Mr. Dam lifted the 'curtain', 'gently reminded' Gerard's weak point, and rose up to say one sentence?

Lan ChiDec 27, 2024 at 10:34

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Dam Vinh Hung recently spoke up after a long period of silence. The male singer hopes that everyone will see his lawsuit as "a normal thing in the district", and at the same time, he concluded with a harsh sentence "Whoever creates karma will receive it".

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 1

Specifically, sharing on his personal page, Mr. Dam said: "Your Hung never does things without reason or without reason! In short! Well, now both sides have lawyers to take care of it. Let's let them work together and soon come up with the final results."

According to Dam Vinh Hung, both sides now have lawyers to handle the matter. He firmly declared: "Hung will definitely not be gullible again, letting down those who trust him."

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 2

The male singer confided that his personality is easily moved, forgiving, quick to forget and quick to make up. He finds it cute and not worth worrying about, so he thinks there is no need to change. Dam Vinh Hung also told everyone to consider his story as "a common occurrence".

At the end of the article, Dam Vinh Hung said: "Whoever creates karma must receive it, even Dam Vinh Hung cannot avoid it. Hung would like to keep in mind and be grateful to all those who believed in and loved Hung, worried about him, spoke up to protect and shelter him while he was alone here." Some news sites and press agencies have contacted Dam Vinh Hung to learn more about this matter, but the male singer has not responded.

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 3

Previously, on February 19, while attending a party at Gerard Williams’ mansion, singer Dam Vinh Hung was hit in the leg by debris from a concrete fountain when he attempted to sit on it. The fountain was used as a stage and an outdoor beverage counter but was broken during the event.

After that, Dam Vinh Hung asked Mr. Gerard Richard Williams (51 years old) - singer Bich Tuyen's husband to compensate an amount of about 15 million USD, causing a stir in public opinion. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff Hung Huynh (known by his stage name as singer Dam Vinh Hung) accuse.d Mr. Gerard Richard Williams of failing to ensure the safety of guests at a party held at a mansion in Newport Coast (California, USA) in February 2024.

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 4

Speaking to the press, singer Bich Tuyen affirmed that she and her husband will not pay compensation because they were not at fault in the incident: "We will go to court, we will not negotiate or compromise with Dam Vinh Hung" - she said.

On December 4, Dam Vinh Hung officially announced that he had withdrawn the lawsuit and would not re-file the lawsuit. He wanted both himself and billionaire Gerard William to apologize to each other as well as to the audience. Dam Vinh Hung also admitted that he had "made incorrect decisions that were completely contrary to his true self."

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 5

After that, billionaire Gerard Williams announced that he was filing a counter-suit against singer Dam Vinh Hung in the California Supreme Court, Orange County. Initially, the petition consisted of 34 pages, but on December 9, it was extended to 338 pages. In it, Mr. Williams presented a series of evidence - including many photos, information, personal messages related to the incident as well as the singer's life and financial situation.

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 6

In addition, Mr. Gerard Williams provided him with the element of extortion. Specifically, Dung Taylor said: "Based on an event from 2006, the claimant was prosecuted for extortion when demanding compensation before the lawsuit that was too high, unreasonable with the injury and income. Thereby, Mr. Gerard Williams's law firm included the element of extortion in the file to investigate whether Dam Vinh Hung's lawsuit was extortion or not?".

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 7

It is known that for accidents that do not cause serious consequences and cause the deat.h of others, 15 million USD is a very large compensation claim. Through the accusations from Mr. Gerard Williams, singer Dam Vinh Hung may have to prove that his income is suitable for this compensation amount. Mr. Dung Taylor also said that in the 34-page file of billionaire Gerard Williams, Dam Vinh Hung withdrew the lawsuit because he did not want to make public the income tax documents.

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 8

Most recently, singer Dam Vinh Hung has replaced the previous consulting lawyer group with lawyer Tu Huy Hoang in his lawsuit with Mr. Gerard Williams. Speaking to the press, Mr. Dung Taylor stated that this is a Vietnamese lawyer who is knowledgeable about American law and has a high success rate in previous cases. However, in order for singer Dam Vinh Hung to win the lawsuit, lawyer Tu Huy Hoang will also have to prove that billionaire Gerard Williams' accusations of tax and extortion against Dam Vinh Hung are baseless.

Mr. Dam lifted the curtain, gently reminded Gerards weak point, and rose up to say one sentence? - Photo 9

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