Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind?

PipiMar 14, 2023 at 15:09

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Pax Thien is now an adult and is increasingly independent on his career, but the Vietnamese-born b.oy has not yet been adopted by his adoptive mother to fulfill his promise to return to his homeland in Vietnam.

Pax Thien, whose real name is Pham Quang Sang, was born in 2003. The b.oy was raised at Tam Binh C.hild Care Center from birth until he was 3 years old. In March 2007, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt adopted Pax.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 1

The British Mirror newspaper said that at the time of adoption, Angelina promised: "I will bring Pax Thien back soon". But the actress has so far not fulfilled this statement. In 2011, Angelina and Brad took their family to Vietnam. However, they only spent a short break in Ho Chi Minh City and Con Dao, did not visit the center and did not have the appearance of Pax Thien.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 2

Mirror reporter contacted the sponsor center's staff - Ms. Nguyen Kim Xuyen. She confirmed that she never knew about Angelina Jolie's return to Vietnam. She shared that the center staff would like to see the famous star and b.oy Quang Sang again.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 3

Another reason that is also said to make Angelina afraid of bringing Pax Thien back to Vietnam is the fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild. After giving birth to Pax Thien, his biological mother left, his grandparents could not take care of him, so Pax Thien was taken to Tam Binh Orphanage Center (HCMC). Due to premature birth and inadequate care, the b.oy suffered from severe malnutrition, skin diseases and a number of other diseases.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 4

The "miracle" of Pax Thien's life appeared when Angelina Jolie went to the orphanage where he used to live to adopt. Among many children, the couple has a special impression on Pax Thien because he is the only one who is afraid, shyly hiding in a corner of the room but does not dare to run out and ask for sweets like you guys. Then, Pax Thien was the c.hild chosen by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 5

Also from here, the life of the orphan b.oy turned a new page. It is known that the first photo of the Vietnamese-born son when he came to the US was sold for an exclusive price of 7 million USD to People newspaper.

At one point, foreign media reported that, in addition to divorce settlement, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt also had to face a new issue related to Vietnamese adoption - Pax Thien. According to the source, his biological mother wants to reunite with her son.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 6

Angelina Jolie is said to haunt and live in nightmares every time she thinks about Pax Thien being reclaimed: "This is a nightmare for Brad and Angie. They've been worried about this for many years, that one day their biological parents will be. of Maddox, Pax and Zahara reclaim their children," a source told the magazine.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 7

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 8

However, Pham Thu Dung - Pax Thien's biological mother later affirmed that the whole family always watched Pax Thien's life and never intended to reclaim the b.oy. In the past, Pax Thien's biological mother was a playboy, a brother and sister, often gathering to f.ight and fall into banned substances. Pax Thien's biological mother's past is also said to be the cause of Angelina Jolie's hesitation in assigning inheritance rights. However, Angelina Jolie has never once spoken about inheritance information that the media has published.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 9

Pax Thien is already a 19-year-old teenager this year. After Angelina and Brad divorced in September, her six children now live with her at the building in Los Angeles. In mid-October, Brad Pitt conducted a drug test. The results showed that he was negative for banned substances. He was also found not guilty of the charge of physically assaulting the children. Dailymail revealed that the actor was really annoyed with the way Angelina pushed everything into trouble as it is now. Brad is ready for the custody battle.

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 10

In June 2021, Pax Thien officially graduated from high school at a prestigious private school in Los Angeles (USA). He did not attend the graduation ceremony because he was afraid of being the focus of the media. Not choosing to follow the art career like her famous parents, Pax Thien chose her own path in the field of art game (art in the game).

Angelina Jolie broke her promise to bring Pax Thien back to Vietnam for fear of her biological mother reclaiming her c.hild, exposing the truth behind? - Photo 11

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