Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter

Hoàng PhúcAug 06, 2022 at 07:41

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Possessing the same beauty as Emma Watson, Kiernan Shipka has endured countless sufferings like "falling from the sky". She is constantly compared with her seniors in terms of looks and acting.

Famous from the classic Harry Potter series, Emma Watson has become a familiar name for any movie lover. However, being famous also entails many funny situations, such as ... a series of "replicas" of Emma Watson appeared. On the screen there is a similar girl, with a later starting point, later famous but still attracting attention because her appearance is easily mistaken for Hermione.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 1

Not only beauty, but even the journey to conquer the Hollywood screen of actress Kiernan Shipka has many similarities with Emma Watson. She started her career as a child star, but at that time her name was not as explosive as when Emma Watson played Harry Potter. But thanks to her clear and vivacious appearance, Shipka participated in many popular film and television projects, including Disney's Cory in the House or Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 2

However, it was not until adulthood that Kiernan Shipka's beauty was compared with Emma Watson. Many articles on social networks attract the attention of the audience when these two beauties have a confusing and similar appearance.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 3

In 2014, Shipka was named in the top 25 most influential teenagers. That same year was a Young Hollywood Awards for the category with the funny name "You Are So Fancy".

Once out of the shell of a child star, Kiernan Shipka began to gain global fame thanks to a role... a witch. She played the female lead Sabrina in the hit series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, then also appeared in Riverdale.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 4

If Emma Watson was the "little witch" of the Hollywood screen in the 2000s, by the 2010s, this title automatically belonged to Kiernan Shipka. The approach to the plot about the little witch Sabrina in the direction of horror has helped the film become a hit, contributing to bringing the name of the young star born in 1999 to a new height.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 5

In fact, Kiernan Shipka understands that she is often compared to Emma Watson, especially in terms of beauty. In an Instagram post, she received a lot of comments from netizens, most of which teased her by calling her Emma Watson. In response to the audience, Kiernan Shipka pretended to be Emma Watson, commenting, "Thanks. I had a great time filming Harry Potter and am so excited about the upcoming projects."

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 6

Although often seen as "a clone of Emma Watson", Kiernan Shipka clearly does not care and worry about this. Having a successful career later than her senior and still young, Shipka still has plenty of time and opportunities to shine in the future, especially after the success of the role of Sabrina.

Back to Emma Watson, the actress is considered a rare case in Hollywood with a solid reputation and huge fortune at the age of 32. Watson's acting career is closely linked to the success of the Harry Potter franchise. , but in recent years, she is widely known as a star with a strong voice supporting movements for social progress. She is one of the inspirational icons for young people.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 7

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Emma Watson's net worth as of 2022 is $85 million. Despite being a millionaire, Watson's image in front of the media has always been a woman with a simple private life, busy with community activities.

The audience has never heard of Emma Watson participating in lavish parties, festivals, buying expensive items or getting entangled in love noise. On the contrary, people heard that she went to school, gave lectures, called for a change in awareness and action of the community in the face of painful realities... From 2020, she was appointed to the collective management board. luxury fashion group Kering - which owns the Gucci, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen brands.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 8

The simple, secretive lifestyle of the British star reflects what she once shared: "Wearing cheap clothes doesn't mean I'm poor. Remember, you need to feed your family, not make money with your family. society". Knowing what she needs, what she wants and doing her best for those goals, Emma Watson deserves to be an inspirational symbol for young audiences.

Kiernan Shipka - The beauty has the same appearance as Emma Watson, even claiming to have played Harry Potter - Photo 9

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