Noo Phuoc Thinh 'hot-faced' in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions

Trí NhiDec 22, 2023 at 06:20

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Male singer Noo Phuoc Thinh officially came out to respond to a series of false information about him. Accordingly, he was discovered to have unusual expressions and actions, suspected of using banned substances and being addicted.

Noo Phuoc Thinh is an 8x singer who has long been admired and remembered by many audiences, especially young audiences. He is also a member of the young generation of singers from 2008 - 2009, rising through his strength and at the same time as many current A-list stars such as Dong Nhi, Ngo Kien Huy, Bao Thy,...

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 1

Known for his attractive handsome looks, beauty that makes many fangirls swoon, deep and powerful voice, and good musical thinking, after debut, Noo Phuoc Thinh quickly captured the hearts of the audience. fake. Suddenly became the most expensive star at that time. He is also the one who brought success to a series of hits, such as: Wiping away tears, Really love you, Like the first minute,... All of these are songs that have made waves in the world. every digital music platform at the time.

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 2

After decades of struggling in showbiz, even though there are many other young singers popping up, the name Noo Phuoc Thinh is still the face of an artist who maintains her heat. He is also classified as an A-list star. Every time the male singer appears, he is the center of attention. His salary for each show is also rumored to be very high.

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 3

However, recently, Noo Phuoc Thinh's image is gradually being shaken in the eyes of the audience, when he got caught up in a series of unnecessary noises. Most recently, he was accused of being an addict and using banned substances, causing him to have incomprehensible actions.

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 4

Amidst the spread of information, Noo Phuoc Thinh recently spoke out for the first time about a series of strange actions on the night of Hoang Thuy Linh's concert and was said to be an addict. He denied rumors of addiction. Accordingly, Noo Phuoc Thinh said he was in the process of getting his teeth done and had to be treated, which is why he acted so strangely.

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 5

"Some of you guys are laughing so hard, let me tell you. That time when I came back from Hoang Thuy Linh's live show, there was a stream of public opinion saying I was addicted. Like I often do that, saying I'm addicted. Yes, I just caught the trough in my teeth, guys. Hey..." , Noo Phuoc Thinh said.

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 6

Not long ago, the "If" singer shared that her current life is still stable. He always sets goals and must achieve them at all costs. "I feel stable. A few years ago, I always set goals and had to achieve them at all costs, otherwise I would be depressed and sad. But now, I'm starting to lighten things up." , don't set goals anymore, just know how to do well, do 100% of my ability. As for the results, I will happily accept them and not be under pressure like before," Noo Phuoc Thinh confided.

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 7

Regarding his personal life, he is suspected of dating Miss Mai Phuong Thuy. Noo Phuoc Thinh said: "The important thing is if I sit here and say what the feelings are between me and Thuy... people won't believe it. But why do I have to say it, I like to leave it like that. forever it will be a question mark. As for the stories out there, believe it or not, please allow me to ignore it. The important thing is that insiders know each other. Society develops, everyone is equal. Smart people, wise people. No one would do anything coercive. As for love, let me speak frankly and I'll open it up for fun. Everyone is free to comment on this relationship."

Noo Phuoc Thinh hot-faced in response to noisy addiction, accused of using banned substances, unusual actions - Photo 8

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