Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to 'fall off his horse' because of his 'faulty life'?

Kim OanhOct 01, 2024 at 16:15

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Minh Du is a name that is being mentioned a lo.t on social networks. Minh Du was born in 1995, in Ho Chi Minh City. HCM. Currently, the actor is active at the Young World theater.

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 1

With a rhetorical style, speaking in the style of hybrid poetry, sometimes "cursing with words", Minh Du is called "the curse saint of Vietnamese showbiz".

In 2015, Minh Du participated in the Comedy Challenge program and attracted the attention of the judge duo Viet Huong - Tran Thanh. Although at that time, Minh Du was only a supporting actor, not an official contestant. Although he did not win a high award, thanks to his fluent speaking skills, graceful acting, and eloquence, Minh Du received praise from colleagues, the media and the audience. Talking about the milestone of the Comedy Challenge, Minh Du once shared:

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 2

"I was happy to cry when I received the judges' compliments, because I had previously participated in a few casting contests but failed and was talked about a lo.t. It gives me more motivation to keep trying. For me, criticism or praise that appears at the right time can change a person. I thank you all."

In the following years, Minh Du continued to participate in other comedy and acting contests. In the program Xiao Lam Arena, Minh Du really threw a tantrum to bring very catchy poetry curses. From then on, the actor was nicknamed "the curse saint of Vietnamese showbiz".

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 3

When asked if he was afraid to be associated with the nickname "holy curse", Minh Du said: "If you want to curse to become a saint, you also have to learn a lo.t to have words to curse. But if Du determines by profession as an actor, it's okay, but now I'm teaching, so I'm a little embarrassed."

In 2020, Minh Du surprised when he revealed that besides his time working on the drama stage, he also worked as a teaching assistant in the Faculty of Literature at Van Hien University in Ho Chi Minh City. HCM. Talking about working as a teaching assistant, Minh Du shared: "The decision to collaborate with the role of teaching assistant at Van Hien University Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City is not a decision to make on the first or second day or want to polish the name. Honestly, I've loved standing on the podium for a long time, when I was a student at the school.

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 4

I dream of being able to bring my knowledge to support my juniors, as well as contribute to spreading the fire and love of beautiful values of literature to you." Currently, Minh Du is still performing at the Young World Theater stage. The actor has stood on the same stage with many famous artists but still creates his own characteristics because of his graceful, comfortable and confident acting style.

Minh Du once shared that he wants to spend a lo.t of time on the stage because he likes to act: "I like to transmit optimistic energy to the people around me and realize that the stage has helped me confidently live with all my passion and enthusiasm".

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 5

"I'm afraid that if I keep trying to make the audience laugh, it will make them bored. They also did not see the newness of Minh Du - what a stage actor fears the most. For gameshows or webdramas, in fact, I still select and consider so that when I participate, I can please the audience, as well as contribute to creating an attraction for the sho.w. On the other hand, I am aiming for the process of honing and learning to improve myself more. I think if I really want to go far, go a long time with the profession, I need to equip myself with a solid foundation, the best thinking about language, in addition to stage experience," Minh Du added.

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 6

In Vietnamese showbiz, Minh Du has a close relationship with many artists. The actor has many times worked with Le Duong Bao Lam, Tran Thanh, Thu Trang, Tien Luat, BB Tran, Nam Thu, Hoang Phi, Phuong Lan, Kha Nhu. Minh Du's films he has acted in are: Jackpot Island - The Mother of the Heavenly Spirit, Thirteen Muoi, South Africa in a row, The Story of the Little Family.

How many exemplary and talented beautiful images of the actor quickly collapsed in the eyes of the audience after a recent social media shoc.k.

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 7

Specifically, the husband of actor Phuong Lan - Phan Dat implied that some artists oppressed "juniors" and had private lives. Not only that, in the post at dawn on October 1, Phan Dat also suddenly mentioned the names of some artists, including Minh Du. Phan Dat frankly stated that the whole team works seriously and wonderfully, but there are only a few individuals who make him unhappy.

Phuong Lan's husband added: "Sometimes the sentences from my music are written thanks to the conversations and hearings from them. All the things I mention and talk about are certainly not intended to destroy or destroy the collective.

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 8

I loved the stage most sincerely, without profit, without taking advantage of it. All my colleagues, uncles, and colleagues when they need me, I always force myself not to shake my head. So this will be my last time about this incident."

Phan Dat wants to share the story with a purpose before he stops pursuing his path. The male singer chooses to be the most honest with his friends who share the same passion for art. So that the audience will have a more multi-dimensional perspective, more careful and more serious. He hopes that the next generations will be completely civilized and clean. Phan Dat expressed: "From the bottom of my heart, I bring honor and family to swear that my bad experiences are true."

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 9

Currently, below Phan Dat's article, which is receiving a huge number of interactions, many people in the entertainment industry have also taken turns to expos.e and 'expose' the scary hidden corners in showbiz related to the characters mentioned in the article.

On Minh Du's side, the actor quietly limited comments on his personal page, and at the same time, the crew is still working together to come up with a solution, which information is not true thanks to the intervention of the law.

Minh Du: loved for his charming comedy, about to fall off his horse because of his faulty life? - Photo 10

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