago, Thu Trang and Tien Luat were entangled in a scandal related to the story "artists do not feed the audience". Specifically, on a very long post by director Bui Quoc Bao about artists and audiences, Thu Trang - Tien Luat left a comment: Sad - Pain. Later, this comment was misrepresented that Thu Trang - Tien Luat looked down on the audience. Accordingly, the comedian affirmed that all information that she and Tien Luat expressed agreement about whether the audience did not feed the artist or the artist did not need the audience was misleading, and sent sorry for making your loved ones worry.

Thu Trang said: "This is a very absurd thing, no artist dares to pat their chest to say they don't need an audience. You can only rely on Trang's "Sad" or "Pain" comments. The law under the status of a director brother in the profession?As everyone can see, many people have cursed at the artist very violently, insulting the artist with vulgar words. and the families of both sides are also very confused about this matter, even Trang's children and grandchildren ask: "Are your parents artists? Why are my parents cursed like that?".

Actor Thap Tam Muoi shared: "Trang and Luat are also human, so they also have joy and anger. And when they read the status of a director brother, in which Trang commented on the word "Sad", it was a feeling. Trang's true feelings". The actress expressed her displeasure when some people relied on this comment line to make articles with misleading titles: Thu Trang does not need an audience.

She shared: "Trang and Mr. Luat have been in the profession for many years, everyone around knows that Trang always limits scandals in her life and career. Even when Trang or Mr. Luat are reporters, reporters. Interview, but the title was too shocking, Trang would like to change the title for me, but now Trang and Mr. Luat are still involved in this unnecessary controversy because of the newspaper headlines accidentally or intentionally misinterpreting the issue. "The share line quickly received the attention of the online community. Many people advise Thu Trang - Tien Luat not to pay attention to this negative information.

Thu Trang - "Miss Comedy Village" with the most fulfilling marriage in Vbiz - Photo 3

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