Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly

Bảo NamApr 05, 2024 at 10:57

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Shiloh was the only child who decided to move in with her father when she turned 18 and wanted the family to get along as before. This is seen as a move against Pax Thien, Maddox and Zahara - cold sons of Brad Pitt.

Specifically, according to Life & Style exclusive, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt seeks peace when talking about family. Now, the Jolie Pitts are mired in a contentious legal battle over the Château Miraval winery in France.

Most recently, actor Troy gave up on winning custody of his children.

Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly - Photo 1

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's 18-year-old daughter has seen the entire family fall apart since the Maleficent actor filed for divorce from her husband in 2016. While Maddox's three adopted children, Pax Thien and Zahara have made it clear that they are on their mother's side, and Brad Pitt's first biological son wants the family to be the same.

"Shiloh just wants her family to be complete and happy. She loved both parents. She understands that things are not the same, but Shiloh's dream is to want her parents to be friends instead of what they are now," the source said.

Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly - Photo 2

This person also claimed that Shiloh could not turn her back on Brad Pitt because her biological son's feelings for her father were different. According to InTouch, the actor's eldest daughter plans to move in with her father when she turns 18 in May.

"Shiloh has always loved and been Pitt's little girl. She is now passionate about art, architecture, which she received from her father. They have a special bond, love to talk about the environment, classic movies and even books," he added.

Shiloh's new statement and intention to move out with his father when he turns 18 is a move against the rest of the brothers. According to In Touch, Angelina Jolie was not happy when she heard that her daughter wanted to live with Brad Pitt, but still respected her decision.

Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly - Photo 3

"Shiloh turns 18 in May and can make her own decisions. She was unhappy with the way her mother and siblings treated her father. You want to change everything," the source added.

Of the four older children who are aware of the legal battle between their parents, only biological daughter Shiloh has sympathy for Brad Pitt. She was even the one who tried to urge her brothers and sisters to talk to their father.

At one point, she ran away from home helpless in the face of worsening tensions between her parents. According to New Idea Magazine, Shiloh had no choice but to walk away for a while. She needed space to escape the toxic legal battle between her parents.

Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly - Photo 4

Meanwhile, Shiloh's siblings are all directly or indirectly against Brad Pitt. Elder Maddox said he was abused by his biological father (Brad Pitt was later exonerated), daughter Zahara dropped her father's last name, while Pax Thien hated it.

According to the Daily Mail, the Vietnamese-born adopted son reportedly hasn't spoken to the Bullet Train star since the plane dispute in 2016.

In 2020, Pax Thien used harsh words like "despicable" to talk about Brad on his personal Instagram account on Father's Day.

Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly - Photo 5

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were once considered the golden couple of the Hollywood entertainment industry. They have been drawn since collaborating on the Mr. and Mrs. Smith project (in 2015). The couple has 6 children together and was once hailed as the model family of the world entertainment industry.

Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly - Photo 6

However, in 2016, after two years of officially becoming legally married, Angelina and Brad announced their divorce. The initial cause was attributed to Brad Pitt's alcoholism and suspected violence against his wife and children.

The actress' lawyer once revealed that, despite the noisy divorce, Angelina has no ill will towards her ex-husband. She always wants her ex-husband to get rid of senseless lawsuits, do good things for his children, and heal the wounds of the whole family with her.

Pax Thien is tormented by her sister Shiloh for scolding her adoptive father, Angelina Jolie awkwardly - Photo 7

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