Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who "changed each pair of pants and shirts" about his past in Vietnam

Uyển ĐìnhJul 24, 2024 at 11:30

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Becoming the adopted child of the world's most famous couple in the entertainment industry turned Pax Thien's life into a new chapter. Before becoming the adopted child of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Pax Thien was living in an orphanage in Vietnam.

Pax Thien (real name Pham Quang Sang, born in 2003) is the adopted son of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Being adopted by two famous Hollywood artists, it is not difficult to understand that from a young age, he as well as other siblings in the family were enthusiastically interested and sought after by the media.

Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who changed each pair of pants and shirts about his past in Vietnam - Photo 1

Before having a full life like now, few people know that Pax Thien experienced a turbulent life in his childhood. Accordingly, he was born prematurely and weighed only 2.1kg. At just 2 days old, his mother abandoned him at the hospital, leaving behind only a birth certificate with the child's name and an unpaid hospital fee of 480,000 VND. He was then taken to the Tam Binh Orphanage Protection Center (HCMC).

In 2006, during a visit to Vietnam, Angelina Jolie noticed this boy. And in 2007, she decided to adopt Quang Sang. The boy became the adopted son of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in March 2007. The actress changed his name to Pax Thien Jolie, meaning "peaceful sky".

Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who changed each pair of pants and shirts about his past in Vietnam - Photo 2

As the person who "changed every pair of pants and shirt for little Sang" (aka Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt) 17 years ago, Ms. Tuyet (53 years old) is always telling the story of "Sang", recalling everything as if "it just happened". out yesterday".

"17 years ago, everyone knew Sang's story. When his family brought him in, Sang was just a newborn. I took care of Sang from when he was little until he was adopted. The ladies in the Children's Department and the Children's Department Disability also used to take care of him. Sang was lucky enough to meet Angelina Jolie," Ms. Tuyet began the story.

In Ms. Tuyet's memory, Pham Quang Sang was a "naughty, clever" but obedient child. At 3-4 years old, the teacher always had to coax and tone down Sang's hyperactivity and "sweet tooth".

Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who changed each pair of pants and shirts about his past in Vietnam - Photo 3

When asked when Pax Thien was adopted, Ms. Tuyet said that "baby Sang" was 4 years old at that time (in 2007), his hair was long past his ears, his skin was dark and he was taller than some children in the center.

"When we arrived at the center, Angelina Jolie asked and interacted with all the children. Because Jolie is a celebrity, we were very curious. I remember clearly at that time Jolie went through groups of children, of all ages. of Sang, Jolie suddenly stopped, pointed at her and told the center that she decided to adopt Sang," Ms. Tuyet said.

During the conversation, Ms. Tuyet called Pax Thien by the name he had when he was brought into the center: "little Sang", "little Sang". Looking back at the adoption "everyone at the center knew about" from 17 years ago, she thinks it was a mother-daughter relationship between Angelina Jolie and baby Sang.

Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who changed each pair of pants and shirts about his past in Vietnam - Photo 4

Ms. Tuyet said that the process of Angelina Jolie adopting Pax Thien happened quickly. One day after deciding to adopt baby Sang, Jolie returned to the center, and her son had a party with teachers and orphans here.

Angelina Jolie then entrusted Quang Sang to the center, asking them to take care of her son during the adoption procedure. After only 3 days, the actress and Brad Pitt returned to Tam Binh center to pick up baby Sang.

Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who changed each pair of pants and shirts about his past in Vietnam - Photo 5

Ms. Tuyet said Pax Thien returned to the center in 2011. At that time, Angelina Jolie wanted to go through the Tam Binh Children's Protection Center to find out her son's original hometown.

When adopted by the Tam Binh Children's Protection Center, most cases like Pax Thien were recorded as "orphans". Pham Quang Sang's personal documents have the "father and mother" information missing. This is also the reason Angelina Jolie decided to choose Pax Thien as her adopted child, quickly completing the procedure to bring the 4-year-old boy back to the US.

Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who changed each pair of pants and shirts about his past in Vietnam - Photo 6

Regarding the question of whether her biological mother or grandparents came to the center to ask about Pax Thien's situation, Ms. Tuyet said that for nearly 20 years, no one has come to look for the child named Pham Quang Sang, born in 2003.

When jokingly called "the woman who contributed to raising Pax Thien", Ms. Tuyet did not dare to take credit. She said that sometimes the girls at the center go to the Internet to read information about "Sang".

Pax Thien was revealed by the woman who changed each pair of pants and shirts about his past in Vietnam - Photo 7

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