Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality"

team youtubeJul 20, 2021 at 11:06

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Referring to Ngoc Trinh, many people think of the phrase a g.irl with a "waist 56" or the title "Queen of lingerie". Not only that, she recently surprised many people to appear as a "teacher", opening classes to teach about business-related issues.

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 1

On her personal page, Ngoc Trinh posted a clip recording the scene where she was teaching students about business as a CEO. The beauty shows off her fluent presentation skills on ethical content. In the clip, Tra Vinh's original "long leg" is a professional teacher from dress style to speech.

The beauty shared the secret of online business that everyone must know: "As everyone knows when we are born, the first thing we are taught is to be ethical. Ethics is the most special thing in business. If you make a mistake, it will be very expensive. The first thing of morality that you must have is honesty: With partners, customers and yourself, want people not to know unless you don't do it, if everyone People who know you are dishonest they will not trust you anymore and once you lose trust, you lose everything.

The second thing, you have to keep your promise, if you feel you can't do it, don't promise. The third thing is loyalty, if you lack this, there is always a feeling that standing on this mountain and looking at it is hindering success. Fourth, you must have fairness, fairness and bravery. Fifth, you must comply with the law when doing business in Vietnam, you must understand the legal regulations in Vietnam, only law-abiding businesses will take you far, all violations, even Sooner or later there will be a price to pay."

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 2

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 3

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 4

Immediately after sharing the clip, this image spread on social networks, attracting the attention of many people with mixed opinions. In it, many people think that Ngoc Trinh has stopped encroaching on being a singer to becoming a teacher, making everyone "sick".

Recently, the boss Vu Khac Tiep had a post about Ngoc Trinh that attracted attention on his personal page. He posted a series of photos of Ngoc Trinh's daily life, with the caption: "Take this b.aby home and raise it". Vu Khac Tiep's post quickly received a l.ot of attention. Besides Ngoc Trinh's beautiful appearance and unique car, the boss's status line also made netizens "notice". Some netizens teased, saying that Vu Khac Tiep should not "raise" Ngoc Trinh because it was too expensive.

However, there were also many anti-fans who took this opportunity to lash out at the two, using a series of harsh, even vulgar words. Faced with rude words provoking private life, the 8X manager chose not to respond. Ngoc Trinh - Vu Khac Tiep are famous close friends in Vietnamese showbiz. Tra Vinh's long legs were discovered and supported by his seniors in the entertainment industry, so far this soulmate has also existed for more than 10 years. They always use winged words when talking about each other. But besides that, they are also known as the "best couple" in Vbiz. In addition to the "collection" of shocking statements, the two also repeatedly made the public "hot" with sensitive images above the level of friendship, even considered ridiculous.

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 5

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 6

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 7

Recently, Khanh My - who was compared to Ngoc Trinh's "enemy" suddenly attracted attention on social networks when fiercely discussing the virtual living habits of the so-called "financial h.ot girls". The reason was that she read an article that e.xposed the truth about the "hot financial girl" association who drove luxury cars and used branded clothes to off her luxurious life. They always teach the morality of being human, show people how to make m.oney, but in reality it's all virtual.

According to Khanh My, in order to take photos to off their sophistication, these people often photoshop and call places from popular to luxurious. Even the items of this h.ot g.irl association are all "fake", they borrowed each other and then took pictures to share online. After "unmasking", the beauty recently continued to slant: "Some of you in showbiz are known as people of the public, but also do the work of harming themselves, harming people in the 4.0 era".

However, Khanh My did not specify anyone by name, but many netizens are still curious to guess that the person she is targeting is Ngoc Trinh. Because both she and the original beauty of Tra Vinh "didn't share the sky" all the time, plus Ngoc Trinh was controversial because of PR for the virtual currency floor.

An online account also scolded Khanh My for being petty and petty, so she couldn't be equal to Ngoc Trinh: "Competing with a married man, Trinh still has a way to make m.oney, but something like My sister can book an advertisement. Where do foxes harm themselves, harm people?" Before the words of the anti-fan, the beauty frankly replied: "I don't lack you. It's just that I refuse to accept and don't greed for m.oney to harm people, because I have a brain and enough understanding to analyze it. which one should, which one not. And she chooses a job with a heart and a virtue. In the film, she has no shortage of projects to invite her. In the movie, she chooses the right role, if not, she refuses it directly, but doesn't pay for it herself. Make a movie to have a movie to play me in."

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 8

Ngoc Trinh and Khanh My used to be rivals since 2014. At that time, there were many rumors that Khanh My was dating Ngoc Trinh's rich boyfriend. Ngoc Trinh and Khanh My's relationship became even worse, even "unlikely" when both became rare Vietnamese stars appearing in the VIP seats of the world famous fashion "Victoria's Secret". 2014". The public began to stare at the two beauties.

The two showed off being transported by a limousine, staying at the most luxurious hotel in London and "working hard" taking pictures with famous characters and guests. With a careful investment in costumes, Khanh My "surpassed" Ngoc Trinh when she received many compliments with her luxurious style. Not only playing with Ngoc Trinh about her talent, Khanh My is also not average when she owns a huge fortune with luxurious apartments, grand birthday parties, and limited edition designer suits. the world... However, after many years, Ngoc Trinh has now "crushed" Khanh My in both wealth and fame.

Ngoc Trinh works as a teacher to teach business ethics, netizens sarcastically: "Stop talking about morality" - Photo 9

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