Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo

Hu1ed3ng Hu1ea1nhJul 10, 2021 at 10:00

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In Chinese showbiz, Lieu Nham is a beautiful woman. She has a sex.y bod.y, is constantly entangled in rumors of exchanging love for roles and was once considered a "lower" type of actress.

2020 is a successful year for actress Lieu Nham. Thanks to her impressive performance in the movie Beneficiary, she was awarded the Best Actress awar.d by the Golden Rooster Awar.d Organizing Committee, along with Chau Dong Vu in November.

If you follow Lieu Nham's struggle, you will see that she is prejudiced a lot and has to go through hardships to gain recognition.

Liu Yan was born in 1980 into a poor family in Hunan. Because of her birth, the family has to pay fines and become more miserable. Therefore, Lieu Nham soon went to work to help support the family.

Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo - Photo 1

When she was 19 years old, Lieu Nham's mother was diagnosed with cancer. At this time, Lieu Nham is working as a nurse at a hospital. The mother's illness made the beautiful family even more exhausted. Liu Yan decided to quit her job and move to Beijing to find a new job with a better salary and help support her family.

At first, Lieu Nham tried his hand at being a presenter. However, because she is not famous, the actress is often bullied and humiliated by the staff. In 2005, Lieu Nham participated in the presenter contest, winning 7th place. After that, she joined the artist management company, gradually stepping into the path of an actress.

Start over in silence

The film crew Mong Hoa Luc finished filming on July 5. Rare image of Lieu Nham on set was announced. This is a major television project, which has received the most attention of the actress after more than 4 years of being entangled in the market with male colleagues, being cold by people in the world.

This time, Lieu Nham collaborated with famous actors such as Liu Yifei, Tran Hieu, and Lam Duan. In the movie, she plays the role of Ton Tam Nuong. The character has an unhappy married life, wants to jump into the river to commi.t suicid.e, but is saved by Trieu Phan Nhi (played by Liu Yifei). Finally, they went up to Bianjing and opened a tea shop.

Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo - Photo 2

Reading through the script, Sina thought that Lieu Nham's new role was suitable for her ag.e and psychological depth. Even though it is only a supporting role, the performance of the actress is very desirable because the way the character of Mong Hoa Luc is built with a distinct identity, each person has a destiny that will help the actor have his own land to "use martial arts", no footstep each other.

The image of the character Ton Tam Nuong of Lieu Nham is also praised for being beautiful and sharp.

According to Sina, the supporting female role in Dream Flower is a worthy compensation for Lieu Nham's efforts. Only after 13 years of acting, professionals and audiences appreciate the talent of the old lady who was once called the "Chinese se.x bomb" with the movie Beneficiary.

Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo - Photo 3

In Beneficiary, Lieu Nham plays Nhac Mieu Mieu - a famous person on social networks. Her daily job is livestream chatting with fans. To entice the audience, Yue Miao Mieu defied all tricks, lied about her background and ag.e. After each online broadcast, she returned to the reality of herself as a 38-year-old woman, on a tight budget and living in a rickety room.

The role of rural gir.l Yue Miao Miao, played by Lieu Nham, won the Golden Rooster Awar.d 2020. She was awarded the Best Actress awar.d, along with Chau Dong Vu in November. Before that, at Lien Lien. Macau International Film Festival 2019, Lieu Nham also received the title of Best Actress for her convincing performance in the movie Beneficiary.

In his speech at Kim Ke, Lieu Nham said: "Many people are surprised because I am in the awar.d. It's okay to be surprised, it means you're impressed." In the past few years, the female artist has switched to a more discreet image, quietly launching a new project.

Don't show off your body to earn fame

It is undeniable that the audience pays attention to Lieu Nham thanks to her attractive body. In 2008, the actress entered the acting path with supporting roles in movies.

Her role in Painted Wall marked the first time Lieu Nham appeared on screen in cool clothes, without hesitation to perform semi-nude scenes.

Then, when participating in film projects such as The Secret of the 12 Constellations, The Realm of the Detective, The Perfect Marriage, The Scary Truth... the characters played by Lieu Nham are associated with intimate scenes, showing off. close.

Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo - Photo 4

At that time, many producers admitted that they invited Lieu Nham and tried to insert scenes showing off her body in the work to attract audiences to theaters, according to Sina.

In 2013, Lieu Nham had the boldest show of his body in his acting career when he participated in Four Great Names 2.

She played the role of the female ghost Nhu Yen and spent a lot of media ink with the nake.d bathing scene to reveal the first and third breasts. The role of the beauty is the most noisy TV character of the year.

