K-ICM was 'labeled' as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression?

Mỹ HoaJan 25, 2025 at 08:32

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Once releasing a flurry of products, K-ICM has been quiet in 2023-2024, not releasing any new MVs. As K-ICM explained, he spends most of his time performing abroad.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 1

The income from performing abroad is not high, but it is an opportunity for the 1999-born producer to learn and look back at the past to know what he should and needs to do. In a recent conversation, when asked about the fact that K-ICM is still mentioned very often by the online community, but mainly through articles related to Jack, does it make him uncomfortable? The male DJ surprisingly shared: "Anyway, we used to collaborate and were partners, so I don't see any problem. I think there's no need to be strict with yourself and then get upset, just live lightly."

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 2

Besides, when following the current reaction of the online community, K-ICM said: 'How things are, what matters is how we perceive them. If we see people's comments as harsh, then they are always harsh. If we look at things in a simple way, then they are always simple.'

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 3

Constantly facing public pressure for a period of time, K-ICM fell into a difficult psychological period. "During my crisis, luckily my wife was by my side. Without her, I wouldn't have known who to talk to or what to do to overcome that period. Because that period is very easy to get depressed.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 4

My wife is an introvert so she always takes care of her family. At first, I asked her to help with company issues, but then she wanted to take care of her family more. From then on, I adjusted my working style so that my wife could spend more time with her family. She doesn't want to appear too much" - Nam DJ shared.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 5

At the end of 2019, Jack accused K-ICM and his adoptive mother of oppressing him. The two stopped collaborating, and K-ICM faced a lot of criticism from Jack's fans. This also caused K-ICM to struggle for a long time. From 2020 to 2021, he released many products but they were not received as enthusiastically by the audience as when he collaborated with Jack.

At one point, K-ICM announced that he was ceasing his activities due to personal issues. After that, he returned to music but his career did not progress. In July 2023, the male artist announced that he had left the company and changed his stage name to Khanh. He also no longer had the right to control his previous Facebook fan page and YouTube channel.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 6

Starting from scratch, the male producer faced many difficulties. When working independently, he created a YouTube channel with a new stage name but did not have many followers and did not achieve many impressive results.

At present, K-ICM lives a rather private life, he does not share much information about his personal life like before. Khanh said he uses work to fill the mental instability after the incident.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 7

Recently, K-ICM has been the music director for many events. He admitted that his glory days have passed, now he is more suitable to stand behind the stage than to appear in front of the audience.

"Art seems to be ingrained in my blood. Whenever I feel stressed or down, I try to find a new direction and develop myself, but I never intend to give up art," K-ICM shared.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 8

K-ICM publicly announced his girlfriend named Thuy Linh in July 2023. He said his girlfriend is a non-celebrity, and their love developed from friendship. She has been with him for many years, is his spiritual support, and has helped him overcome difficult times.

Recently, K-ICM is also known as a DJ after joining Great Entertainment with B Ray, Masew,... Recently, K-ICM has also collaborated with many veteran singers such as Trung Quan Idol, Van Mai Huong.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 9

Recalled amid the noise of his old friend and Viruss, a group of netizens suddenly turned around and apologized to the male producer. Many people were disappointed with Jack's behavior, so they questioned whether K-ICM's previous scandals were partly at fault.

K-ICM was labeled as hiding behind Jack 97, uttered a shocking sentence, risk of depression? - Photo 10

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