Going up with eye-catchin.g curves, provocative moments in front of the camera or even the title of "sex bomb", "Chinese super bust", Lieu Nham insists that this is not the way she uses. to be famous in showbiz.

The actress admitted that she was used to play ho.t scenes, showing off her ski.n without a clear and reasonable purpose. However, she has no choice but to "take off" in front of the camera. That year, her mother got cancer and needed large amount of mone.y for treatment.

Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo - Photo 5

In The Four Great Names 2, Lieu Nham was in the middle of a flower-filled bathtub, once there was a line: "No one looks at my face, no one looks at my eyes, everyone looks at my breasts".

Attached to the sex.y image, the actress was compared with Can Lo Lo. Even when playing the role of a gentle and weak young woman, Tan Kha Tinh in Tan Vien Nguyet, she was still judged by the audience as "like acting Phan Kim Lien". The roles played by Lieu Nham used to become search terms associated with pornographic films.

On iFeng, Lieu Nham shared that she wanted to prove her unlimited acting ability in Chinese showbiz. "I am not a sex.y beauty who only knows how to entertain men on the screen," she affirmed.

As a fiery actress, but more than anyone else, Lieu Nham wants to break all stereotypes about sex.y actresses. She doesn't want to be seen as a "mobile vase" with bland roles, no fate on screen, other than pointless displays of body.

"I want directors to see my quality, who is able to act in all kinds of roles from crazy, cunning to roles that require complex and delicate psychology," she shared on.

Paying the price for being famous for your body

As soon as the name became known, Lieu Nham began to understand the price to pay for his ho.t appearance. It was the excessive display of her body on the screen that made her entangled in many controversies

Lieu Nham shared that she realized the harm of being too famous just because of her physical advantage. The actress was shunned by many colleagues, especially male artists, because she was afraid of marketing. Many years of working in the entertainment industry, Lieu Nham has only Dai Bang as a close friend.

The 41-year-old female star asserts that Dai Bang is far from the majority of men in showbiz. He doesn't see her as a cliché artist, going up by showing off her body, but judging by her personality and ability. "Besides my father, Dai Bang is the second man who values me," Lieu Nham said.

They started their friendship and became a good partner on the screen in 2007. After the Golden Rooster awar.d ceremony, the beauty born in 1980 said she was lucky to meet Dai Bang. He twice "saved" Lieu Nham's life.

During the period of blooming fame, Lieu Nham tried hard to find a role to break through, get rid of the image of a sex.y beauty, but had no luck. "Everyone thinks that Lieu Nham only knows how to take off, nothing but a beautiful body," she said.

Dai Bang then introduced her to the cast of Superman Donuts (2015). Lieu Nham's name became prominent after the success of the film.

This is just a comedy work with a low production cost ($13 million) and grossed $187 million. Lieu Nham plays his own role with many sour lines when talking about his career as well as being prejudiced due to his ho.t bod.y.

Also in 2015, Lieu Nham also won the nomination for Best Supporting Actress of the Bach Ngoc Lan Awar.d for the work "Major Marshal". She was initially recognized for her acting ability.

Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo - Photo 6

Career is going smoothly, in 2016, when participating in the wedding of actor Bao Boi Er as a bridesmaid, Lieu Nham was noisy with a series of actors in showbiz. The incident made her shunned by people in the world, after all, it was the female who was the victi.m of the excessive joke.

In the Global Times, Lieu Nham said she was canceled all advertising contracts and many roles after the scandal. Beautiful people have to switch to livestream sales to maintain income. Later, with the help of Dai Bang, she received supporting roles or cameos in films.

It wasn't until 2019 that the once-sexy icon returned to the screen with the main role in The Beneficiary. It was none other than Dai Bang who recommended Lieu Nham.

Not missing the golden opportunity given by the trust of her close friend, the actress put all her efforts into the role. Lieu Nham's ability was highly appreciated by critics and audiences.

"Lieu Nham's career, reputation and life have turned to a new turning point with more brilliant things thanks to Dai Bang. He has reincarnated Lieu Nham twice. Dai Bang is the one who helped me get out of my mind. opinions and disparaging views of people in the industry and the public," Lieu Nham said.

The actress has to take care of her family, so she always works hard and is nicknamed "the three women who risk their lives". Lieu Nham said that in the future, she will build a discreet and luxurious image, only accepting sex.y roles when absolutely necessary.

Lieu Nham: The beauty suffered for 13 years because of her sex.y bod.y and was compared to Can Lo Lo - Photo 7

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